
I have raised the issue[1][2] you outline with Ian Jacobs, the W3C Process working group and others at W3C,

It's my particular concern and thesis that authors and end-users, including those requiring alternative affordance
are not well represented on W3C working groups.

Why is there no W3C UA Games technology or WG?


Jonathan Chetwynd

Jonathan Chetwynd

+44 (0) 20 7978 1764

[1] On 24 Sep 2009, at 20:00, Yehuda Katz wrote:

I'll think about it. I was mostly hoping to start a discussion about alternatives. I think the bottom line here is that while the spec is well-optimized for implementors, it is not very well optimized for consumers. I suppose it would be possible to say that this stuff is *only* for implementors. I'd prefer if it were also readable for those trying to use the specification.

-- Yehuda

[2] There are for instance a very large number of published comments raising similar concerns, regarding the technical language of WCAG2 - WAI, W3C.

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