
So, erm, your conclusion should be we follow MicroSoft Windows copy- and-paste? I still find that the immediate-clipboard-data-delivery is a safer mechanism.
It's funny to fall on such a dichotomy!

Le 23-août-09 à 15:47, timeless a écrit :

With the advent of OLE, there are two Clipboard mechanisms in Windows.
The standard Windows Clipboard API is still available, but it has been
Note that Windows really does lump clipboard and drag and drop together.

Wasn't it a person of MicroSoft that started that thread?

Thanks for the pointers. We now have more words: supply data on demand or supply data immediately is the crucial difference.

The on-demand situation means: the application still must live for its on-demand flavours to be available.

We're now porting it all to a web-browser: an application is a web- page, a document that is. So on-demand copy-and-paste would stop being available as soon the document is gone, i.e., as soon as the page is changed following a link or a back, right?

I would feel bothered as a user.


On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 12:11 AM, Paul Libbrecht<p...@activemath.org> wrote:
I am sorry that's not true: a system clipboard is filled independently of
the application.

No, I'm sorry you're unaware of how other operating systems work.

See here:
http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/CopyandPaste/Articles/pbFundamentals.html#/ /apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40004254


How data is inserted into a data source depends on whether the data is
supplied immediately or on demand, and in which medium it is supplied.
The possibilities are as follows.

Supplying Data on Demand (Delayed Rendering)

In the Data on Demand/Delayed Rendering case, the data does not
survive app death (unless the app chooses to force the data onto the
clipboard immediately before death).

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