Re: Publishing Selectors API Level 2 as an FPWD?

2010-01-10 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 1/11/10 1:24 AM, Sean Hogan wrote:

That's correct. jQuery's $(element).find("div") is the equivalent of
SelectorsAPI2's element.querySelectorAll(":scope div") or

So in fact jquery can simply implement Element.find in terms of 
querySelectorAll by just prepending ":scope " to the selector string, 
right?  Note that this happens to work even for the "> div" case (by 
converting the selector to ":scope > div", which is what jquery means).

So the "> div" thing doesn't seem to require preparsing (modulo commas 
in the selector; was that the key point?).  Of course the jquery 
selectors that aren't in CSS do (or possibly post-parsing depending on 
how it's implemented).

My point is that jQuery's $(element).find("> div") isn't supported
(without pre-processing by the JS lib) by element.queryScopedSelectorAll().


element.queryScopedSelectorAll(":scope > div") generally becomes
element.parentNode.querySelectorAll(":scope > div", element) which is
the same as
element.querySelectorAll(":scope > div", element) or even
element.querySelectorAll(":scope > div")

That's what I'm confused about.  Does implementing element.find("> div") 
as element.queryScopedSelectorAll(":scope > div") not do what the 
current jquery code does?  If not, how do they differ?

I'm still confused about queryScopedSelectorAll, though. It sounds from 
your example like queryScopedSelectorAll just prepends ":scope " to the 
whole query string and then calls querySelectorAll on the parentNode of 
the scope node, with the scope node passed in as the optional argument.  So:


is the same as:

  element.parentNode.querySelectorAll(":scope " + myStr, element);

is that correct?


Re: Publishing Selectors API Level 2 as an FPWD?

2010-01-10 Thread Sean Hogan

On 11/01/10 5:24 PM, Sean Hogan wrote:

On 11/01/10 4:19 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

On 1/10/10 11:58 PM, Sean Hogan wrote:

Even if jQuery deprecates non-standard selectors, the current spec for
queryScopedSelector*() doesn't support the jQuery implicitly "scoped"
selector "> *".

As I understand it, jquery selectors on elements are always scoped in 
the sense that they behave differently from the v1 Selectors API.  In 
particular, if I understand correctly, the behavior of:

  element.querySelector("body div")

in matching all s that are descendants of |element| and also 
descendants of a  (which may be an _ancestor_ of |element|) is 
different from the selector behavior in jquery.

Or did I understand incorrectly?

That's correct. jQuery's $(element).find("div") is the equivalent of 
SelectorsAPI2's element.querySelectorAll(":scope div") or 

Oops. Not a very insightful example. Perhaps the following would be 
better. Same for examples below.

jQuery's $(element).find("div p") is the equivalent of SelectorsAPI2's 
element.querySelectorAll(":scope div p") or 
element.queryScopedSelectorAll("div p").

My point is that jQuery's $(element).find("> div") isn't supported 
(without pre-processing by the JS lib) by 

All that said, I just read the draft at and I can't make heads 
or tails of either what the new arguments to querySelector(All) are 
supposed to mean (are they just an enumaration of the things :scope 
is allowed to match during the selector evaluation?) or what 
queryScopedSelector(All) is supposed to do.  Am I just missing 
something?  Am I reading the wrong draft?

(I'd link to the "dated" version of the draft, in case it changes, 
but that link is broken, sadly.)

You are correct about the new refNodes argument in querySelector*().
queryScopedSelector*() are more-or-less wrappers around querySelector*().


element.queryScopedSelectorAll("div") generally becomes
element.parentNode.querySelectorAll(":scope div", element) which is 
the same as

element.querySelectorAll(":scope div", element) or even
element.querySelectorAll(":scope div")

element.queryScopedSelectorAll(":scope > div") generally becomes
element.parentNode.querySelectorAll(":scope > div", element) which is 
the same as

element.querySelectorAll(":scope > div", element) or even
element.querySelectorAll(":scope > div")

element.queryScopedSelectorAll(":scope + div") generally becomes
element.parentNode.querySelectorAll(":scope + div", element)

element.queryScopedSelectorAll("div, div:scope") generally becomes
element.parentNode.querySelectorAll(":scope div, div:scope", element)

Re: Publishing Selectors API Level 2 as an FPWD?

2010-01-10 Thread Sean Hogan

On 11/01/10 4:19 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

On 1/10/10 11:58 PM, Sean Hogan wrote:

Even if jQuery deprecates non-standard selectors, the current spec for
queryScopedSelector*() doesn't support the jQuery implicitly "scoped"
selector "> *".

As I understand it, jquery selectors on elements are always scoped in 
the sense that they behave differently from the v1 Selectors API.  In 
particular, if I understand correctly, the behavior of:

  element.querySelector("body div")

in matching all s that are descendants of |element| and also 
descendants of a  (which may be an _ancestor_ of |element|) is 
different from the selector behavior in jquery.

Or did I understand incorrectly?

That's correct. jQuery's $(element).find("div") is the equivalent of 
SelectorsAPI2's element.querySelectorAll(":scope div") or 

My point is that jQuery's $(element).find("> div") isn't supported 
(without pre-processing by the JS lib) by element.queryScopedSelectorAll().

All that said, I just read the draft at and I can't make heads 
or tails of either what the new arguments to querySelector(All) are 
supposed to mean (are they just an enumaration of the things :scope is 
allowed to match during the selector evaluation?) or what 
queryScopedSelector(All) is supposed to do.  Am I just missing 
something?  Am I reading the wrong draft?

(I'd link to the "dated" version of the draft, in case it changes, but 
that link is broken, sadly.)

You are correct about the new refNodes argument in querySelector*().
queryScopedSelector*() are more-or-less wrappers around querySelector*().


element.queryScopedSelectorAll("div") generally becomes
element.parentNode.querySelectorAll(":scope div", element) which is the 
same as

element.querySelectorAll(":scope div", element) or even
element.querySelectorAll(":scope div")

element.queryScopedSelectorAll(":scope > div") generally becomes
element.parentNode.querySelectorAll(":scope > div", element) which is 
the same as

element.querySelectorAll(":scope > div", element) or even
element.querySelectorAll(":scope > div")

element.queryScopedSelectorAll(":scope + div") generally becomes
element.parentNode.querySelectorAll(":scope + div", element)

element.queryScopedSelectorAll("div, div:scope") generally becomes
element.parentNode.querySelectorAll(":scope div, div:scope", element)

Re: Publishing Selectors API Level 2 as an FPWD?

2010-01-10 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 1/10/10 11:58 PM, Sean Hogan wrote:

Even if jQuery deprecates non-standard selectors, the current spec for
queryScopedSelector*() doesn't support the jQuery implicitly "scoped"
selector "> *".

As I understand it, jquery selectors on elements are always scoped in 
the sense that they behave differently from the v1 Selectors API.  In 
particular, if I understand correctly, the behavior of:

  element.querySelector("body div")

in matching all s that are descendants of |element| and also 
descendants of a  (which may be an _ancestor_ of |element|) is 
different from the selector behavior in jquery.

Or did I understand incorrectly?

All that said, I just read the draft at and I can't make heads or 
tails of either what the new arguments to querySelector(All) are 
supposed to mean (are they just an enumaration of the things :scope is 
allowed to match during the selector evaluation?) or what 
queryScopedSelector(All) is supposed to do.  Am I just missing 
something?  Am I reading the wrong draft?

(I'd link to the "dated" version of the draft, in case it changes, but 
that link is broken, sadly.)

In the following forms :scope is misleading:

element.queryScopedSelector(":scope + *")
element.queryScopedSelector(":scope ~ *")

and especially:

element.querySelector("* :scope *", refNode)

Can't exactly comment on this given the above


Re: Publishing Selectors API Level 2 as an FPWD?

2010-01-10 Thread Sean Hogan

On 11/01/10 8:29 AM, Lachlan Hunt wrote:

Sean Hogan wrote:

On 8/01/10 1:19 AM, Lachlan Hunt wrote:

can we publish Selectors API Level 2 as an FPWD?

I can't see the value of queryScopedSelector*() methods. The original
rationale was that JS libs could potentially drop their selector
engines, but this isn't facilitated by the proposed methods. Given that
JS libs will still have to parse the selectors it is a trivial step 
to call

querySelector*(rewrittenSelector, refNode)
rather than

Personally, I agree and was initially hesitant about adding it, but 
there were some reasonable arguments put forth suggesting that lifting 
the burden of pre-processing the selector to prepend :scope from JS 
libs would be useful [1].  Evidence to the contrary would be helpful.  
John Resig also once told me he had an alternative proposal, but he 
hasn't yet shared it with me.

That's my point - in its current form queryScopedSelector*() doesn't 
lift that burden of pre-processing.
I don't know about all selector engines, but jQuery, for example, has 
several non-standard selectors that will continue to require 

:first, :last, :even, :odd, :eq(), :gt(), :lt(), :header, :animated,
:contains(), :has(), :parent,
:input, :text, :password, :radio, :checkbox, :submit, :image, :reset, 
:button, :file

Even if jQuery deprecates non-standard selectors, the current spec for 
queryScopedSelector*() doesn't support the jQuery implicitly "scoped" 
selector "> *".

The queryScopedSelector*() methods have misleading names - they don't
match the definition of scope.
It would be ridiculous to stick with those names if there are no
implementations already out there.

Do you have a better alternative suggestion?

Similarly, the :scope pseudo-class has a misleading name.

I've tried various alternative names, like :context, :reference, etc., 
but so far scope seems to be the least objectionable.  But all things 
considered, I don't think :scope is a particularly bad name, since 
it's name somewhat describes it's purpose and relates it to its 
utility in scoped stylesheets.

:reference matches the text of the spec. :context would be second choice 
I guess.

I seem to recall :ref-node and :context-node also being suggested.
:scope only describes its purpose in specific cases - queries with one 
of the following forms:

element.queryScopedSelector(":scope *")
element.queryScopedSelector(":scope > *")

In the following forms :scope is misleading:

element.queryScopedSelector(":scope + *")
element.queryScopedSelector(":scope ~ *")

and especially:

element.querySelector("* :scope *", refNode)

Re: [UMP] Feedback on UMP from a quick read

2010-01-10 Thread Tyler Close
On Sun, Jan 10, 2010 at 6:54 AM, Maciej Stachowiak  wrote:
> What I meant to say was that the weak confidentiality
> protection for ECMAScript should not be used as an excuse to weaken
> protection for other resources.

And I was never proposing to weaken existing protection for other
resources. My reasoning rested on two points:
1. I thought this redirect behavior was the CORS defined behavior.
2. Even if it's not, this WG is currently defining the security model
for newly allowed cross-domain requests. It's reasonable to say that
if you refer to a resource using a guessable URL and respond to a
uniform GET request with a response marked as accessible by any
origin, then there's no confidentiality. This rule has no impact on
the security of existing resources, since they don't yet have a Same
Origin Policy opt-out header. This rule has the advantage of covering
up the bizarre Same Origin Policy handling of ECMAScript data, thus
eliminating a dangerous security gotcha for developers. It's bad when
developers think they've implemented a design that provides
confidentiality, and that turns out not to be true. We should be
trying for a simple set of rules that yield easily predictable

> This is a leaky and awkward hole but it does
> not justify ignoring more general confidentiality concerns in any context.

Again, I wasn't doing that. I was looking at one very specific context
that doesn't even exist yet, because we're currently defining it.

> Adam's analogy was that the widespread existence of XSS bugs is not a reason
> to remove all cross-domain protection either.

That would be an extremely foolish thing to propose. I don't think I
was being extremely foolish. The analogy is a poor one.

> While it's not a 100% on-point
> analogy, I got the point he was making and I recognize that it is similar to
> my own.

In that case, please consider the argument I present at the top of
this email. The proposal is different from what you've understood.


"Waterken News: Capability security on the Web"

Re: [UMP] Proxy-Authorization

2010-01-10 Thread Adam Barth
I don't quite understand this part of that text:

In this case, the request
sent by the user-agent is not a uniform request; however, the request
ultimately delivered to the resource host will be, since any
Proxy-Authorization request header is removed by the proxy before
forwarding the request to the resource host.

Concretely, suppose:

1) The user has authenticated to a proxy P using the
Proxy-Authenticate / Proxy-Authentication protocol.
2) The user visits web site A which uses the UniformRequest API to
generate a request R to web site B.
3) Based on that text, it sounds like R is delivered to P with the
Proxy-Authentication information intact.  Presumably the proxy will
forward the request to B.
4) B responds with "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *".

Now, is B's response delivered to A?

More abstractly, why aren't we worrying about P misbehaving based on
the ambient authority in R (i.e., the Proxy-Authentication
information)?  Why do the security considerations for the
Proxy-Authorization header differ from the security considerations for
the Authorization header?


On Sun, Jan 10, 2010 at 2:14 PM, Tyler Close  wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 9, 2010 at 10:50 AM, Adam Barth  wrote:
>> The UMP spec says:
>> [[
>> The user agent must not add any information obtained from: HTTP
>> cookies, HTTP Auth headers, client certificates, or the referring
>> resource, including its origin (other than the request parameters).
>> ]]
>> Does this include the Proxy-Authorization header?  If so, how can
>> clients behind proxies that require authorization use web sites that
>> depend on UMP?
> Good catch. I've updated the text on sending a uniform request to
> account for this proxy information. The new text is:
> """
> 3.2 Sending a Uniform Request
> The content of a uniform request is determined solely by the provided
> uniform request parameters, the user-agent's response cache and the
> required structure of an HTTP request. If a user-agent is configured
> to send the request via a proxy, instead of directly to the host
> specified by the request URL, this proxy configuration information can
> be used to send the request to the proxy. In this case, the request
> sent by the user-agent is not a uniform request; however, the request
> ultimately delivered to the resource host will be, since any
> Proxy-Authorization request header is removed by the proxy before
> forwarding the request to the resource host. Other than this proxy
> information, the user-agent must not augment the sent request with any
> data that identifies the user or the origin of the request. In
> particular, the user-agent must not add any information obtained from:
> HTTP cookies, HTTP Auth headers, client certificates, or the referring
> resource, including its origin (other than the request parameters).
> """
> See:
> --Tyler
> --
> "Waterken News: Capability security on the Web"

Re: [UMP] Proxy-Authorization

2010-01-10 Thread Tyler Close
On Sat, Jan 9, 2010 at 10:50 AM, Adam Barth  wrote:
> The UMP spec says:
> [[
> The user agent must not add any information obtained from: HTTP
> cookies, HTTP Auth headers, client certificates, or the referring
> resource, including its origin (other than the request parameters).
> ]]
> Does this include the Proxy-Authorization header?  If so, how can
> clients behind proxies that require authorization use web sites that
> depend on UMP?

Good catch. I've updated the text on sending a uniform request to
account for this proxy information. The new text is:

3.2 Sending a Uniform Request

The content of a uniform request is determined solely by the provided
uniform request parameters, the user-agent's response cache and the
required structure of an HTTP request. If a user-agent is configured
to send the request via a proxy, instead of directly to the host
specified by the request URL, this proxy configuration information can
be used to send the request to the proxy. In this case, the request
sent by the user-agent is not a uniform request; however, the request
ultimately delivered to the resource host will be, since any
Proxy-Authorization request header is removed by the proxy before
forwarding the request to the resource host. Other than this proxy
information, the user-agent must not augment the sent request with any
data that identifies the user or the origin of the request. In
particular, the user-agent must not add any information obtained from:
HTTP cookies, HTTP Auth headers, client certificates, or the referring
resource, including its origin (other than the request parameters).



"Waterken News: Capability security on the Web"

Re: Publishing Selectors API Level 2 as an FPWD?

2010-01-10 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Sean Hogan wrote:

On 8/01/10 1:19 AM, Lachlan Hunt wrote:

can we publish Selectors API Level 2 as an FPWD?

FYI, it seems the whole Status of this Document hasn't been updated for

Yeah, that will get fixed up when I get the spec ready for publication 
and do all the PubRules checks, etc.

Also, the links to the W3C CVS are for Selectors-API, not Selectors-API2.


I can't see the value of queryScopedSelector*() methods. The original
rationale was that JS libs could potentially drop their selector
engines, but this isn't facilitated by the proposed methods. Given that
JS libs will still have to parse the selectors it is a trivial step to call
querySelector*(rewrittenSelector, refNode)
rather than

Personally, I agree and was initially hesitant about adding it, but 
there were some reasonable arguments put forth suggesting that lifting 
the burden of pre-processing the selector to prepend :scope from JS libs 
would be useful [1].  Evidence to the contrary would be helpful.  John 
Resig also once told me he had an alternative proposal, but he hasn't 
yet shared it with me.

The queryScopedSelector*() methods have misleading names - they don't
match the definition of scope.
It would be ridiculous to stick with those names if there are no
implementations already out there.

Do you have a better alternative suggestion?

Similarly, the :scope pseudo-class has a misleading name.

I've tried various alternative names, like :context, :reference, etc., 
but so far scope seems to be the least objectionable.  But all things 
considered, I don't think :scope is a particularly bad name, since it's 
name somewhat describes it's purpose and relates it to its utility in 
scoped stylesheets.


Lachlan Hunt - Opera Software

Re: Publishing Selectors API Level 2 as an FPWD?

2010-01-10 Thread Sean Hogan

On 8/01/10 1:19 AM, Lachlan Hunt wrote:

  Now that Selectors API Level 1 is published and basically all but 
finalised (just waiting for some implementations to be officially 
released before taking it to REC), can we publish Selectors API Level 
2 as an FPWD?

It would be useful to have it more widely reviewed, especially since 
Mozilla and WebKit have begun their implementation of matchesSelector, 
which is defined in it.

The editor's draft is here.

FYI, it seems the whole Status of this Document hasn't been updated for 

For instance:

"This document has been approved for publication as a Candidate 
Recommendation by the working group. However, in light of existing 
interoperable implementations, the group is considering requesting 
publication as a Proposed Recommendation."

Also, the links to the W3C CVS are for Selectors-API, not Selectors-API2.

I can't see the value of queryScopedSelector*() methods. The original 
rationale was that JS libs could potentially drop their selector 
engines, but this isn't facilitated by the proposed methods. Given that 
JS libs will still have to parse the selectors it is a trivial step to call

querySelector*(rewrittenSelector, refNode)
rather than

The queryScopedSelector*() methods have misleading names - they don't 
match the definition of scope.
It would be ridiculous to stick with those names if there are no 
implementations already out there.

Similarly, the :scope pseudo-class has a misleading name.

Re: [UMP] Feedback on UMP from a quick read

2010-01-10 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Jan 9, 2010, at 1:57 PM, Tyler Close wrote:

On Sat, Jan 9, 2010 at 10:20 AM, Adam Barth  wrote:

(As Maciej says, CORS doesn't appear to have this hole.)

Indeed, I misread the section on simple requests:

I didn't realize the algorithm was checking the response headers in
several different places. I guess that's one of the dangers of an
algorithmic specification: you must have the whole thing in mind
before you can make any statements about what it does or does not do.

Given this correction, I'm reconsidering following of non-uniform
redirects. I still don't like that it makes it look like your example
design is safe, when in fact there are several non-confidentiality
problems with it, and using JSON for the final response also breaks

Thanks for giving this another look.

As Maciej says, just because the server can screw up it's
confidentiality doesn't means we should prevent servers from doing  

secure thing.  By this argument, we should remove the same-origin
policy entirely because some sites might have XSS vulnerabilities.

Deciding to use a popular and standard media-type in its intended
setting is not at all comparable to filling your site with XSS
vulnerabilities. I did not read Maciej's email as suggesting

I don't think I suggested otherwise, nor do I think Adam suggested  
that I suggested otherwise. What I meant to say was that the weak  
confidentiality protection for ECMAScript should not be used as an  
excuse to weaken protection for other resources. This is a leaky and  
awkward hole but it does not justify ignoring more general  
confidentiality concerns in any context.

Adam's analogy was that the widespread existence of XSS bugs is not a  
reason to remove all cross-domain protection either. While it's not a  
100% on-point analogy, I got the point he was making and I recognize  
that it is similar to my own.
