Re: [cors] Ability to read Access-Control-Expose-Headers

2011-09-25 Thread Anne van Kesteren
On Sun, 25 Sep 2011 00:50:58 +0200, Conrad Irwin   

Is there a reason that Javascript cannot read the Access-Control-*
headers in CORS?

In particular I was trying to work around a bug in Firefox [1] that
means that .getAllResponseHeaders() doesn't get all response headers
for CORS requests. It seems that the nicest way to do this would just
be to iterate over the list of simple-response-headers, and the
contents of the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header.

Unfortunately, I'm not able to read the Access-Control-Expose-Headers
header, because it was not exposed in the
Access-Control-Expose-Headers header :).

In general it seems like a useful introspection mechanism — it would
allow applications to distinguish between "this header was not set"
and "I am not allowed to read this header". It also seems that it
would be useful to be able to read the Access-Control-Allow-Headers,
and Access-Control-Allow-Methods headers so that the javascript
application can adjust its feature set based on what the server will

One reason I can think of is that we do not want to give attackers more  
information than strictly necessary. Exposing  
"Access-Control-Expose-Headers" would be different from what  
getAllResponseHeaders() returns. Gecko should just fix its bug.


Anne van Kesteren

Re: Adding Web Intents to the Webapps WG deliverables

2011-09-25 Thread John J Barton
On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 2:36 PM, Ian Hickson  wrote:
> There's no difference between two people coming up with the name "foo" and
> two people coming up with the name "";, unless
> you're saying you're confident that people won't use the prefix the spec
> uses for its verbs for their verbs.

I don't think this claim makes sense. As a developer I have no way to
know if 'foo' is used by anyone else on the Internet, but it would be
trivial to check "";.

> But this is a non-problem. In practice, we have plenty of examples of
> spaces where conflicts don't happen despite not having used long names
> such as URLs. For example:
>  - rel="" values in HTML
>  - element names in HTML
>  - MIME type names
>  - scheme names

I believe all of these examples have one or more central name
controls.  The rel example in particular provides a counter example to
using simple uncontrolled verbs:
Multiple naming authorities, layered on wiki, and still messy.

>> A verb on its own will imply that it is a web intents verb managed by
>> the webintents project and all the documentation for that will live
>> under webintents, which means we would then need to think about
>> standardisation and stewardship for the entire namespace.
> I don't see why. Just have a wiki page that people can list their verbs on
> and then point to their documentation.

A wiki is not comparable to the controlled naming systems in the four
examples you give above.  A wiki is a free for all that works great
when there is no money involved. A Web system involving 'share' along
with images, audio, and video will have money involved.

I think the intent names need a controlled namespace, either
centralized like your examples or decentralized as in the original
proposal. URLs need not be the format.  Note the Firefox extension
developers use domain@name format for unique ids.


Re: [XHR2] Blobs, names and FormData

2011-09-25 Thread Anne van Kesteren
On Sun, 25 Sep 2011 03:22:40 +0200, Charles Pritchard   
Are there any objections to adding a Blob serialization method to the  
FormData interface?

I still maintain my objection, yes. It is too soon to make FormData more  
complicated. Are JavaScript libraries offering the functionality you are  

Anne van Kesteren

Re: Adding Web Intents to the Webapps WG deliverables

2011-09-25 Thread Charles McCathieNevile

On Tue, 20 Sep 2011 16:04:29 +0200, Ian Fette (イアンフェッティ)

With all due respect, I think that if we have to re-charter or create a  
new working group each time a new API comes up we are all doomed. The  
overhead of creating and monitoring so many WGs is not appealing to

many of us.

Agreed - but at the same time if people start doing work that others are
doing in another group, so they can do it with different people, we are
all doomed. It is generally not a helpful way to get to a common standard.

There is a group where the work you're interested in was already agreed as
a deliverable. Which to some extent suggests this isn't a new API, it's
Yet another API for doing something people knew they wanted to do.

Reading this discussion and understanding the issue multiplied out over
the people who effectively have to follow the discussion seems far more
process overhead than you and MS just joining that group. Even if MS
doesn't join, they can (and with all the rest of webapps will be invited
to) comment and make an IPR commitment. And as noted, discussing on the
same list doesn't guarantee attention from the other subscribers anyway.

We are unlikely to stop you holding discussion here, but it would appear
that it makes more sense to do it in a group which is already chartered to
produce the deliverable.

So with all due respect, I suggest that joining DAP and doing the work is
an efficient way forward, while carrying on a process discussion here is
sidetracking a lot of people whose time could otherwise be spent making
technical progress on something.

Part of the value of W3C standards, as compared to random spec proposals
from a vendor or three, comes from a process that gives many kinds of
stakeholders confidence in what that means. Chartering a group with a
reasonable scope definition and then doing that work there is part of the
way that process works. You could always ask Google's W3C Advisory
Committee representative T V Raman to raise the process discussion to the
AC forum, where it is directly in scope. The point of this group, DAP, and
other WGs is to focus on doing their chartered technical work.


On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 6:55 AM, Robin Berjon  wrote:

Hi James,

thanks for bringing this forward, it is indeed a very interesting  

On Sep 19, 2011, at 22:27 , James Hawkins wrote:
> I've read through the Webapps charter, and I believe Web Intents fits  

goals and scope of the WG.

It does fit the goal and scope, but then most web client technology  
does ;)
Where you may run into issues is that it does not fit in the  

list. Since that is what members makes their IP commitment on, a new
deliverable of non-negligible content might require rechartering. Last  

we did that, it wasn't very pleasant.

Thankfully, there is already a group that was chartered with Intents  

in the poetic phrasing of charters, with "an API that allows web
applications to register themselves as handlers/providers based on data
string identifiers and an API that enables other web applications to
discover these handlers/providers and gain permission to interact with  

— but "Intents" is what that means): the Device APIs group, It'd save a lot on the
bureaucracy and allow us all to just go straight to work.

We'd certainly be happy to accept your draft input. The new DAP is  
meant to

be completely flexible in how it is organised. Notably, if you prefer to
conduct work on this spec without necessarily getting all the email  
from the
rest of the group we can setup a dedicated Task Force with its own  

list and chair (if there's a volunteer, otherwise I'll do it). TFs can
decide whether they want to have telcons or not.

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Charles 'chaals' McCathieNevile  Opera Software, Standards Group
  je parle français -- hablo español -- jeg kan litt norsk   Try Opera:

Re: [whatwg] Web Forms 2 Repetition Model?please reinstate on specification

2011-09-25 Thread Matthew Slyman

Matthew Slyman, M.A. Computer Science (Camb)
Quoting Ian Hickson :

We took it out because it was just far too complicated a solution to solve
far too narrow a set of use cases.

However, there is a lot of ongoing work in this area of research,
especially currently in the group. I encourage you
to bring up the suggestion there. Unfortunately, coming up with a
declarative solution whose cost-to-usefulness ratio is good enough has
proven over the years to be a rather elusive goal.

I find this surprising. Unless of course you're trying to create a  
tool to do everything (in which case you're diving head-first down a  
rabbit-warren), or otherwise, have already tried that and decided it  
doesn't work, and therefore decided that it's not worth attempting a  
solution to any part of this problem.

Let's address another potential misconception at the same time. I  
recently dug up an old archive message from 2004/2005 in which some  
fellow was talking the repetition model down on the basis that  
"repetition would be programming and declarative models aren't meant  
to do programming" or something to that effect. Repetition isn't truly  
programming if it isn't Turing-complete. But I get the point, and I  
would NEVER ask for a declarative solution that would be  

Let's look at a case study or two:

===Chemical formulae===: These have had a repetition model for a long  
time now, which is very simple but very powerful. Like so:

Ca(OH)2  [subscript 2 - put superscript figures in for charge if you want.]
Nobody has a problem with this. It does the job and it's very  
powerful. Just powerful enough, yet not so "powerful" that you end up  
with 20 different ways to write the same chemical formula (the system  
is sufficiently restrictive to enforce a common system of notation).  
It strikes the balance perfectly, and forms a perfect demonstration of  
the relative advancement of chemistry as compared with many other  
sciences. The combination of power and simplicity in this system of  
chemical notation (which closely resembles the basic HTML5 "Repetition  
Model") enables the world of chemistry to get on with their real work  
without worrying too much about the art of notation, and enable  
chemists to find prior art easily.

===Linear equations===: A similar case could be made for these.  
They're a separate class of problems from the much larger set of  
problems that can be tackled with mathematics in general. You  
shouldn't put the folks that need real power and freedom in a  
strait-jacket by forcing them to work with a system designed for  
linear equations only. Likewise, you shouldn't burden and befuddle the  
novices and the folks that just need to get a quick linear equation  
job done, by forcing them to work with a generalised mathematical tool  
that they're just not trained to handle, and will never be confident  

===Classes of problems===: For many problems, there is such a thing as  
"too much power". Let's please recognise that we're dealing with two  
distinct classes of problems here. There is a class of problems that  
requires a similar approach/solution to what we see in chemical  
notation (where one only requires a contiguous repetition of a block  
of HTML, which may or may not include repeatable subgroups), and  
another separate and much larger class of problems that requires the  
greater power available in a programming language. The correct  
solution for the former is a declarative solution like the basic HTML5  
Repetition Model. The correct solution for the latter is Javascript or  
something similar.

===CONCLUSIONS===: We need a declarative solution for HTML repetition,  
the same way Chemists need a declarative solution for repetition of  
chemical formulae.

Please reinstate the basic HTML5 Repetition Model. The system design  
as it stood just a few months ago was excellent in my opinion, and not  
at all in need of major revision if any.

Matthew Slyman, M.A. Computer Science (Camb)

[cors] Ability to read Access-Control-Expose-Headers

2011-09-25 Thread Conrad Irwin
Hi all,

Is there a reason that Javascript cannot read the Access-Control-*
headers in CORS?

In particular I was trying to work around a bug in Firefox [1] that
means that .getAllResponseHeaders() doesn't get all response headers
for CORS requests. It seems that the nicest way to do this would just
be to iterate over the list of simple-response-headers, and the
contents of the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header.

Unfortunately, I'm not able to read the Access-Control-Expose-Headers
header, because it was not exposed in the
Access-Control-Expose-Headers header :).

In general it seems like a useful introspection mechanism — it would
allow applications to distinguish between "this header was not set"
and "I am not allowed to read this header". It also seems that it
would be useful to be able to read the Access-Control-Allow-Headers,
and Access-Control-Allow-Methods headers so that the javascript
application can adjust its feature set based on what the server will



Re: Proposal to add Mouse Lock to the Web Events Working Group

2011-09-25 Thread Arthur Barstow
Hi Vincent, All - given there were no negative comments regarding 
Vincent's proposal, Doug and I will work toward updating WebEvents' 
charter to add the Mouse Lock API.

Additionally, as indicated in [1], we will also work toward adding the 
Gamepad API [2] (formerly know as the Joystick API) to WebEvents' charter.

-Art Barstow


On 9/15/11 1:52 PM, ext Vincent Scheib wrote:
A Mouse Lock API has been under discussion on the W3 public-webapps 
list "Mouse Lock"[1] and earlier "Mouse Capture for Canvas"[2].

The primary goal is to enable use cases such as first person 
perspective 3D applications. This is done by providing scripted access 
to mouse movement data while locking the target of mouse events to a 
single element and removing the cursor from view.

I have been working to formalize the discussions into a draft 
specification[3]. I propose that the Web Events Working Group consider 
adoption of Mouse Lock for formal specification.

Cheers, -Vince



Additional discussions:
W3 issue:
Firefox issue:
Chrome issue: