Implementation status:
(Chrome and IE have changed status since April)
Chrome: Implemented without prefix, in stable version.
Firefox: Implemented with prefix, in stable version.
IE: Implementation active. Issue:
Safari: No implementation progress known.
Opera: No implementation progress known.

Test suite (has not changed since April):
Two basic tests exist:

After unprefixing, tests fail partially in Chrome.
Firefox fails due to prefixing.

Plan to "complete" test suite:
- Implementations need to start using W3C tests that exist
  - More implementations need to support unprefixed pointer lock.
  - Chromium issue:
- More tests are needed.
    - I sense little prioritization from Chrome or Mozilla organizations to
do this soon. IE with a new implementation may use the opportunity to
create more testharness.js tests.

Specification discussion:
Previous extension discussion has been given a term "Pointer Clip" and
notes added to

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