Below is the draft agenda for the January 15 Widgets Voice Conference (VC).

Inputs and discussion on the agenda topics before the meeting is encouraged.


Time: 24:00 Tokyo; 17:00 Helsinki; 16:00 Paris; 15:00 London; 10:00 Boston; 07:00 Seattle
 Duration = 60 minutes
 Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200, conference 9231 ("WAF1")
 IRC channel = #wam;
 Confidentiality of minutes = Public


1. Review and tweak agenda

2. Announcements

3. P&C Last Call WD (published 22 Dec 2008):

a. Discuss any new contentious comments (if any):


b. Comments from Boris:

< 0046.html>

4. Widget Testing: update/status on Widget testing assuming Kai, Dom or someone from MWTS WG can join:


5. API and Events spec: agetting to FPWD:


6. AOB

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