Below is the draft agenda for the January 22 Widgets Voice Conference (VC).

Inputs and discussion on the agenda topics before the meeting is encouraged.


Time: 24:00 Tokyo; 17:00 Helsinki; 16:00 Paris; 15:00 London; 10:00 Boston; 07:00 Seattle
  Duration = 60 minutes
  Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200, conference 9231 ("WAF1")
  IRC channel = #wam;
  Confidentiality of minutes = Public


1. Review and tweak agenda

2. Announcements

3. P&C Last Call WD (published 22 Dec 2008):

a. Comments from Mark, some of which apply to API & Events spec:

< 0144.html>

b. Comments from Benoit:

< 0145.html>

c. Discuss any additional contentious comments (if any):


4. API and Events spec: getting to FPWD:


a. Status of Arve's January 15 action "it appears I have not checked in agreed changes from Mandelieu. I will check in all changes before our next Voice Conf".

b. Add tag: scheme to our list of schemes that do not meet our requirements. See:

< 0138.html>
< att-0299/TPAC_URISchemes.pdf>

5. Widget Testing: Marcos' proposal to organize the test suite by spec:

< 0137.html/>

6. Dig Sig requirements: need to get consensus on the new requirements proposed by Frederick, in particular points (5), (6), (7) and (8):

< 0136.html>

7. AOB

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