ISSUE-139 (clarify key repeat): Define which events repeat when a key is held 
down [DOM3 Events]

Raised by: Doug Schepers
On product: DOM3 Events

Hallvord R. M. Steen 
spec currently says:
> Depending on the system configuration, holding down a key
> results may result in multiple consecutive keydown events,
> keypress events, and textInput events, for appropriate keys

Leaving aside the grammatical mistake ('results may result'), the spec is  
too vague here. Web content requires that we repeatedly send  
keydown+keypress [1]. Implementations that support this should also repeat  
textInput and input events after keypress.

Suggested replacement text:

"Holding down a key must result in repeating the events keydown, keypress  
and textInput in this order, at a rate determined by the system  

(And I'm absolutely sure this is an issue and must be fixed, because Opera  
currently breaks by not repeating correctly :-p)

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