ISSUE-148 (modularize d3e): Consider modularizing DOM3 Events [DOM3 Events]

Raised by: Doug Schepers
On product: DOM3 Events

Garrett Smith in 
I think we're all well aware of the monstrosity that has become D3E.

D3E should be cut way back; it is too large and too complicated.
Individual events and keyboard specificity are not "core" features;
they are details and particulars of specific events. These events
should be moved each to a separate specification.

Moving specific event specification details to independent
specifications will help reveal the real "core" of DOM 3 Events; so
that core can be looked at more closely and independently questioned;
e.g. "should useCapture be optional" and ditto for the extracted/moved
event "Should we specify keyCode and charCode".

To put this idea to action, I suggest starting with the a complicated
part of the spec that seems the least core. For example, keyboard
events, which itself is about 30 pages long. I would extract that from
the spec and move it to another document and see how it reads on its

If further help is wanted, then a request can be made for an associate editor.

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