On 9/6/11 12:30 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 11:32 AM, Charles Pritchard<ch...@jumis.com>  wrote:
Lets get a public version repository on the official w3c website. They
pulled off incorporating bugzilla, surely they can pull off incorporating
git. It's quite easy.
We have them.

dev.w3.org is the older CSS repository (still used by many groups,
such as the CSSWG).  dvcs.w3.org is the newer Hg repository.

Both repos are public.

Oh, thanks! I like how domcore is handled here, now that I understand the process better.


Generated files (W3C (c) members, WHATWG (c) editors):

Actual file for editing / diff patches:

Now that I know, that's what I'll do.
Will html5 be moving to the newer repository style?

David that repo answers your earlier question about the "DOM Core Free Editor's Draft".

Both drafts are generated from the same source file, so it's likely they'll stay in sync :-)


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