Dear HTML/CSS/SVG/Webapps/XML Core WGs,

As a reminder, the Last Call on the Encoding specification will close on 
Tuesday, 1 July. We hope for reviews from your working groups. Please let us 
know if you intend to review this document.


Addison Phillips
Chair (W3C I18N WG)

Internationalization is not a feature.
It is an architecture.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Phillips, Addison
> Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2014 12:45 PM
> To:
> Subject: Last Call for: "Encoding"
> All,
> Today, 3 June 2014, the Internationalization Working Group published a Last
> Call Working Draft of the "Encoding" specification. The Internationalization 
> WG
> specifically invites the following working group's comments: HTML, CSS,
> Webapps, Webapps Security, SVG, XML Core. We welcome and encourage
> other reviews.
> Title: Encoding
> Publication: 3 June 2014
> LC Ends: 1 July 2014
> URI:
> Full LC URI:
> Editors URI:
> Instructions for Providing Feedback:
> Please submit comments to the mailing list with a
> subject line prefixed with "[Encoding]". The Internationalization working 
> group
> will track issues and create bugzilla bugs for you.
> Issues are tracked by the Working Group here:
> Open bugs against the Encoding spec are found here:
> ncoding&resolution=---
> Abstract of this Specification:
> While encodings have been defined to some extent, implementations have not
> always implemented them in the same way, have not always used the same
> labels, and often differ in dealing with undefined and former proprietary 
> areas
> of encodings. This specification attempts to fill those gaps so that new
> implementations do not have to reverse engineer encoding implementations of
> the market leaders and existing implementations can converge.
> This document is a snapshot of the WHATWG document of the same name.
> Record of the Decision to Request Transition:
> There are no formal objections to this document currently.
> The patent disclosure page is located here:
> impl/32113/status
> The last call period for this document will end 1 July 2014 (approximately 4
> weeks).
> Addison Phillips
> Chair (W3C I18N WG)
> Internationalization is not a feature.
> It is an architecture.

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