Hi All,

WebApps has been asked to review and submit comments for the April 14 Last Call Working Draft of WebRT and DAP's Media Capture and Streams spec:


WebApps is specifically mentioned re "the overall usage of Web IDL and the definition of error handling".

If anyone in WebApps wants to propose an official group response, please do so ASAP, in reply to this e-mail so the group can discuss it.

Comments should be sent to public-media-capture @ w3.org [1] by May 15. Presumably, the groups also welcome "silent review" type data such as "I reviewed section N.N and have no comments".

-Thanks, ArtB

[1] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-media-capture/

On 4/15/15 1:31 AM, Stefan HÃ¥kansson LK wrote:
The WebRTC and Device APIs Working Groups request feedback on the Last
Call Working Draft of Media Capture and Streams, a JavaScript API that
enables access to cameras and microphones from Web browsers as well as
control of the use of the data generated (e.g. rendering what a camera
captures in a html video element):

The groups have identified the following other W3C Working Groups as
likely sources of feedback:

- HTML Working Group, especially the HTML Media Task Force, as our API
extends the HTMLMediaElement interface and defines a new type of media
input via MediaStream

- WebApps Working Group, especially on the overall usage of Web IDL and
the definition of error handling
Audio Working Group, as the Web Audio API builds upon the MediaStream

- WAI Protocol and Formats Working Group, especially on the impact of
the user consent dialog and the applicability of the indicators of
device usage in assistive tools

- Web and TV Interest Group, as the manipulation of media input can be
relevant to some of their use cases (e.g. glass to glass)

- Web App Security Working Group, especially on our links between
secured origins and persistent permissions, and our current policy with
regard to handling access to this "powerful feature"

- Web Security Interest Group, especially on our security considerations
Privacy Interest Group, as access to camera and microphone has strong
privacy implications

- Technical Architecture Group, for an overall review of the API,
especially the introduction of the concept of a IANA registry-based
constraints system, the use of promises, and our handling of persistent

We naturally also welcome feedback from any other reviewers.

The end of last call review for this specification is set to May 15
2015; should that deadline prove difficult to meet, please get in touch
so that we can determine a new deadline for your group.

As indicated in the document, comments should be sent to the
public-media-capt...@w3.org mailing list.


Frederick Hirsch, Device APIs Working Group Chair,
Harald Alvestrand and Stefan Hakansson, WebRTC Working Group Chairs and
Media Capture Task Force Chairs

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