Re: [Pointer Lock] Comments
Thank you again: On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 6:43 PM, timeless wrote: > 1. w3c is en-us > > > > > modelling -> modeling > Done. > > 2. Xlib > > > > > > Direct APIs do not exist on all platforms (Win, Mac, Linux) to bound the > cursor to a specific rectangle, and prototypes have not yet been developed > to demonstrate building that behavior by e.g. invisible windows with xlib > or manual cursor movement on Mac. > > "Xlib - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" -- > Done. Linked to definition. > > > Also note that "Mac" is not a proper term, it could be "Mac OS (X)", > "Macintosh ..." or "macs". > Done. Expanded to more formal names. > > 3. Mouse capture > > > > > > Pointer Lock is related to Mouse Capture [MDN-SETCAPTURE]. > > should be noted? > Done. > > MS should probably be referenced: > > since it's their fault... > Done. > > 4. a11y/i18n > > > > > > An event generated by the user agent as a result of user interaction > intended to interact with the page. e.g. click, but not mousemove. > > Engagement gestures are any events included in the definition of being > allowed to show a popup with the addition of keypress and keyup. > > "shift", or "control+shift" and similar things are often used to trigger > an assistive technology, or an IME / language switch. > > > > > > turn StickyKeys on or off by by pressing the SHIFT key five times > > > > > > Switch between languages or keyboard layouts CTRL+SHIFT or left ALT+SHIFT > > > > > When you press the APOSTROPHE (') key, QUOTATION MARK (") key, ACCENT > GRAVE (`) key, TILDE (~) key, ACCENT CIRCUMFLEX key, or CARET (^) key, > nothing appears on the screen until you press the a second key. If you > press one of the letters designated as eligible to receive an accent mark, > the accented version of the letter appears. If you press an ineligible key, > two separate characters appear. In other words, the US-International > keyboard layout dynamic-link library (DLL) automatically accents letters > that customarily receive an accent but does not automatically accent > letters that do not customarily receive an accent. > > While it's nice to allow for "keys" to trigger a lock, "keys" that may > eventually be handled by something outside the UA should probably not be > eligible for this. > Done. "user interaction intended to interact" -> "user interaction processed by the user agent" Added: "Note that operating system level accessibility and internationalization features may intercept gestures before the user agent processes them for interaction with a page. E.g. multiple key press codes used to enter an extended international character." > > 5. must > > > > > > Two events are used to communicate pointer lock state change or an error > in changing state. They are named pointerlockchange and pointerlockerror. > If pointer lock is entered or exited for any reason a pointerlockchange > event must be sent. > > If I press ctrl-w/cmd-w (close window/tab), is the UA required to send > these events? > If an iframe has pointerlock, and its parent removes the iframe from the > dom, is the UA required to send these events? > If an iframe has pointerlock, and its parent changes the iframe's document > url to another page, is the UA required to send these events? > Help me pin down language. For each case above: Yes, If the document exists the events should be dispatched. Is more language needed to avoid the alternative implied assumption that a document must live until the events are dispatched? > > > 6. and > > > > > > (for example: mousemove, mousedown, mouseup, click, wheel) > > (for example: mouseover, mouseout, drag, drop). > Done. > > Please use "and" -- you do elsewhere: > > > clientX, clientY, screenX, and screenY > > 7. movement/focus > > > htt
Re: [Pointer Lock] Comments
Thank you for the detailed comments, I will incorporate and reply back. On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 6:43 PM, timeless wrote: > 1. w3c is en-us > > > > > modelling -> modeling > > 2. Xlib > > > > > > Direct APIs do not exist on all platforms (Win, Mac, Linux) to bound the > cursor to a specific rectangle, and prototypes have not yet been developed > to demonstrate building that behavior by e.g. invisible windows with xlib > or manual cursor movement on Mac. > > "Xlib - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" -- > > > Also note that "Mac" is not a proper term, it could be "Mac OS (X)", > "Macintosh ..." or "macs". > > 3. Mouse capture > > > > > > Pointer Lock is related to Mouse Capture [MDN-SETCAPTURE]. > > should be noted? > > MS should probably be referenced: > > since it's their fault... > > 4. a11y/i18n > > > > > > An event generated by the user agent as a result of user interaction > intended to interact with the page. e.g. click, but not mousemove. > > Engagement gestures are any events included in the definition of being > allowed to show a popup with the addition of keypress and keyup. > > "shift", or "control+shift" and similar things are often used to trigger > an assistive technology, or an IME / language switch. > > > > > > turn StickyKeys on or off by by pressing the SHIFT key five times > > > > > > Switch between languages or keyboard layouts CTRL+SHIFT or left ALT+SHIFT > > > > > When you press the APOSTROPHE (') key, QUOTATION MARK (") key, ACCENT > GRAVE (`) key, TILDE (~) key, ACCENT CIRCUMFLEX key, or CARET (^) key, > nothing appears on the screen until you press the a second key. If you > press one of the letters designated as eligible to receive an accent mark, > the accented version of the letter appears. If you press an ineligible key, > two separate characters appear. In other words, the US-International > keyboard layout dynamic-link library (DLL) automatically accents letters > that customarily receive an accent but does not automatically accent > letters that do not customarily receive an accent. > > While it's nice to allow for "keys" to trigger a lock, "keys" that may > eventually be handled by something outside the UA should probably not be > eligible for this. > > 5. must > > > > > > Two events are used to communicate pointer lock state change or an error > in changing state. They are named pointerlockchange and pointerlockerror. > If pointer lock is entered or exited for any reason a pointerlockchange > event must be sent. > > If I press ctrl-w/cmd-w (close window/tab), is the UA required to send > these events? > > If an iframe has pointerlock, and its parent removes the iframe from the > dom, is the UA required to send these events? > If an iframe has pointerlock, and its parent changes the iframe's document > url to another page, is the UA required to send these events? > > > 6. and > > > > > > (for example: mousemove, mousedown, mouseup, click, wheel) > > (for example: mouseover, mouseout, drag, drop). > > Please use "and" -- you do elsewhere: > > > clientX, clientY, screenX, and screenY > > 7. movement/focus > > > > > > Movement and button presses of the mouse must not cause the window to > lose focus. > > Suppose I'm using Windows w/ a standard 104 key keyboard: > > > If I press a system key (the Windows key), or a system key equivalent > stroke (ctrl+esc), I expect the application to lose focus. > > > > If I press the home key on an Android device, I expect the window to lose > focus. > > If a user is on a system where there is no hardware home button, but there > is