
Can you please allocate slot 12 to for a discussion of the NIST Cryptographic 
Module Validation Program (aka FIPS 140)?


> On Feb 27, 2018, at 6:09 PM, Kirk Hall via Public <> wrote:
> Tuesday, 6 March 2018 - Working Group Meetings
> Start
> Stop
> Slot
> Description
> Discussion Leader / Notes
> 8:30
> 9:00
> Check-in, badging, get situated in room (Building opens 8:30).
> 8:30
> 9:00
> Breakfast - Continental
> 9:00
> 9:15
> 1
> Welcome, Prelim Matters, Logistics, etc.
> Tim, Wayne
> 9:15
> 9:30
> 2
> Antitrust Statement, Assign Minute-Taking
> Tim, Wayne
> 9:30
> 12:30
> 3
> Validation Working Group (Room 1) - with breaks
> Tim, Wayne
> 12:30
> 13:00
> Lunch
> 13:00
> 17:00
> 4
> Validation Working Group (Room 1) - with breaks
> Tim, Wayne
> 15:30
> 17:00
> 5
> Governance Change Working Group (Room 2)
> Virginia, Dean, Ben
> 17:00
> Adjourn for the Day
> Wednesday, 7 March 2018 - Plenary Meeting (Day 1)
> Start
> Stop
> Slot
> Description
> Discussion Leader / Notes
> 8:30
> 9:00
> Check-in, badging, get situated in room (Building opens 8:30).
> 8:30
> 9:00
> Breakfast - Continental
> 9:00
> 9:15
> 1
> Welcome, Prelim Matters, Logistics, etc.
> Peter, Kirk
> 9:15
> 9:30
> 2
> Antitrust Statement, Assign Minute-Taking
> Kirk
> 9:00
> 10:30
> 3
> Network Security Working Group
> Ben
> 10:30
> 10:45
> Break
> 10:45
> Start of Plenary Meeting
> 10:45
> 10:55
> 4
> Recap of Prelim Matters, Review Agenda and Logistics, Antitrust Statement & 
> Assign Note Takers
> Kirk, Peter
> 10:55
> 11:00
> 5
> Misc. Items of Business: opening statement, welcome new members
> Kirk
> 11:00
> 12:15
> 6
> Browser root program updates (continue after lunch if necessary): (a) 
> Mozilla, (b) Microsoft, (c) Google, (d) Apple, (e) 360
> Various
> 12:15
> 13:00
> Lunch
> 13:00
> 14:30
> 7
> Working Group reports - (a) Governance Change Working Group (Virginia, Dean, 
> Ben) 30-45 minutes, (b) Policy Review Working Group (Dimitris, Ben), (c) 
> Network Security Working Group(Ben), (d) Validation Working Group (Tim, 
> Wayne) 30-45 minutes
> Various
> 14:30
> Adjourn
> Thursday, 8 March 2018 - Plenary Meeting (Day 2)
> Start
> Stop
> Slot
> Description
> Discussion Leader / Notes
> 8:30
> 9:00
> Check-in, badging, get situated in room (Building opens 8:30).
> 8:30
> 9:00
> Breakfast - Continental
> 9:00
> 9:20
> Recap of Prelim Matters, Review Agenda and Logistics, Antitrust Statement & 
> Assign Note Takers
> Kirk
> 9:20
> 9:45
> 8
> WebTrust Update
> Jeff
> 9:45
> 10:00
> 9
> ETSI Update
> Arno
> 10:00
> 10:15
> 10
> Review of pending ballots
> Various
> 10:15
> 10:30
> Break
> 10:30
> 11:00
> 11
> CT implementation issues
> Various
> 11:00
> 12:00
> 12
> Open
> 12:00
> 12:45
> Lunch
> 12:45
> 14:00
> 13
> Open
> 14:00
> 14:45
> 14
> News from the Council of Accredited Conformity Assessment Bodies (ACAB-c) 
> Harmonized audit attestation and other topics
> Dr. Christoph Sutter and Matthias Wiedenhorst, TUViT GmbH, ACABcMembers
> 14:45
> 15:00
> Break
> 15:00
> 16:00
> 15
> Guest Speaker - Rep. Jim Langevin (D-RI), House Armed Services Committee and 
> Homeland Security Committee
> Q&A format led by Dean Coclin
> 16:00
> 16:45
> 16
> Open
> 16:45
> 17:00
> 17
> Review accomplishments/list of tasks/thank you to hosts
> Kirk
> 17:00
> Adjourn
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