I am pleased to announce that, thanks to Google Summer of Code student
Priyanka Mandikal, the project for the Accuracy Review of Wikipedias
project has delivered a working demonstration of open source code and
data available here:


Please try it out at:


We need your help to test it and try it out and send us comments. You
can read more about the project here:


The formal project report, still in progress (Google docs comments
from anyone are most welcome) is at:


This allows experiments to measure, for example, how long it would
take to complete proofreading of the wikipedias with and without
paying editors to work alongside volunteers. I am sure everyone agrees
that is an interesting question which bears directly on budget
expectations. I hope multiple organizations use the published methods
and their Python implementations to make such measurements. I would
also like to suggest a proposal related to the questions in both of
the following reviews:



The most recent solicitation of community input for the Foundation's
Public Policy team I've seen said that they would like suggestions for
specific issues as long as the suggestions did not involve
endorsements of or opposition to any specific candidates. My support
for adjusting copyright royalties on a sliding scale to transfer
wealth from larger to smaller artists has been made clear, and I do
not believe there are any concerns that I have not addressed
concerning alignment to mission or effectiveness. I would also like to
propose a related endorsement.

The Making Work Pay tax credit (MWPTC) is a negative payroll tax that
expired in 2010. It has all the advantages of an expanded Earned
Income Tax Credit (EITC) but would happen with every paycheck.
Reinstating the Making Work Pay tax credit would serve to reduce
economic inequality.

This proposal is within the scope of the Foundation's mission because
reducing economic inequality should serve to empower people to develop
educational content for the projects because of the increased levels
of support for artistic production among a broader set of potential
editors with additional discretionary free time due to increased
wealth. This proposal is needed because economic inequality produces
more excess avoidable deaths and leads to fewer years of productive
life than global warming. This proposal would provide substantial
benefits to the movement, the community, the Foundation, the US and
the world if it were to be successfully adopted. For the reasons
stated above, this proposal will be seen as positive.

Here is some background and supporting information:

* MWPTC overview: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Making_Work_Pay_tax_credit

* MWPTC details: http://tpcprod.urban.org/taxtopics/2011_work.cfm

* Problems with expanding the EITC:

* Educational advantages of expanding the EITC:

* Financial advantages of expanding the EITC:

* The working class has lost half their wealth over the past two
decades: https://www.nerdwallet.com/blog/finance/why-people-are-angry/

* Health effects of addressing economic inequality:

* Economic growth effects of addressing economic inequality:

* Unemployment and underemployment effects of addressing economic
inequality: http://diposit.ub.edu/dspace/bitstream/2445/33140/1/617293.pdf

For an example of how a campaign on this issue could be conducted
based on the issues identified in the sources above, please see:

Please share your thoughts on the wikipedias proofreading time
measurement effort and this related public policy proposal.

I expect that some people will say that they do not understand how the
public policy proposal relates to the project to measure the amount of
time it would take to proofread the wikipedias. I am happy to explain
that in detail if and when needed. On a related note, I would like to
point out that the project report Google doc suggests future work
involving a peer learning system for speaking skills using the same
architecture as we derived from the constraints for successfully
performing simultaneous paid and volunteer proofreading. I would like
people to keep that in mind when evaluating the utility of these

Jim Salsman

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