#78: Allow configuration of ALSA mixer device
  Reporter:  coling       |       Owner:  lennart 
      Type:  enhancement  |      Status:  assigned
  Priority:  low          |   Milestone:          
 Component:  daemon       |    Severity:  normal  
Resolution:               |    Keywords:          
Comment (by coling):

 Sorry didn't notice this reply as I didn't get an email about it :(

 I'm not sure that PCM doesn't work at all. I'm pretty sure that without PA
 running PCM works OK, but with PA running it has no effect.

 I'll do some test later when I get a mo' and report back.

 I see a lot of programs allow you to change the mixer you use so I guess
 this is a semi-frequent issue, tho' will confess to knowing very little
 about it!


Ticket URL: <http://pulseaudio.org/ticket/78#comment:2>
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