Issue #17230 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Status changed from Needs Decision to Closed

As Eric says, I don't see a point in the near future where we'll try to tackle 
this. I find it more likely we'll tackle this by fixing up the algorithm we use 
for applying catalogs. The proposed solution is, as Eric says, very similar to 
what puppet already does internally for other cases and, although it works, the 
creation of dummy resources has caused issues in other parts of the system 
(these are the "whits" that show up sometimes).

So I don't see us trying to specifically fix this case. Thanks for the report 
and glad that you found a way around the problem.
Bug #17230: Chaining resource collections is unnecessarily slow

Author: Josh Shabtai
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Andrew Parker
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 


Puppet master version: 2.7.18
Puppet agent version: 2.7.1

It seems that when chaining resource collections (e.g. <|collection1|> -> 
<|collection2|>), puppet creates dependencies between each resource in each 
side. If, for example, you have 100 of each resource, this creates 10,000 
dependencies and seems to take a long time to handle. We have a situation 
similar to this (though I don't know exactly how many resources we actually 
have). I added a dummy resource in between each pair of collections though, 
which sped things up significantly (e.g. <|collection1|> -> Exec["dummy"] -> 
<|collection2|>). I would suggest that you do something similar internally. 

Here's the diff that got my runtime from over an hour to about half that:

    +    # Dummy resources for chaining
    +    # The idea is that when puppet chains collections of sizes x and y, 
you get
    +    # x*y requirement. By adding a dummy resource in the middle, we should 
    +    # able to get it down to x+y, which will drastically speed things up.
    +    exec { "dummy-domain-subdomain": command => "/bin/true" }
    +    exec { "dummy-mailbox-set-status": command => "/bin/true" }
    +    exec { "dummy-set-status-child-mailbox": command => "/bin/true" }
    +    exec { "dummy-child-mailbox-set-cos": command => "/bin/true" }
    # Resource chaining
    -    Exec["cache domains"] -> Exec<| tag == "domain" |> -> Exec<| tag == 
"subdomain" |> -> Exec["cache cos"] -> Exec<| tag == "cos" |> -> Exec["cache 
mailboxes"] -> Exec<| tag == "mailbox" |> -> Exec<| tag == "set-status" |> -> 
Exec<| tag == "child-mailbox" |> -> Exec<| tag == "set-cos" |>
    +    Exec["cache domains"] -> Exec<| tag == "domain" |> -> 
Exec["dummy-domain-subdomain"] -> Exec<| tag == "subdomain" |> -> Exec["cache 
cos"] -> Exec<| tag == "cos" |> -> Exec["cache mailboxes"] -> Exec<| tag == 
"mailbox" |> -> Exec["dummy-mailbox-set-status"] -> Exec<| tag == "set-status" 
|> -> Exec["dummy-set-status-child-mailbox"] -> Exec<| tag == "child-mailbox" 
|> -> Exec["dummy-child-mailbox-set-cos"] -> Exec<| tag == "set-cos" |>`

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