Jira (PDB-5450) Slow fact queries after PuppetDB 7.9.0 upgrade when using Postgres 12 with jit enabled

2022-02-07 Thread Elof Ofel (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Elof Ofel commented on  PDB-5450  



  Re: Slow fact queries after PuppetDB 7.9.0 upgrade when using Postgres 12 with jit enabled   


 Dito. Thanks for swift and detailed responses. I can't say for sure. I haven't really paid any attentien to the loading time of the dashboard until it took 40 seconds. But no, I would not say it is noticeably slower.  



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 This message was sent by Atlassian Jira (v8.20.2#820002-sha1:829506d)  





You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Bugs" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to puppet-bugs+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/puppet-bugs/JIRA.434144.1643897486000.10198.1644266340297%40Atlassian.JIRA.

Jira (PDB-5450) Slow fact queries after PuppetDB 7.9.0 upgrade

2022-02-07 Thread Elof Ofel (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Elof Ofel commented on  PDB-5450  



  Re: Slow fact queries after PuppetDB 7.9.0 upgrade   


 Yay! Good catch! It is the JIT compilation that is the issue.  
 echo 'jit = off' >> /var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata/postgresql.conf
  After disabling it, all cells in my dashboard load in less than 3 seconds. That's ok. So if this is the solution, then your Pupperware team should disable jit in the postgres container. ...or can you see why Postgres's planner is getting such a wrong estimate? Perhaps it can be solved in pupperware with something like this:  pupperware: gem/lib/pupperware/compose-services/postgres-custom/10-postgresql.conf_disable_jit.sh : #!/bin/bash /bin/grep -q '^jit = off$' /var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata/postgresql.conf || /bin/echo -e '\n# Added by 10-postgresql.conf_disable_jit.sh:\njit = off' >> /var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata/postgresql.conf Unfortunately I can't test the script, 'cause the official postgres docker image don't support advanced customization of the config. :-/ The script that allow customization only do this once, if there are no database. If a database already exists, all custom initialization scripts are skipped. Since I already have a database, my script (/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/10-postgresql.conf_disable_jit.sh inside the container) is not executed. I guess that the above script will execute on a brand new pupperware install though, disabling JIT. In my case, I manually edit the postgresql.conf file and add 'jit = off'. Fortunately, this conf file is stored in a persistent docker volume, so you only need to edit it once.   



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Jira (PDB-5450) Slow fact queries after PuppetDB 7.9.0 upgrade

2022-02-05 Thread Elof Ofel (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Elof Ofel commented on  PDB-5450  



  Re: Slow fact queries after PuppetDB 7.9.0 upgrade   


 Thanks. Will test next week. Meanwhile, I can inform you that the postgres container has not changed. During the last year or two, Pupperware has been using the container 'postgres:12.6'. So "unfortunately" your explaination above is not the reason for the performance degregation after upgrading PuppetDB from 7.8.0 to 7.9.0.  



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 This message was sent by Atlassian Jira (v8.20.2#820002-sha1:829506d)  





You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Bugs" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to puppet-bugs+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/puppet-bugs/JIRA.434144.1643897486000.9555.1644081240031%40Atlassian.JIRA.

Jira (PDB-5450) Slow fact queries after PuppetDB 7.9.0 upgrade

2022-02-05 Thread Elof Ofel (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Elof Ofel commented on  PDB-5450  



  Re: Slow fact queries after PuppetDB 7.9.0 upgrade   


 Hi! Thanks (again) for quick response! I will try this next week when back at work. Can I ask for the configuration line to add/remove? PS: I'm using the standard postgres container with default settings, as installed by your Pupperware.  



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 This message was sent by Atlassian Jira (v8.20.2#820002-sha1:829506d)  





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To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to puppet-bugs+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/puppet-bugs/JIRA.434144.1643897486000.9550.1644054540038%40Atlassian.JIRA.

Jira (PDB-5450) Slow fact queries after PuppetDB 7.9.0 upgrade

2022-02-04 Thread Elof Ofel (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Elof Ofel commented on  PDB-5450  



  Re: Slow fact queries after PuppetDB 7.9.0 upgrade   


 # cat /tmp/load.txt  
  Aggregate  (cost=76757874.40..76757874.41 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=17384.424..17384.445 rows=1 loops=1)  
Buffers: shared hit=3038  
->  Nested Loop Semi Join  (cost=1493157.16..76757874.00 rows=32 width=299) (actual time=16595.373..17384.369 rows=63 loops=1)  
  Join Filter: (certnames.certname = fs.certname)  
  Buffers: shared hit=3038  
  ->  Nested Loop Semi Join  (cost=747602.50..38819975.28 rows=32 width=50) (actual time=16594.563..16840.309 rows=63 loops=1)  

Jira (PDB-5450) Slow fact queries after PuppetDB 7.9.0 upgrade

2022-02-04 Thread Elof Ofel (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Elof Ofel commented on  PDB-5450  



  Re: Slow fact queries after PuppetDB 7.9.0 upgrade   


 I now add "EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, BUFFERS)" to the query. time psql -f /tmp/q2.txt puppetdb puppetdb > /tmp/idle.txt real 0m1.036s user 0m0.035s sys 0m0.004s Works fine. I now generate some background load by reloading the dashboard and immediately re-run the command: time psql -f /tmp/q2.txt puppetdb puppetdb > /tmp/load.txt real 0m18.966s user 0m0.049s sys 0m0.013s Still works fine, only this query takes 18 seconds. Meanwhile the dashboard webpage keeps loading for ca 20 seconds more, and then display values in all cells. If I diff idle.txt and load.txt, both show the same 128 rows, just different timings. So my guess is that it is not the query(s) itself that need debugging but why a PuppetDB 7.9.0 under load start having the 40 second problems when none of the previous versions had this problem.  
 # cat /tmp/idle.txt  
  Aggregate  (cost=76757873.32..76757873.33 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=924.199..924.215 rows=1 loops=1)  
Buffers: shared hit=3037  
->  Nested Loop Semi Join  (cost=1493156.08..76757872.92 rows=32 width=299) (actual time=881.713..924.189 rows=63 loops=1)  
  Join Filter: (certnames.certname 

Jira (PDB-5450) Slow fact queries after PuppetDB 7.9.0 upgrade

2022-02-04 Thread Elof Ofel (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Elof Ofel commented on  PDB-5450  



  Re: Slow fact queries after PuppetDB 7.9.0 upgrade   


 Ok, so I exec:ed into the container and added 'log_min_duration_statement = 2' to postgresql.conf and restarted. Now the postgres-container logs slow queries. Here is a spot sample. This query is generated by a PuppetExplorer dashboard cell showing how many Debian 11 nodes I have, i.e. the query: operatingsystemrelease~"^11." and operatingsystem="Debian" This generates this log while the loading of the dashboard page timeout: postgres_1 | 2022-02-04 16:40:58.161 CET [75] LOG: duration: 23246.062 ms execute /C_2: SELECT COUNT AS result_count FROM (WITH inactive_nodes AS (SELECT certname FROM certnames WHERE (deactivated IS NOT NULL AND deactivated > '2022-01-21T15:40:33.691Z') OR (expired IS NOT NULL and expired > '2022-01-21T15:40:33.691Z')), not_active_nodes AS (SELECT certname FROM certnames WHERE (deactivated IS NOT NULL OR expired IS NOT NULL)) SELECT reports.corrective_change AS "latest_report_corrective_change", certnames.deactivated AS "deactivated", certnames.expired AS "expired", reports_environment.environment AS "report_environment", certnames.certname AS "certname", fs.timestamp AS "facts_timestamp", facts_environment.environment AS "facts_environment", reports.cached_catalog_status AS "cached_catalog_status", report_statuses.status AS "latest_report_status", encode(reports.hash::bytea, 'hex') AS "latest_report_hash", catalogs.timestamp AS "catalog_timestamp", reports.noop_pending AS "latest_report_noop_pending", reports.end_time AS "report_timestamp", reports.noop AS "latest_report_noop", catalog_environment.environment AS "catalog_environment", reports.job_id AS "latest_report_job_id" FROM certnames LEFT JOIN catalogs ON catalogs.certname = certnames.certname LEFT JOIN factsets fs ON certnames.certname = fs.certname LEFT JOIN reports ON (certnames.certname = reports.certname AND certnames.latest_report_id = reports.id) LEFT JOIN environments catalog_environment ON catalog_environment.id = catalogs.environment_id LEFT JOIN report_statuses ON reports.status_id = report_statuses.id LEFT JOIN environments facts_environment ON facts_environment.id = fs.environment_id LEFT JOIN environments reports_environment ON reports_environment.id = reports.environment_id WHERE certnames.certname) in (SELECT certname FROM ( (SELECT fc.certname AS "certname" FROM (select certname, flattened.* from factsets fs left join lateral ( with recursive flattened_one (parent_path, parent_types, key, value, type) as ( select array[]::text[], '', (jsonb_each(fs.stable||fs.volatile)).*, 's' union all select parent_path || flattened_one.key, parent_types || flattened_one.type, sub_paths.key, sub_paths.value, sub_paths.type from flattened_one inner join lateral ( select (jsonb_each(value)).*, 's' as type where jsonb_typeof(value) = 'object' union all select generate_series::text as key, value->generate_series as value, 'i' as type from generate_series(0, jsonb_array_length(value) - 1) where jsonb_typeof(value) = 'array' ) as sub_paths on true ) select environment_id, parent_path || key as path, parent_types || type as types, coalesce(parent_path[1], key) as name, value from flattened_one where not jsonb_typeof(value) = any(' {"array", "object"}') ) as flattened on true) fc LEFT JOIN environments env ON fc.environment_id = env.id WHERE ((fc.path = (array['operatingsystemrelease']) and fc.types = 's') AND (value#>>'{}')::text ~ $1)) ) sub)) AND ((certnames.certname) in (SELECT certname FROM ( (SELECT fc.certname AS "certname" FROM (select certname, flattened.* from factsets fs left join lateral ( with recursive flattened_one 

Jira (PDB-5259) Attempt to improve fact-contents endpoint performance

2022-02-03 Thread Elof Ofel (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Elof Ofel commented on  PDB-5259  



  Re: Attempt to improve fact-contents endpoint performance   


 Please see PDB-5450 if this ticket is the reason for the degregation.  



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 This message was sent by Atlassian Jira (v8.20.2#820002-sha1:829506d)  





You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Bugs" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to puppet-bugs+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/puppet-bugs/JIRA.414907.1631116164000.8025.1643899980034%40Atlassian.JIRA.

Jira (PDB-5450) PuppetDB 7.9.0 really slow

2022-02-03 Thread Elof Ofel (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Elof Ofel updated an issue  



 PuppetDB /  PDB-5450  
  PuppetDB 7.9.0 really slow   


Change By: 
 Elof Ofel  


 This is a pretty vague report, I know, but I file it anyhow.I'm running PuppetDB (and puppetserver and puppetexplorer) as a docker container, managed via pupperware.I just upgraded the PuppetDB container from v7.8.0 to v7.9.0.After that, querys from PuppetExplorer are *really* slow. Sometimes they even timeout.All the cells in the PuppetExplorer dashboard usually update quickly (less than 1 second) for the last year during various PuppetDB 7.x.x versions.Now when I reload the dashboard, a few cells immediately show a value while the others show the rotating animation, waiting for a response. After 40 seconds they finally show a value (and sometimes is times out completely and an error page is displayed).In the PuppetDB container I see no warnings in the log.In the PuppetExplorer container I see no warnings if there is a response (after ~40s), otherwise it logs this (and my browser show a red puppetexplorer timeout page):{noformat}puppetexplorer_1  | 03/Feb/2022:12:57:48 + [ERROR 502 /api/pdb/query/v4/nodes] context canceledpuppetexplorer_1  | 03/Feb/2022:12:57:48 + [ERROR 502 /api/pdb/query/v4/nodes] context canceledpuppetexplorer_1  | 03/Feb/2022:12:57:48 + [ERROR 502 /api/pdb/query/v4/nodes] context canceledpuppetexplorer_1  | 03/Feb/2022:12:57:48 + [ERROR 502 /api/pdb/query/v4/nodes] context canceledpuppetexplorer_1  | 03/Feb/2022:12:57:48 + [ERROR 502 /api/pdb/query/v4/nodes] context canceledpuppetexplorer_1  | 03/Feb/2022:12:57:48 + [ERROR 502 /api/pdb/query/v4/nodes] context canceledpuppetexplorer_1  | 03/Feb/2022:12:57:48 + [ERROR 502 /api/pdb/query/v4/nodes] context canceledpuppetexplorer_1  | 03/Feb/2022:12:57:48 + [ERROR 502 /api/pdb/query/v4/nodes] context canceledpuppetexplorer_1  | 03/Feb/2022:12:57:48 + [ERROR 502 /api/pdb/query/v4/nodes] context canceledpuppetexplorer_1  | 03/Feb/2022:12:57:48 + [ERROR 502 /api/pdb/query/v4/nodes] context canceledpuppetexplorer_1  | 03/Feb/2022:12:57:48 + [ERROR 502 /api/pdb/query/v4/nodes] context canceled{noformat}I'm running 'top' on the docker host.I reload the PuppetExplorer dashboard (and it sends a bunch of querys to PDB).In 'top' I can see how ca 20 postgres processes appear and each use 10% CPU.The processes are present for ~40 seconds and then disappear. At the same time my browser finally show values in all dashboard cells.So, my guess is that something in those postgres threads take 40 seconds before they finally return.The question is what.(Let me know if I can help debugging this somehow)Meanwhile, all puppet agents speak to the puppetserver as usual - no increase in the time to apply the catalog, and the server replaces the facts and stores the reports to PuppetDB without problem.In https://puppet.com/docs/puppetdb/7/release_notes.html#puppetdb-790 I see:"Improved performance of the fact-contents endpoint. Testing against a database of 10,000 mocked nodes, there was an 

Jira (PDB-5450) PuppetDB 7.9.0 really slow

2022-02-03 Thread Elof Ofel (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Elof Ofel updated an issue  



 PuppetDB /  PDB-5450  
  PuppetDB 7.9.0 really slow   


Change By: 
 Elof Ofel  


 This is a pretty vague report, I know, but I file it anyhow.I'm running PuppetDB (and puppetserver and puppetexplorer) as a docker container, managed via pupperware.I just upgraded the PuppetDB container from v7.8.0 to v7.9.0.After that, querys from PuppetExplorer are *really* slow. Sometimes they even timeout.All the cells in the PuppetExplorer dashboard usually update quickly (less than 1 second) for the last year during various PuppetDB 7.x.x versions.Now when I reload the dashboard, a few cells immediately show a value while the others show the rotating animation ,  waiting for a response. After 40 seconds they finally show a value (and sometimes  it  is  times out completely  and an error page is displayed ).In the PuppetDB container I see no warnings in the log.In the PuppetExplorer container I see no warnings if there is a response (after ~40s), otherwise it logs  this (and my browser show a red puppetexplorer timeout page) :{noformat}puppetexplorer_1  | 03/Feb/2022:12:57:48 + [ERROR 502 /api/pdb/query/v4/nodes] context canceledpuppetexplorer_1  | 03/Feb/2022:12:57:48 + [ERROR 502 /api/pdb/query/v4/nodes] context canceledpuppetexplorer_1  | 03/Feb/2022:12:57:48 + [ERROR 502 /api/pdb/query/v4/nodes] context canceledpuppetexplorer_1  | 03/Feb/2022:12:57:48 + [ERROR 502 /api/pdb/query/v4/nodes] context canceledpuppetexplorer_1  | 03/Feb/2022:12:57:48 + [ERROR 502 /api/pdb/query/v4/nodes] context canceledpuppetexplorer_1  | 03/Feb/2022:12:57:48 + [ERROR 502 /api/pdb/query/v4/nodes] context canceledpuppetexplorer_1  | 03/Feb/2022:12:57:48 + [ERROR 502 /api/pdb/query/v4/nodes] context canceledpuppetexplorer_1  | 03/Feb/2022:12:57:48 + [ERROR 502 /api/pdb/query/v4/nodes] context canceledpuppetexplorer_1  | 03/Feb/2022:12:57:48 + [ERROR 502 /api/pdb/query/v4/nodes] context canceledpuppetexplorer_1  | 03/Feb/2022:12:57:48 + [ERROR 502 /api/pdb/query/v4/nodes] context canceledpuppetexplorer_1  | 03/Feb/2022:12:57:48 + [ERROR 502 /api/pdb/query/v4/nodes] context canceled{noformat}I'm running 'top' on the docker host.I reload the PuppetExplorer dashboard (and it sends a bunch of querys to PDB).In 'top' I can see how ca 20 postgres processes appear and each use 10% CPU.The processes are  there  present  for ~40 seconds and then disappear. At the same time my browser finally show values in all dashboard cells.So, my guess is that something in those postgres threads take 40 seconds before they finally return. The question is what.  (Let me know if I can help debugging this somehow)   Meanwhile,  the  all  puppet agents speak to the puppetserver as usual - no increase in the time to apply the catalog, and the server replaces the facts and stores the reports to PuppetDB without problem.In https://puppet.com/docs/puppetdb/7/release_notes.html#puppetdb-790 I see:"Improved performance of the fact-contents endpoint. Testing against a database of 

Jira (PDB-5450) PuppetDB 7.9.0 really slow

2022-02-03 Thread Elof Ofel (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Elof Ofel updated an issue  



 PuppetDB /  PDB-5450  
  PuppetDB 7.9.0 really slow   


Change By: 
 Elof Ofel  


 This is a pretty vague report, I know, but I file it anyhow.I'm running PuppetDB (and puppetserver and puppetexplorer) as a docker container, managed via pupperware.I just upgraded the PuppetDB container from v7.8.0 to v7.9.0.After that, querys from PuppetExplorer are *really* slow. Sometimes they even timeout.All the cells in the PuppetExplorer dashboard usually update quickly (less than 1 second) for the last year during various PuppetDB 7.x.x versions. If Now when  I  now  reload the dashboard, a few cells immediately show a value while the others show the rotating animation waiting for a response. After 40 seconds they finally show a value (and sometimes it times out completely).In the PuppetDB container I see no warnings in the log.In the PuppetExplorer container I see no warnings if there is a response (after ~40s), otherwise it logs:{noformat}puppetexplorer_1  | 03/Feb/2022:12:57:48 + [ERROR 502 /api/pdb/query/v4/nodes] context canceledpuppetexplorer_1  | 03/Feb/2022:12:57:48 + [ERROR 502 /api/pdb/query/v4/nodes] context canceledpuppetexplorer_1  | 03/Feb/2022:12:57:48 + [ERROR 502 /api/pdb/query/v4/nodes] context canceledpuppetexplorer_1  | 03/Feb/2022:12:57:48 + [ERROR 502 /api/pdb/query/v4/nodes] context canceledpuppetexplorer_1  | 03/Feb/2022:12:57:48 + [ERROR 502 /api/pdb/query/v4/nodes] context canceledpuppetexplorer_1  | 03/Feb/2022:12:57:48 + [ERROR 502 /api/pdb/query/v4/nodes] context canceledpuppetexplorer_1  | 03/Feb/2022:12:57:48 + [ERROR 502 /api/pdb/query/v4/nodes] context canceledpuppetexplorer_1  | 03/Feb/2022:12:57:48 + [ERROR 502 /api/pdb/query/v4/nodes] context canceledpuppetexplorer_1  | 03/Feb/2022:12:57:48 + [ERROR 502 /api/pdb/query/v4/nodes] context canceledpuppetexplorer_1  | 03/Feb/2022:12:57:48 + [ERROR 502 /api/pdb/query/v4/nodes] context canceledpuppetexplorer_1  | 03/Feb/2022:12:57:48 + [ERROR 502 /api/pdb/query/v4/nodes] context canceled{noformat}I'm running 'top' on the docker host.I reload the PuppetExplorer dashboard (and it sends a bunch of querys to PDB).In 'top' I can see how ca 20 postgres processes appear and each use 10% CPU.The processes are there for ~40 seconds and then disappear. At the same time my browser finally show values in all dashboard cells.So, my guess is that something in those postgres threads take 40 seconds before they finally return.Meanwhile, the puppet agents speak to the puppetserver as usual - no increase in the time to apply the catalog, and the server replaces the facts and stores the reports to PuppetDB without problem.In https://puppet.com/docs/puppetdb/7/release_notes.html#puppetdb-790 I see:"Improved performance of the fact-contents endpoint. Testing against a database of 10,000 mocked nodes, there was an observed 84% decrease in time taken to complete a difficult query. https://tickets.puppetlabs.com/browse/PDB-5259"Could it be this change that degraded the 

Jira (PDB-5450) PuppetDB 7.9.0 really slow

2022-02-03 Thread Elof Ofel (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Elof Ofel updated an issue  



 PuppetDB /  PDB-5450  
  PuppetDB 7.9.0 really slow   


Change By: 
 Elof Ofel  


 This is a pretty vague report, I know, but I file it anyhow.I'm running PuppetDB ( an and  puppetserver and puppetexplorer) as a docker container, managed via pupperware.I just upgraded the PuppetDB container from v7.8.0 to v7.9.0.After that, querys from PuppetExplorer are *really* slow. Sometimes they even timeout.All the cells in the PuppetExplorer dashboard usually update quickly (less than 1 second) for the last year during various PuppetDB 7.x.x versions.If I now reload the dashboard, a few cells immediately show a value while the others show the rotating animation waiting for a response. After 40 seconds they finally show a value (and sometimes it times out completely).In the PuppetDB container I see no warnings in the log.In the PuppetExplorer container I see no warnings if there is a response (after ~40s), otherwise it logs:{noformat}puppetexplorer_1  | 03/Feb/2022:12:57:48 + [ERROR 502 /api/pdb/query/v4/nodes] context canceledpuppetexplorer_1  | 03/Feb/2022:12:57:48 + [ERROR 502 /api/pdb/query/v4/nodes] context canceledpuppetexplorer_1  | 03/Feb/2022:12:57:48 + [ERROR 502 /api/pdb/query/v4/nodes] context canceledpuppetexplorer_1  | 03/Feb/2022:12:57:48 + [ERROR 502 /api/pdb/query/v4/nodes] context canceledpuppetexplorer_1  | 03/Feb/2022:12:57:48 + [ERROR 502 /api/pdb/query/v4/nodes] context canceledpuppetexplorer_1  | 03/Feb/2022:12:57:48 + [ERROR 502 /api/pdb/query/v4/nodes] context canceledpuppetexplorer_1  | 03/Feb/2022:12:57:48 + [ERROR 502 /api/pdb/query/v4/nodes] context canceledpuppetexplorer_1  | 03/Feb/2022:12:57:48 + [ERROR 502 /api/pdb/query/v4/nodes] context canceledpuppetexplorer_1  | 03/Feb/2022:12:57:48 + [ERROR 502 /api/pdb/query/v4/nodes] context canceledpuppetexplorer_1  | 03/Feb/2022:12:57:48 + [ERROR 502 /api/pdb/query/v4/nodes] context canceledpuppetexplorer_1  | 03/Feb/2022:12:57:48 + [ERROR 502 /api/pdb/query/v4/nodes] context canceled{noformat}I'm running 'top' on the docker host.I reload the PuppetExplorer dashboard (and it sends a bunch of querys to PDB).In 'top' I can see how ca 20 postgres processes appear and each use 10% CPU.The processes are there for ~40 seconds and then disappear. At the same time my browser finally show values in all dashboard cells.So, my guess is that something in those postgres threads take 40 seconds before they finally return.Meanwhile, the puppet agents speak to the puppetserver as usual - no increase in the time to apply the catalog, and the server replaces the facts and stores the reports to PuppetDB without problem.In https://puppet.com/docs/puppetdb/7/release_notes.html#puppetdb-790 I see:"Improved performance of the fact-contents endpoint. Testing against a database of 10,000 mocked nodes, there was an observed 84% decrease in time taken to complete a difficult query. https://tickets.puppetlabs.com/browse/PDB-5259"Could it be this change that degraded the 

Jira (PDB-5450) PuppetDB 7.9.0 really slow

2022-02-03 Thread Elof Ofel (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Elof Ofel created an issue  



 PuppetDB /  PDB-5450  
  PuppetDB 7.9.0 really slow   


Issue Type: 
Affects Versions: 
 PDB 7.9.0  
 2022/02/03 6:11 AM  
 Elof Ofel  


 This is a pretty vague report, I know, but I file it anyhow. I'm running PuppetDB (an puppetserver and puppetexplorer) as a docker container, managed via pupperware. I just upgraded the PuppetDB container from v7.8.0 to v7.9.0. After that, querys from PuppetExplorer are really slow. Sometimes they even timeout. All the cells in the PuppetExplorer dashboard usually update quickly (less than 1 second) for the last year during various PuppetDB 7.x.x versions. If I now reload the dashboard, a few cells immediately show a value while the others show the rotating animation waiting for a response. After 40 seconds they finally show a value (and sometimes it times out completely). In the PuppetDB container I see no warnings in the log. In the PuppetExplorer container I see no warnings if there is a response (after ~40s), otherwise it logs:  
 puppetexplorer_1  | 03/Feb/2022:12:57:48 + [ERROR 502 /api/pdb/query/v4/nodes] context canceled  
 puppetexplorer_1  | 03/Feb/2022:12:57:48 + [ERROR 502 

Jira (PDB-4876) Metrics endpoint broken

2020-09-14 Thread Elof Ofel (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Elof Ofel commented on  PDB-4876  



  Re: Metrics endpoint broken   


 Confirmed in the open-source version (in this case, puppetdb 5.2.15-1stretch).   
 #grep ^CONFIG /etc/default/puppetdb  
 I created the metrics.conf file above in this dir and ran 'systemctl restart puppetdb'.  
 Now the v1 endpoint respond to queries again.  



 Add Comment  




 This message was sent by Atlassian Jira (v8.5.2#805002-sha1:a66f935)  

Jira (PDB-4876) Metrics endpoint broken

2020-09-09 Thread Elof Ofel (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Elof Ofel commented on  PDB-4876  



  Re: Metrics endpoint broken   


 Thanks for your excellent answers!   For completeness, I plan to test the above metrics.conf file in an open source Puppet, tomorrow or next week.  



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 This message was sent by Atlassian Jira (v8.5.2#805002-sha1:a66f935)  





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Jira (PDB-4876) Metrics endpoint broken

2020-09-04 Thread Elof Ofel (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Elof Ofel commented on  PDB-4876  



  Re: Metrics endpoint broken   


 Hi Zachary Kent ! Thanks for this response. That explains it all.  A manual test confirms what you wrote:  
 mbean	"puppetlabs.puppetdb.population:name=pct-resource-dupes"  
 type	"read"  
 Value	"151107/183659"  
 timestamp	1599214647  
 status	200  
  The v2 metrics endpoint is working fine.   Yes, updating the docs would help others in the same situation like me. Nowhere did I see any mention of v1 being disabled. For completeness in this ticket (and possibly also in your updated documentation), can you please add instructions on how to force the v1 endpoint back on?  



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Jira (PDB-4876) Metrics endpoint broken

2020-09-02 Thread Elof Ofel (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Elof Ofel updated an issue  



 PuppetDB /  PDB-4876  
  Metrics endpoint broken   


Change By: 
 Elof Ofel  


 Strange bug: After I upgraded puppetdb from 5.2.12-1stretch to 5.2.15-1stretch, I can no longer access the metrics endpoint.All requests to /metrics/v1/mbeans/* get at "404 not found" response while requests to e.g. /pdb/query/v4/ work just fine (200 OK). Prior to Jun 30, my system (Debian 9) was running puppetdb 5.2.12-1stretch and everything was working fine.On Jun 30, an 'apt-get upgrade' upgraded puppet-agent, puppet5-release, puppetdb, puppetserver and puppetdb-termini:{noformat}  dpkg.log.3.gz:2020-06-30 08:34:48 upgrade puppet-agent:amd64 5.5.18-1stretch 5.5.20-1stretchdpkg.log.3.gz:2020-06-30 08:34:48 status half-configured puppet-agent:amd64 5.5.18-1stretchdpkg.log.3.gz:2020-06-30 08:34:48 status unpacked puppet-agent:amd64 5.5.18-1stretchdpkg.log.3.gz:2020-06-30 08:34:48 status half-installed puppet-agent:amd64 5.5.18-1stretchdpkg.log.3.gz:2020-06-30 08:34:50 status half-installed puppet-agent:amd64 5.5.18-1stretchdpkg.log.3.gz:2020-06-30 08:34:51 status unpacked puppet-agent:amd64 5.5.20-1stretchdpkg.log.3.gz:2020-06-30 08:34:51 status unpacked puppet-agent:amd64 5.5.20-1stretchdpkg.log.3.gz:2020-06-30 08:34:51 configure puppet-agent:amd64 5.5.20-1stretch dpkg.log.3.gz:2020-06-30 08:34:51 status unpacked puppet-agent:amd64 5.5.20-1stretchdpkg.log.3.gz:2020-06-30 08:34:51 status unpacked puppet-agent:amd64 5.5.20-1stretchdpkg.log.3.gz:2020-06-30 08:34:51 status unpacked puppet-agent:amd64 5.5.20-1stretchdpkg.log.3.gz:2020-06-30 08:34:51 status unpacked puppet-agent:amd64 5.5.20-1stretchdpkg.log.3.gz:2020-06-30 08:34:51 status unpacked puppet-agent:amd64 5.5.20-1stretchdpkg.log.3.gz:2020-06-30 08:34:51 status unpacked puppet-agent:amd64 5.5.20-1stretchdpkg.log.3.gz:2020-06-30 08:34:51 status unpacked puppet-agent:amd64 5.5.20-1stretchdpkg.log.3.gz:2020-06-30 08:34:51 status unpacked puppet-agent:amd64 5.5.20-1stretchdpkg.log.3.gz:2020-06-30 08:34:51 status unpacked puppet-agent:amd64 5.5.20-1stretchdpkg.log.3.gz:2020-06-30 08:34:51 status unpacked puppet-agent:amd64 5.5.20-1stretchdpkg.log.3.gz:2020-06-30 08:34:51 status unpacked puppet-agent:amd64 5.5.20-1stretchdpkg.log.3.gz:2020-06-30 08:34:51 status unpacked puppet-agent:amd64 5.5.20-1stretchdpkg.log.3.gz:2020-06-30 08:34:51 status unpacked puppet-agent:amd64 5.5.20-1stretchdpkg.log.3.gz:2020-06-30 08:34:51 status unpacked puppet-agent:amd64 5.5.20-1stretchdpkg.log.3.gz:2020-06-30 08:34:51 status unpacked puppet-agent:amd64 5.5.20-1stretchdpkg.log.3.gz:2020-06-30 08:34:51 status unpacked puppet-agent:amd64 5.5.20-1stretchdpkg.log.3.gz:2020-06-30 08:34:51 status unpacked puppet-agent:amd64 5.5.20-1stretchdpkg.log.3.gz:2020-06-30 08:34:51 status unpacked puppet-agent:amd64 5.5.20-1stretchdpkg.log.3.gz:2020-06-30 08:34:51 status unpacked puppet-agent:amd64 5.5.20-1stretchdpkg.log.3.gz:2020-06-30 08:34:51 status unpacked puppet-agent:amd64 5.5.20-1stretchdpkg.log.3.gz:2020-06-30 08:34:51 status unpacked puppet-agent:amd64 

Jira (PDB-4876) Metrics endpoint broken

2020-09-02 Thread Elof Ofel (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Elof Ofel created an issue  



 PuppetDB /  PDB-4876  
  Metrics endpoint broken   


Issue Type: 
Affects Versions: 
 PDB 5.2.15  
 2020/09/02 6:33 AM  
 Debian 9 puppet-agent 5.5.20-1stretch amd64 puppet5-release 5.0.0-11stretch all puppetdb 5.2.15-1stretch all puppetdb-termini 5.2.15-1stretch all puppetexplorer 2.0.0-62 all puppetserver 5.3.13-1stretch all ruby-puppet-forge 2.2.2-2 all ruby-semantic-puppet 0.1.4-2 all  
 Elof Ofel  


 Strange bug:   After I upgraded puppetdb from 5.2.12-1stretch to 5.2.15-1stretch, I can no longer access the metrics endpoint. All requests to /metrics/v1/mbeans/* get at "404 not found" response while requests to e.g. /pdb/query/v4/ work just fine (200 OK).   Prior to Jun 30, my system (Debian 9) was running puppetdb 5.2.12-1stretch and everything was working fine. On Jun 30, an 'apt-get upgrade' upgraded puppet-agent, puppet5-release, puppetdb, puppetserver and puppetdb-termini:  

Jira (PUP-9316) implement no_proxy in puppet.conf

2019-10-25 Thread Elof Ofel (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Elof Ofel commented on  PUP-9316  



  Re: implement no_proxy in puppet.conf   


 Actually, the problem here was that puppet 5.5.16 and prior versions did not work in the manner the manual stated.  
 The manual for http_proxy_host says "Environment variable http_proxy or HTTP_PROXY will override this value" but apparently it never did. But now in 5.5.17 this is fixed.  
 So this discussion doesn't really have to do explicitly with the 'no_proxy' variable, but rather with the rest of the environment variable handling that was changed in the commit.  
 In my case this fix became a major problem even though it was just a minor version upgrade.  
 Some logs just because you asked for them:  
 I have the new version 5.5.17:  
 #  dpkg -l | grep puppet  
 ii  puppet-agent  

Jira (PUP-9316) implement no_proxy in puppet.conf

2019-10-24 Thread Elof Ofel (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Elof Ofel commented on  PUP-9316  



  Re: implement no_proxy in puppet.conf   


 When I upgraded from 5.5.16 to 5.5.17, puppet stopped working on all my Debian 9 machines.  (haven't tried on any others yet) I think it has to do with this change.  
 # env | grep -i proxy  
 # puppet agent -t --noop  
 Warning: Unable to fetch my node definition, but the agent run will continue:  
 Warning: 403 "Forbidden"  
 Info: Retrieving pluginfacts  

Jira (PUP-7779) Re-implement `puppet facts upload` and associated server endpoint

2017-11-27 Thread Elof Ofel (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Elof Ofel commented on  PUP-7779 

  Re: Re-implement `puppet facts upload` and associated server endpoint  
I really wanted to vote for 

, but it's been closed in favor for this ticket. 
I don't need a real-time sync of the facts. I simply need the facts to be executed again after the puppet run, and attached to the report back to puppetDB. That's it. 
Then my queries to PuppetDB will show the current and correct state of the node. 

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Jira (FACT-1746) virtual and is_virtual are reported incorrectly on freebsd proxmox vms

2017-09-12 Thread Elof Ofel (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Elof Ofel commented on  FACT-1746 

  Re: virtual and is_virtual are reported incorrectly on freebsd proxmox vms  
Need I do something more on this ticket? 

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Jira (FACT-1746) virtual and is_virtual are reported incorrectly on freebsd proxmox vms

2017-09-09 Thread Elof Ofel (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Elof Ofel commented on  FACT-1746 

  Re: virtual and is_virtual are reported incorrectly on freebsd proxmox vms  
I did it.  Made a patch and tested it. Works fine. 
Created a PR - https://github.com/puppetlabs/facter/pull/1639 

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Jira (FACT-1746) virtual and is_virtual are reported incorrectly on freebsd proxmox vms

2017-09-07 Thread Elof Ofel (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Elof Ofel commented on  FACT-1746 

  Re: virtual and is_virtual are reported incorrectly on freebsd proxmox vms  
Michael Smith, thanks for your help on FACT-1744. Perhaps you can help me with this one too?  The changes needed here aren't as easy as exchangeing a single word, so my devel-skills are wy too poor to even make an attempt and test the port on a FreeBSD machine. 

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Jira (FACT-1746) virtual and is_virtual are reported incorrectly on freebsd proxmox vms

2017-09-07 Thread Elof Ofel (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Elof Ofel updated an issue 

 Facter /  FACT-1746 
  virtual and is_virtual are reported incorrectly on freebsd proxmox vms  

Change By:
 Elof Ofel 

 VM (kvm / qemu) running on a Proxmox host.The VM is running FreeBSD 10.3 amd64.Puppet4  (from FreeBSD ports) is  compiled with facter 3.8.0. 

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Jira (FACT-1746) virtual and is_virtual are reported incorrectly on freebsd proxmox vms

2017-09-07 Thread Elof Ofel (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Elof Ofel created an issue 

 Facter /  FACT-1746 
  virtual and is_virtual are reported incorrectly on freebsd proxmox vms  

Issue Type:

Affects Versions:

 FACT 3.8.0 




 2017/09/07 6:46 AM 

FreeBSD 10.3 amd64. Puppet4 compiled with facter 3.8.0. 


 Elof Ofel 
Before I upgraded from facter 2.5.0 to 3.8.0, I had: 
virtual 	kvm 
is_virtual 	true

Jira (FACT-1744) kenv lookup for smbios.system.serial failed on FreeBSD

2017-09-06 Thread Elof Ofel (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Elof Ofel commented on  FACT-1744 

  Re: kenv lookup for smbios.system.serial failed on FreeBSD  
I'm no programmer, but created a PR: https://github.com/puppetlabs/facter/pull/1637 

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Jira (FACT-1744) kenv lookup for smbios.system.serial failed on FreeBSD

2017-09-04 Thread Elof Ofel (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Elof Ofel created an issue 

 Facter /  FACT-1744 
  kenv lookup for smbios.system.serial failed on FreeBSD  

Issue Type:

Affects Versions:

 FACT 3.8.0 




 2017/09/04 8:39 AM 

FreeBSD 10.3 amd64 running as a VM on a proxmox host. puppet4 (from ports. In its make options I changed from ruby-facter-2.x to c-facter-3.x) facter 3.8.0 


 Elof Ofel 
When I run facter -p I always get an error message (apart from the normal output): 
Warning: Facter: kenv lookup for smbios.system.serial failed: No such file or directory (2)
Running facter -d -p 

Jira (FACT-1736) EC2 fact hangs for 10 minutes trying to reach

2017-08-22 Thread Elof Ofel (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Elof Ofel commented on  FACT-1736 

  Re: EC2 fact hangs for 10 minutes trying to reach  
I see that there are also a port for facter 3.8.0. Is that one better? 
(In the make options for puppet4 I see that I can change the dependency: CFACTER=off: Use facter 3.x (experimental rewrite in C++) RFACTER=on: Use facter 2.x (written in Ruby) ) 

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Jira (FACT-1736) EC2 fact hangs for 10 minutes trying to reach

2017-08-22 Thread Elof Ofel (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Elof Ofel created an issue 

 Facter /  FACT-1736 
  EC2 fact hangs for 10 minutes trying to reach  

Issue Type:




 2017/08/22 9:35 AM 

FreeBSD 10.3 with the latest ports: rubygem-facter 2.5.0 ruby 2.3.4_2,1 puppet4 4.10.6 




 Elof Ofel 
Many firewalls block and drop packets for non-allowed traffic. This mean that no RST response is sent back to the client to terminate the connection attempt. 
Puppet nodes placed behind such a firewall send TCP SYN packets to over and over and over again due to the EC2 fact. 
A single puppet run that normally takes 10 seconds now takes more than 10 minutes! That's why I set this issue type as Bug and not Improvement.  
My current workaround is to configure an alias IP on a local interface on the nodes, or setup a REJECT-rule in my firewall, so the connection attempts are terminated immediately and EC2 can continue. 

Jira (PDB-3063) latest_report_noop_pending=null, should be =true

2016-09-26 Thread Elof Ofel (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Elof Ofel commented on  PDB-3063 

  Re: latest_report_noop_pending=null, should be =true  
This ticket can be closed if you choose to ignore the changed logic, and instead urge users to upgrade and then use the new syntax in their queries. 

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Jira (PDB-3063) latest_report_noop_pending=null, should be =true

2016-09-22 Thread Elof Ofel (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Elof Ofel commented on  PDB-3063 

  Re: latest_report_noop_pending=null, should be =true  
Wyatt Alt, Ah. Testing. Yes, from an updated Debian client (puppet agent --version: 4.6.2), I get  "latest_report_noop" : true, "latest_report_noop_pending" : true, "latest_report_status" : "unchanged" 
The 'null' values in my original post came from a FreeBSD client with v4.5.1. So, once all my clients are updated I can start using latest_report_noop_pending. Great. 
Regarding section #2: 
Prior to PuppetDB v4.2: 
The query #report { latest_report?=true and noop=true and status="unchanged" } 
matches clients with pending jobs. (the last performed puppet run is a noop run, and it reported changes) 
Now after PuppetDB v4.2: 
The query #report { latest_report?=true and noop=true and status="unchanged" } 
matches *any and all nodes* that use the new version of the puppet client, wether they have pending jobs or not. 
This is possibly bad, if there are applications out there who rely on the old logic. They must update their syntax. 

Jira (PDB-3063) latest_report_noop_pending=null, should be =true

2016-09-21 Thread Elof Ofel (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Elof Ofel updated an issue 

 PuppetDB /  PDB-3063 
  latest_report_noop_pending=null, should be =true  

Change By:
 Elof Ofel 
 Hmm, I think the changes with "noop_pending", intoduced in v4.2 (PDB-2753) is buggy.latest_report_noop_pending is set to null even though the last noop run showed changes.Example:On node foo.bar.com I run 'puppet agent -t --noop'.It shows me there are changes to be made.In puppetdb however, it looks like this:{noformat}curl -X GET{  "deactivated" : null,  "latest_report_hash" : "114082ba90a7a0fc94580ffa520315d8d1f2723a",  "facts_environment" : "production",  "cached_catalog_status" : "not_used",  "report_environment" : "production",  "latest_report_corrective_change" : null,  "catalog_environment" : "production",  "facts_timestamp" : "2016-09-21T08:33:28.459Z",  "latest_report_noop" : true,  "expired" : null,  "latest_report_noop_pending" : null,  "report_timestamp" : "2016-09-21T08:33:31.811Z",  "certname" : "foo.bar.com",  "catalog_timestamp" : "2016-09-21T08:33:32.601Z",  "latest_report_status" : "unchanged"}{noformat}{noformat}So...  "report_timestamp" : "2016-09-21T08:33:31.811Z"   Correct. That's the time I ran the noop.  "latest_report_noop" : true   Correct, I've run nothing else after the noop.  "latest_report_status" : "unchanged"  Correct, nothing was changed.  "latest_report_noop_pending" : null   Wrong!{noformat}\\I have a cron job that periodically do a noop-run on all my nodes.For nodes that are not "up to date", I get an email report.Also, in PuppetExplorer I list these "nodes with pending jobs" using a query like this:{noformat}#report { latest_report?=true and noop=true and status="unchanged" }{noformat}Since PuppetDB 4.2, this query doesn't work any more.The problem is that neither of these querys now show me the list of nodes with pending jobs:{noformat}#node { latest_report_noop_pending=true }#report { latest_report?=true and noop_pending=true } #report {  latest_report?=true and noop=true and status="unchanged" }{ noformat}Is my query wrong, or is there a bug in puppetdb?(Running the latest puppet on Debian 8.6: puppet-agent   1.6.2-1jessiepuppetdb   4.2.2-1puppetlabs1puppetdb-termini   4.2.2-1puppetlabs1puppetexplorer 2.0.0-62puppetlabs-release-pc1 1.1.0-2jessiepuppetserver   2.6.0-1puppetlabs1) 

 Add Comment 

Jira (PDB-3063) latest_report_noop_pending=null, should be =true

2016-09-21 Thread Elof Ofel (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Elof Ofel updated an issue 

 PuppetDB /  PDB-3063 
  latest_report_noop_pending=null, should be =true  

Change By:
 Elof Ofel 
 Hmm, I think the changes with "noop_pending", intoduced in v4.2 (PDB-2753) is buggy.latest_report_noop_pending is set to null even though the last noop run showed changes.Example:On node foo.bar.com I run 'puppet agent -t --noop'.It shows me there are changes to be made.In puppetdb however, it looks like this:{noformat}curl -X GET{  "deactivated" : null,  "latest_report_hash" : "114082ba90a7a0fc94580ffa520315d8d1f2723a",  "facts_environment" : "production",  "cached_catalog_status" : "not_used",  "report_environment" : "production",  "latest_report_corrective_change" : null,  "catalog_environment" : "production",  "facts_timestamp" : "2016-09-21T08:33:28.459Z",  "latest_report_noop" : true,  "expired" : null,  "latest_report_noop_pending" : null,  "report_timestamp" : "2016-09-21T08:33:31.811Z",  "certname" : "foo.bar.com",  "catalog_timestamp" : "2016-09-21T08:33:32.601Z",  "latest_report_status" : "unchanged"}{noformat}{noformat}So...  "report_timestamp" : "2016-09-21T08:33:31.811Z"   Correct. That's the time I ran the noop.  "latest_report_noop" : true   Correct, I've run nothing else after the noop.  "latest_report_status" : "unchanged"  Correct, nothing was changed.  "latest_report_noop_pending" : null   Wrong!{noformat} \\  \\  \\ I have a cron job that periodically do a noop-run on all my nodes.For nodes that are not "up to date", I get an email report.Also, in PuppetExplorer I list these "nodes with pending jobs" using a query like this:{noformat}#report { latest_report?=true and noop=true and status="unchanged" }{noformat}Since PuppetDB 4.2, this query doesn't work any more.The problem is that neither of these querys now show me the list of nodes with pending jobs:{noformat}#node { latest_report_noop_pending=true }#report { latest_report?=true and noop_pending=true }{noformat} \\  \\ Is my query wrong, or is there a bug in puppetdb?(Running the latest puppet on Debian 8.6: puppet-agent   1.6.2-1jessiepuppetdb   4.2.2-1puppetlabs1puppetdb-termini   4.2.2-1puppetlabs1puppetexplorer 2.0.0-62puppetlabs-release-pc1 1.1.0-2jessiepuppetserver   2.6.0-1puppetlabs1) 

 Add Comment 

Jira (PDB-3063) latest_report_noop_pending=null, should be =true

2016-09-21 Thread Elof Ofel (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Elof Ofel updated an issue 

 PuppetDB /  PDB-3063 
  latest_report_noop_pending=null, should be =true  

Change By:
 Elof Ofel 
 Hmm, I think the changes with "noop_pending", intoduced in v4.2 (PDB-2753) is buggy.latest_report_noop_pending is set to null even though the last noop run showed changes.Example:On node foo.bar.com I run 'puppet agent -t --noop'.It shows me there are changes to be made.In puppetdb however, it looks like this:{noformat}curl -X GET{  "deactivated" : null,  "latest_report_hash" : "114082ba90a7a0fc94580ffa520315d8d1f2723a",  "facts_environment" : "production",  "cached_catalog_status" : "not_used",  "report_environment" : "production",  "latest_report_corrective_change" : null,  "catalog_environment" : "production",  "facts_timestamp" : "2016-09-21T08:33:28.459Z",  "latest_report_noop" : true,  "expired" : null,  "latest_report_noop_pending" : null,  "report_timestamp" : "2016-09-21T08:33:31.811Z",  "certname" : "foo.bar.com",  "catalog_timestamp" : "2016-09-21T08:33:32.601Z",  "latest_report_status" : "unchanged"}{noformat}{noformat}So...  "report_timestamp" : "2016-09-21T08:33:31.811Z"   Correct. That's the time I ran the noop.  "latest_report_noop" : true   Correct, I've run nothing else after the noop.  "latest_report_status" : "unchanged"  Correct, nothing was changed.  "latest_report_noop_pending" : null   Wrong!{noformat}  I have a cron job that periodically do a noop-run on all my nodes.For nodes that are not "up to date", I get an email report.Also, in PuppetExplorer I list these "nodes with pending jobs" using a query like this:{noformat}#report { latest_report?=true and noop=true and status="unchanged" }{noformat}Since PuppetDB 4.2, this query doesn't work any more.The problem is that neither of these querys now show me the list of nodes with pending jobs:{noformat}#node { latest_report_noop_pending=true }#report { latest_report?=true and noop_pending=true }{noformat}Is my query wrong, or is there a bug in puppetdb?(Running the latest puppet on Debian 8.6: puppet-agent   1.6.2-1jessiepuppetdb   4.2.2-1puppetlabs1puppetdb-termini   4.2.2-1puppetlabs1puppetexplorer 2.0.0-62puppetlabs-release-pc1 1.1.0-2jessiepuppetserver   2.6.0-1puppetlabs1) 

 Add Comment 

Jira (PDB-3063) latest_report_noop_pending=null, should be =true

2016-09-21 Thread Elof Ofel (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Elof Ofel updated an issue 

 PuppetDB /  PDB-3063 
  latest_report_noop_pending=null, should be =true  

Change By:
 Elof Ofel 
 Hmm, I think the changes with "noop_pending", intoduced in v4.2 (PDB-2753) is buggy.latest_report_noop_pending is set to null even though the last noop run showed changes.Example:On node foo.bar.com I run 'puppet agent -t --noop'.It shows me there are changes to be made.In puppetdb however, it looks like this:{noformat}curl -X GET{  "deactivated" : null,  "latest_report_hash" : "114082ba90a7a0fc94580ffa520315d8d1f2723a",  "facts_environment" : "production",  "cached_catalog_status" : "not_used",  "report_environment" : "production",  "latest_report_corrective_change" : null,  "catalog_environment" : "production",  "facts_timestamp" : "2016-09-21T08:33:28.459Z",  "latest_report_noop" : true,  "expired" : null,  "latest_report_noop_pending" : null,  "report_timestamp" : "2016-09-21T08:33:31.811Z",  "certname" : "foo.bar.com",  "catalog_timestamp" : "2016-09-21T08:33:32.601Z",  "latest_report_status" : "unchanged"}{noformat}{noformat}So...  "report_timestamp" : "2016-09-21T08:33:31.811Z"   Correct. That's the time I ran the noop.  "latest_report_noop" : true Correct, I've run nothing else after the noop.  "latest_report_status" : "unchanged"  Correct, nothing was changed.  "latest_report_noop_pending" :  {color:red} null {color}    Wrong!{noformat}I have a cron job that periodically do a noop-run on all my nodes.For nodes that are not "up to date", I get an email report.Also, in PuppetExplorer I list these "nodes with pending jobs" using a query like this:{noformat}#report { latest_report?=true and noop=true and status="unchanged" }{noformat}Since PuppetDB 4.2, this query doesn't work any more.The problem is that neither of these querys now show me the list of nodes with pending jobs:{noformat}#node { latest_report_noop_pending=true }#report { latest_report?=true and noop_pending=true }{noformat}Is my query wrong, or is there a bug in puppetdb?(Running the latest puppet on Debian 8.6: puppet-agent   1.6.2-1jessiepuppetdb   4.2.2-1puppetlabs1puppetdb-termini   4.2.2-1puppetlabs1puppetexplorer 2.0.0-62puppetlabs-release-pc1 1.1.0-2jessiepuppetserver   2.6.0-1puppetlabs1) 

 Add Comment 

Jira (PDB-3063) latest_report_noop_pending=null, should be =true

2016-09-21 Thread Elof Ofel (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Elof Ofel created an issue 

 PuppetDB /  PDB-3063 
  latest_report_noop_pending=null, should be =true  

Issue Type:

Affects Versions:

 PDB 4.2.2 






 2016/09/21 3:27 AM 


 Elof Ofel 
Hmm, I think the changes with "noop_pending", intoduced in v4.2 (

) is buggy. 
latest_report_noop_pending is set to null even though the last noop run showed changes. 
Example: On node foo.bar.com I run 'puppet agent -t --noop'. It shows me there are changes to be made. 
In puppetdb however, it looks like this: 
curl -X GET 

Jira (PUP-4387) Cyan colored notices

2015-04-11 Thread Elof Ofel (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Elof Ofel commented on  PUP-4387 

  Re: Cyan colored notices  
I haven't lived without color since I just upgraded from v2.7... But I must say that I do like colorizing the output. 
Being able to instantly visually separate different sections from each other is quite important. 
I like the cyan color, so I'd like it back. 
A bit off topic: 
Perhaps because I've made a separate script just for running --noop to swiftly see what's going to be modified on the machine, I like cyan back. The script removes all uninteresting lines and then add some extra colorization to keywords making you instantly see what parameters are being modified by just skimming through the --noop output. In my script, all diffs begin with a 3-line yellow separator, then the diff itself uses red lines for old data and white lines (with a green '+' at the beginning). Having white and red text for diff-data and cyan for notices vastly improves the visibility and differentiates from puppet messages (in cyan) from file data. The script also print the last parameter within square brackets in magenta, followed by its modification action highlighted in yellow. 
Ideally, IMHO puppet should produce output like this, but I don't think that's really possible. 
If anyone's interested, here's my hack (you need to replace ^[ with true Esc characters...). 
pnoop.sh : 
puppet agent -t --noop | egrep -v ' Would have triggered .refresh. from|content: current_value .md5.*, should be .md5|Notice: /Stage.main.*/File.*/content: $|Notice: Augeas.*: $|Notice: /Stage.Augeas.*returns: current_value need_to_run,' | sed \ 
-e 's/\[\([^0][^;][^]]*\)]\([^[]*, \)\(should be [^(]*\)/[^[[35m\1^[[36m]\2^[[33m\3^[[36m/' \ 
-e 's/^+++ .*/^[[33m^[[0m/' \ 
-e 's/^--- .*/^[[33m^[[0m/' \ 

Jira (PUP-4387) Cyan colored notices

2015-04-09 Thread Elof Ofel (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Elof Ofel created an issue 

 Puppet /  PUP-4387 
  Cyan colored notices  

Issue Type:

Affects Versions:

 PUP 3.7.4 

 Kylo Ginsberg 




 2015/04/09 8:33 AM 

FreeBSD 10.0 


 ANSI color 


 Elof Ofel 

Original Estimate:

1 hour

Remaining Estimate: 

1 hour

Jira (PUP-4387) Cyan colored notices

2015-04-09 Thread Elof Ofel (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Elof Ofel updated an issue 

 Puppet /  PUP-4387 
  Cyan colored notices  

Change By:
 Elof Ofel 
 Youseemtohavemadeatypoin(atleast)puppet3.7.4.Inpuppet2.7,running'puppetagent-t--noop'producedlotsofnotice-linesincyancolor.NowthatI'veupgradedto3.7.4,thecyancolorisgone.However,whenlookingattherawtextoutput,youseestrangeANSIcodes.Info-linesarecorrectlyformatted,butallNotice-linesareincorrect.Example:Esc[0;32mInfo:LoadingfactsEsc[0mEsc[0;32mInfo:Cachingcatalogforfoo.bar.comEsc[0mEsc[0;32mInfo:Applyingconfigurationversion'1428593162'^[[0mEsc[mNotice:/Stage[main]/Foobarfiles::Home/File[/home/foo/.bashrc]/ensure:current_valueabsent,shouldbefile(noop)Esc[0mSomehowtheANSIcolorcode0;36hasdisappeared.Itshouldsay:Esc[0;36mNotice :/Stage[main]/Foobarfiles::Home/File[/home/foo/ . . bashrc]/ensure:current_valueabsent,shouldbefile(noop)Esc[0m (theendofalllines,Noticesincluded,arecorrectlyterminatedwithEsc[0m) 

 Add Comment 


 This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA (v6.3.15#6346-sha1:dbc023d) 

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Jira (PUP-4387) Cyan colored notices

2015-04-09 Thread Elof Ofel (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Elof Ofel updated an issue 

 Puppet /  PUP-4387 
  Cyan colored notices  

Change By:
 Elof Ofel 
 Youseemtohavemadeatypoin(atleast)puppet3.7.4.Inpuppet2.7,running'puppetagent-t--noop'producedlotsofnotice-linesincyancolor.NowthatI'veupgradedto3.7.4,thecyancolorisgone.However,whenlookingattherawtextoutput,youseestrangeANSIcodes.Info-linesarecorrectlyformatted,butallNotice-linesareincorrect.Example:Esc[0;32mInfo:LoadingfactsEsc[0mEsc[0;32mInfo:Cachingcatalogforfoo.bar.comEsc[0mEsc[0;32mInfo:Applyingconfigurationversion'1428593162'^[[0mEsc[mNotice:/Stage[main]/Foobarfiles::Home/File[/home/foo/.bashrc]/ensure:current_valueabsent,shouldbefile(noop)Esc[0m SomehowtheANSIcolorcode0;36hasdisappeared. Itshouldsay:Esc[0;36mNotice.. SomehowtheANSIcolorcode0;36hasdisappeared.   (theendofalllines,Noticesincluded,arecorrectlyterminatedwithEsc[0m) 

 Add Comment 


 This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA (v6.3.15#6346-sha1:dbc023d) 

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Jira (PUP-4387) Cyan colored notices

2015-04-09 Thread Elof Ofel (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Elof Ofel updated an issue 

 Puppet /  PUP-4387 
  Cyan colored notices  

Change By:
 Elof Ofel 
 Youseemtohavemadeatypoin(atleast)puppet3.7.4.Inpuppet2.7,running'puppetagent-t--noop'producedlotsofnotice-linesincyancolor.NowthatI'veupgradedto3.7.4,thecyancolorisgone.However,whenlookingattherawtextoutput,youseestrangeANSIcodes.Info-linesarecorrectlyformatted,butallNotice-linesareincorrect.Example:Esc[0;32mInfo:LoadingfactsEsc[0mEsc[0;32mInfo:Cachingcatalogforfoo.bar.comEsc[0mEsc[0;32mInfo:Applyingconfigurationversion'1428593162'^[[0mEsc[mNotice:/Stage[main]/Foobarfiles::Home/File[/home/foo/.bashrc]/ensure:current_valueabsent,shouldbefile(noop)Esc[0mItshouldsay:Esc[0;36mNotice : ..  SomehowtheANSIcolorcode0;36hasdisappeared. (theendofalllines,Noticesincluded,arecorrectlyterminatedwithEsc[0m) 

 Add Comment 


 This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA (v6.3.15#6346-sha1:dbc023d) 

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Jira (PUP-4387) Cyan colored notices

2015-04-09 Thread Elof Ofel (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Elof Ofel updated an issue 

 Puppet /  PUP-4387 
  Cyan colored notices  

Change By:
 Elof Ofel 
 Youseemtohavemadeatypoin(atleast)puppet3.7.4.Inpuppet2.7,running'puppetagent-t--noop'produced lost lots ofnotice-linesincyancolor.NowthatI'veupgradedto3.7.4,thecyancolorisgone.However,whenlookingattherawtextoutput,youseestrangeANSIcodes.Info-linesarecorrectlyformatted,butallNotice-linesareincorrect.Example:Esc[0;32mInfo:LoadingfactsEsc[0mEsc[0;32mInfo:Cachingcatalogforfoo.bar.comEsc[0mEsc[0;32mInfo:Applyingconfigurationversion'1428593162'^[[0mEsc[mNotice:/Stage[main]/Foobarfiles::Home/File[/home/foo/.bashrc]/ensure:current_valueabsent,shouldbefile(noop)Esc[0mItshouldsay:Esc[0;36mNotice:(theendofalllines,Noticesincluded,arecorrectlyterminatedwithEsc[0m) 

 Add Comment 


 This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA (v6.3.15#6346-sha1:dbc023d) 

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Puppet Bugs group.
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Jira (PUP-4387) Cyan colored notices

2015-04-09 Thread Elof Ofel (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Elof Ofel updated an issue 

 Puppet /  PUP-4387 
  Cyan colored notices  

Change By:
 Elof Ofel 
 Youseemtohavemadeatypoin(atleast)puppet3.7.4.Inpuppet2.7,running'puppetagent-t--noop'producedlotsofnotice-linesincyancolor.NowthatI'veupgradedto3.7.4,thecyancolorisgone.However,whenlookingattherawtextoutput,youseestrangeANSIcodes.Info-linesarecorrectlyformatted,butallNotice-linesareincorrect.Example:{noformat}Esc[0;32mInfo:LoadingfactsEsc[0mEsc[0;32mInfo:Cachingcatalogforfoo.bar.comEsc[0mEsc[0;32mInfo:Applyingconfigurationversion'1428593162'^[[0mEsc[mNotice:/Stage[main]/ Foobarfiles Foo ::Home/File[/ home/ foo/. bashrc foo ]/ensure:current_valueabsent,shouldbefile(noop)Esc[0m{noformat}SomehowtheANSIcolorcode0;36hasdisappeared.Itshouldsay:{noformat}Esc[0;36mNotice:/Stage[main]/ Foobarfiles Foo ::Home/File[/ home/ foo/. bashrc foo ]/ensure:current_valueabsent,shouldbefile(noop)Esc[0m{noformat}(theendofalllines,Noticesincluded,arecorrectlyterminatedwithEsc[0m) 

 Add Comment 


 This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA (v6.3.15#6346-sha1:dbc023d) 

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Jira (PUP-4387) Cyan colored notices

2015-04-09 Thread Elof Ofel (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Elof Ofel updated an issue 

 Puppet /  PUP-4387 
  Cyan colored notices  

Change By:
 Elof Ofel 
 Youseemtohavemadeatypoin(atleast)puppet3.7.4.Inpuppet2.7,running'puppetagent-t--noop'producedlotsofnotice-linesincyancolor.NowthatI'veupgradedto3.7.4,thecyancolorisgone.However,whenlookingattherawtextoutput,youseestrangeANSIcodes.Info-linesarecorrectlyformatted,butallNotice-linesareincorrect.Example:{noformat}Esc[0;32mInfo:LoadingfactsEsc[0mEsc[0;32mInfo:Cachingcatalogforfoo.bar.comEsc[0mEsc[0;32mInfo:Applyingconfigurationversion'1428593162'^[[0mEsc[mNotice:/Stage[main]/Foo::Home/File[/foo/ .foo x ]/ensure:current_valueabsent,shouldbefile(noop)Esc[0m{noformat}SomehowtheANSIcolorcode0;36hasdisappeared.Itshouldsay:{noformat}Esc[0;36mNotice:/Stage[main]/Foo::Home/File[/foo/ .foo x ]/ensure:current_valueabsent,shouldbefile(noop)Esc[0m{noformat}(theendofalllines,Noticesincluded,arecorrectlyterminatedwithEsc[0m) 

 Add Comment 


 This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA (v6.3.15#6346-sha1:dbc023d) 

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Puppet Bugs group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to puppet-bugs+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
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Jira (PUP-4387) Cyan colored notices

2015-04-09 Thread Elof Ofel (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Elof Ofel updated an issue 

 Puppet /  PUP-4387 
  Cyan colored notices  

Change By:
 Elof Ofel 
 Youseemtohavemadeatypoin(atleast)puppet3.7.4.Inpuppet2.7,running'puppetagent-t--noop'producedlotsofnotice-linesincyancolor.NowthatI'veupgradedto3.7.4,thecyancolorisgone.However,whenlookingattherawtextoutput,youseestrangeANSIcodes.Info-linesarecorrectlyformatted,butallNotice-linesareincorrect.Example:{noformat}Esc[0;32mInfo:LoadingfactsEsc[0mEsc[0;32mInfo:Cachingcatalogforfoo.bar.comEsc[0mEsc[0;32mInfo:Applyingconfigurationversion'1428593162' ^ Esc [ [ 0mEsc[mNotice:/Stage[main]/Foo::Home/File[/foo/x]/ensure:current_valueabsent,shouldbefile(noop)Esc[0m ^ {noformat}SomehowtheANSIcolorcode0;36hasdisappeared.  Itshouldsay:{noformat}Esc[0;36mNotice:/Stage[main]/Foo::Home/File[/foo/x]/ensure:current_valueabsent,shouldbefile(noop)Esc[0m{noformat}(theendofalllines,Noticesincluded,arecorrectlyterminatedwithEsc[0m) 

 Add Comment 


 This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA (v6.3.15#6346-sha1:dbc023d) 

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Puppet Bugs group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to puppet-bugs+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
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Visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/puppet-bugs.
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.

Jira (PUP-4387) Cyan colored notices

2015-04-09 Thread Elof Ofel (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Elof Ofel updated an issue 

 Puppet /  PUP-4387 
  Cyan colored notices  

Change By:
 Elof Ofel 
 Youseemtohavemadeatypoinpuppet3.7.x.Inpuppet2.7,running{{puppetagent-t--noop}}producedlotsofnotice-linesincyancolor.AfterIupgradedto3.7.4,thecyancolorisgone. However,when When lookingattherawtextoutput fromthesameabovecommand ,yousee strange incomplete ANSIcodes.Info-linesarecorrectlyformatted,butallNotice-linesareincorrect.Example:{noformat}Esc[0;32mInfo:LoadingfactsEsc[0mEsc[0;32mInfo:Cachingcatalogforfoo.bar.comEsc[0mEsc[0;32mInfo:Applyingconfigurationversion'1428593162'Esc[0mEsc[mNotice:/Stage[main]/Foo::Home/File[/foo/x]/ensure:current_valueabsent,shouldbefile(noop)Esc[0m^{noformat}SomehowtheANSIcolorcode0;36hasdisappeared.Itshouldsay:{noformat}Esc[0;36mNotice:/Stage[main]/Foo::Home/File[/foo/x]/ensure:current_valueabsent,shouldbefile(noop)Esc[0m{noformat}(theendofalllines,Noticesincluded,arecorrectlyterminatedwithEsc[0m) 

 Add Comment 


 This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA (v6.3.15#6346-sha1:dbc023d) 

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Puppet Bugs group.
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Jira (PUP-4387) Cyan colored notices

2015-04-09 Thread Elof Ofel (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Elof Ofel updated an issue 

 Puppet /  PUP-4387 
  Cyan colored notices  

Change By:
 Elof Ofel 
 Youseemtohavemadeatypoin(atleast)puppet3.7.4.Inpuppet2.7,running'puppetagent-t--noop'producedlotsofnotice-linesincyancolor.NowthatI'veupgradedto3.7.4,thecyancolorisgone.However,whenlookingattherawtextoutput,youseestrangeANSIcodes.Info-linesarecorrectlyformatted,butallNotice-linesareincorrect.Example: {noformat} Esc[0;32mInfo:LoadingfactsEsc[0mEsc[0;32mInfo:Cachingcatalogforfoo.bar.comEsc[0mEsc[0;32mInfo:Applyingconfigurationversion'1428593162'^[[0mEsc[mNotice:/Stage[main]/Foobarfiles::Home/File[/home/foo/.bashrc]/ensure:current_valueabsent,shouldbefile(noop)Esc[0m {noformat}   SomehowtheANSIcolorcode0;36hasdisappeared.Itshouldsay: {noformat} Esc[0;36mNotice:/Stage[main]/Foobarfiles::Home/File[/home/foo/.bashrc]/ensure:current_valueabsent,shouldbefile(noop)Esc[0m {noformat}   (theendofalllines,Noticesincluded,arecorrectlyterminatedwithEsc[0m) 

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 This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA (v6.3.15#6346-sha1:dbc023d) 

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Puppet Bugs group.
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Jira (PUP-4387) Cyan colored notices

2015-04-09 Thread Elof Ofel (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Elof Ofel updated an issue 

 Puppet /  PUP-4387 
  Cyan colored notices  

Change By:
 Elof Ofel 
 Youseemtohavemadeatypoin (atleast) puppet3.7. 4 x .Inpuppet2.7,running ' {{ puppetagent-t--noop ' }} producedlotsofnotice-linesincyancolor. Nowthat After I 've upgradedto3.7.4,thecyancolorisgone.However,whenlookingattherawtextoutput,youseestrangeANSIcodes.Info-linesarecorrectlyformatted,butallNotice-linesareincorrect.Example:{noformat}Esc[0;32mInfo:LoadingfactsEsc[0mEsc[0;32mInfo:Cachingcatalogforfoo.bar.comEsc[0mEsc[0;32mInfo:Applyingconfigurationversion'1428593162'Esc[0mEsc[mNotice:/Stage[main]/Foo::Home/File[/foo/x]/ensure:current_valueabsent,shouldbefile(noop)Esc[0m^{noformat}SomehowtheANSIcolorcode0;36hasdisappeared.Itshouldsay:{noformat}Esc[0;36mNotice:/Stage[main]/Foo::Home/File[/foo/x]/ensure:current_valueabsent,shouldbefile(noop)Esc[0m{noformat}(theendofalllines,Noticesincluded,arecorrectlyterminatedwithEsc[0m) 

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 This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA (v6.3.15#6346-sha1:dbc023d) 

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Puppet Bugs group.
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