Jira (PUP-8489) inifile no longer manages existing lines in puppet post 5.4.0

2018-02-26 Thread Jacob Helwig (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Jacob Helwig commented on  PUP-8489  



  Re: inifile no longer manages existing lines in puppet post 5.4.0   


 This looks like it's actually a problem with the inifile module itself. If you set "refreshonly => false" in the manifest for the resource, we get the exact same behavior with or without c98bb6787f. insync? in the type should be checking if :refreshonly is present, and that it's not the symbol :false. The issue c98bb6787f introduced is that now both the default false value, and an explicit false value cause :refreshonly to be present as the symbol :false instead of just an explicit false value.  



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Jira (PUP-8489) inifile no longer manages existing lines in puppet post 5.4.0

2018-02-23 Thread Past Haus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Past Haus commented on  PUP-8489  



  Re: inifile no longer manages existing lines in puppet post 5.4.0   


 These are the modules where it seems to work with: {{accounts apache archive chocolatey concat dotnet epel gitlab graphite_powershell hiera iis inifile java_ks logstash memcached ntp pe_metric_curl_cron_jobs powershell reboot registry sensu stdlib vcsrepo windows_env windowsfeature wsus_client acl apt aws chocolatey_server docker elasticsearch firewall grafana haproxy hocon influxdb java jenkins logstashforwarder nginx openldap postgresql puppetserver_gem redis rsyslog staging tomcat windows_autoupdate windows_eventlog windows_firewall yum}}  



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Jira (PUP-8489) inifile no longer manages existing lines in puppet post 5.4.0

2018-02-23 Thread Past Haus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Past Haus commented on  PUP-8489  



  Re: inifile no longer manages existing lines in puppet post 5.4.0   


 A bisect showed this commit as the culprit: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/commit/c98bb6787fa2ec04842a92924dd4eb8e41bddd78 Also I can't explain why having multiple modules in codedir made the problem go away but having only the one module in codedir doesn't work.  



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 This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA (v7.5.1#75006-sha1:7df2574)  





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Jira (PUP-8489) inifile no longer manages existing lines in puppet post 5.4.0

2018-02-23 Thread Past Haus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Past Haus updated an issue  



 Puppet /  PUP-8489  
  inifile no longer manages existing lines in puppet post 5.4.0   


Change By: 
 Past Haus  


 .comm *Puppet Version: f77e9e00efcf9bd8dac66c6622f35cbe16c8eb7a (5.5.0)* *Puppet Server Version: (5.2.0)* *OS Name/Version: Rhel 7*Describe your issue in as much detail as possible… Describe steps to reproduce…*Desired Behavior:*Even when using a codedir with only the inifile module installed, it should work.In this example, {{/tmp/configure_inifile.aPkO3n}} is a tmpdir with just the inifile module installed.An inifile resource such as the following should modify the existing java_args line: {code}[root@b3wa4ws5mg41efr ~]# puppet apply --codedir /tmp/configure_inifile.aPkO3n -e 'ini_setting { "JAVA_ARGS": ensure => present, path => "/etc/sysconfig/puppetserver", section => "", setting => "JAVA_ARGS", key_val_separator => "=", value => "\"-Xmx2g -Xms2g -XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -Xloggc:/var/log/puppetlabs/puppetserver/gc.log\"",}'{code}In this case the value of JAVA_ARGS in the file is {{JAVA_ARGS="-Xms2g -Xmx2g -Djruby.logger.class=com.puppetlabs.jruby_utils.jruby.Slf4jLogger"}}*Actual Behavior:*It does not. inifile seems to be able to remove lines and add lines that don't already exist, but modifying existing lines does not work. Unfortunately even with --trace, --verbose and --debug there isn't anything useful coming out of the module. Note: this seems to only be the case when inifile is installed in its own codedir and {{puppet apply --codedir $codedir}} is used. When inifile is present in {{/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/inifile}} with other modules the resource behaves as expected.  



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Jira (PUP-8489) inifile no longer manages existing lines in puppet post 5.4.0

2018-02-23 Thread Past Haus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Past Haus commented on  PUP-8489  



  Re: inifile no longer manages existing lines in puppet post 5.4.0   


 Minimal reproducer: 
Make a tmpdir ($tmpdir) 
Install inifile module to $tmpdir puppet module install puppetlabs-inifile --codedir $tmpdir 
Make a file with SETTING="foo" in it (call it temp-file) 
Make the following puppet manifest (call it test-resource.pp):  
 ini_setting { "JAVA_ARGS":  
ensure=> present,  
 path => "/path/to/temp-file",  
  section => "",  
   setting=> "SETTING",  
key_val_separator => "=",  
 value=> "BAR",  
Run the following puppet code puppet apply --codedir $tmpdir test-resource.pp 
Watch nothing happen when it should (then try it with 5.4.0 and watch it work) 

Jira (PUP-8489) inifile no longer manages existing lines in puppet post 5.4.0

2018-02-23 Thread Past Haus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Past Haus updated an issue  



 Puppet /  PUP-8489  
  inifile no longer manages existing lines in puppet post 5.4.0   


Change By: 
 Past Haus  


 *Puppet Version: f77e9e00efcf9bd8dac66c6622f35cbe16c8eb7a (5.5.0)* *Puppet Server Version: (5.2.0)* *OS Name/Version: Rhel 7*Describe your issue in as much detail as possible… Describe steps to reproduce…*Desired Behavior:*Even when using a codedir with only the inifile module installed, it should work.In this example, {{/tmp/configure_inifile.aPkO3n}} is a tmpdir with just the inifile module installed.An inifile resource such as the following should modify the existing java_args line: {code}[root@b3wa4ws5mg41efr ~]# puppet apply --codedir /tmp/configure_inifile.aPkO3n -e 'ini_setting  \ { "JAVA_ARGS": ensure => present, path => "/etc/sysconfig/puppetserver", section => "", setting => "JAVA_ARGS", key_val_separator => "=", value => "\"-Xmx2g -Xms2g -XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -Xloggc:/var/log/puppetlabs/puppetserver/gc.log\"",}'{code}In this case the value of JAVA_ARGS in the file is {{JAVA_ARGS="-Xms2g -Xmx2g -Djruby.logger.class=com.puppetlabs.jruby_utils.jruby.Slf4jLogger"}}*Actual Behavior:*It does not. inifile seems to be able to remove lines and add lines that don't already exist, but modifying existing lines does not work. Unfortunately even with --trace, --verbose and --debug there isn't anything useful coming out of the module. Note: this seems to only be the case when inifile is installed in its own codedir and {{puppet apply --codedir $codedir}} is used. When inifile is present in {{/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/inifile}} with other modules the resource behaves as expected.  



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Jira (PUP-8489) inifile no longer manages existing lines in puppet post 5.4.0

2018-02-23 Thread Past Haus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Past Haus updated an issue  



 Puppet /  PUP-8489  
  inifile no longer manages existing lines in puppet post 5.4.0   


Change By: 
 Past Haus  


 *Puppet Version: f77e9e00efcf9bd8dac66c6622f35cbe16c8eb7a (5.5.0)* *Puppet Server Version: (5.2.0)* *OS Name/Version: Rhel 7*Describe your issue in as much detail as possible… Describe steps to reproduce…*Desired Behavior:*Even when using a codedir with only the inifile module installed, it should work.In this example, {{/tmp/configure_inifile.aPkO3n}} is a tmpdir with just the inifile module installed.An inifile resource such as the following should modify the existing java_args line: {code}[root@b3wa4ws5mg41efr ~]# puppet apply --codedir /tmp/configure_inifile.aPkO3n -e 'ini_setting \{ "JAVA_ARGS": ensure => present, path => "/etc/sysconfig/puppetserver", section => "", setting => "JAVA_ARGS", key_val_separator => "=", value => "\"-Xmx2g -Xms2g -XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -Xloggc:/var/log/puppetlabs/puppetserver/gc.log\"",}'{code}In this case the value of JAVA_ARGS in the file is {{JAVA_ARGS="-Xms2g -Xmx2g -Djruby.logger.class=com.puppetlabs.jruby_utils.jruby.Slf4jLogger"}}*Actual Behavior:*It does not. inifile seems to be able to remove lines and add lines that don't already exist, but modifying existing lines does not work. Unfortunately even with --trace, --verbose and --debug there isn't anything useful coming out of the module. Note: this seems to only be the case when inifile is installed in its own codedir and {{puppet apply --codedir $codedir}} is used. When inifile is present in {{/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/inifile}}  with other modules  the resource behaves as expected.  



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Jira (PUP-8489) inifile no longer manages existing lines in puppet post 5.4.0

2018-02-23 Thread Past Haus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Past Haus created an issue  



 Puppet /  PUP-8489  
  inifile no longer manages existing lines in puppet post 5.4.0   


Issue Type: 
Affects Versions: 
 PUP 5.5.0  
 2018/02/23 3:15 PM  
 Past Haus  


 Puppet Version: f77e9e00efcf9bd8dac66c6622f35cbe16c8eb7a (5.5.0) Puppet Server Version: (5.2.0) OS Name/Version: Rhel 7 Describe your issue in as much detail as possible… Describe steps to reproduce… Desired Behavior: Even when using a codedir with only the inifile module installed, it should work. In this example, /tmp/configure_inifile.aPkO3n is a tmpdir with just the inifile module installed. An inifile resource such as the following should modify the existing java_args line:   
 [root@b3wa4ws5mg41efr ~]# puppet apply --codedir /tmp/configure_inifile.aPkO3n -e 'ini_setting \{ "JAVA_ARGS":  
  ensure => present,  
  path => "/etc/sysconfig/puppetserver",  
  section => "",