Issue #17951 has been updated by Josh Cooper.

Status changed from Unreviewed to Needs More Information

Hi Andrew, the windows package provider will consider the resource to be insync 
if the package with that name is installed. So for example, if your package 
name doesn't contain a version string, e.g. VMware Tools, it wil not recognize 
that the package needs updating. To ensure that your specific MSI is installed, 
you can specify the MSI PackageCode as the name of the package. See 
<> for more details about 
this. Let me know if that resolves the issues you are seeing.
Bug #17951: Windows package provider does not re-run installation when 
subscription updates

Author: Andrew Dunkman
Status: Needs More Information
Priority: Normal
Category: windows
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 3.0.1
Keywords: windows msi

I have a directory of MSIs that are copied to nodes and run to install 
products; newer versions of MSIs install cleanly over older versions. What I 
would like to do is install the product either 

1. when the product is not yet installed or
2. when the source file changes. 

The first point is easy with the windows package provider, the second point 
seems impossible using the windows package provider. The provider seems to 
ignore its subscriptions.

    file { 'c:/packages/myinstaller.msi':
      ensure => 'file',
      mode   => '1777',
      owner  => 'administrator',
      group  => 'Administrators',
      source => 'puppet:///...',
      notify => Package['My Product'],

    package { 'My Product':
      ensure => installed,
      source => 'c:\\packages\\myinstaller.msi',

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