Jira (PUP-876) upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos

2014-03-14 Thread Tony Vu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Tony Vu commented on an issue

  Re: upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos 

This now works as described in Partlow's comment up above; however, it looks like some people are waiting on some comments from Michael Stahnke, so I will hold off resolving until then.


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 Puppet /  PUP-876

  upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos 

 RedHat EL 6 and Centos 6 both use upstart for init. The upstart service type should be able to be used on those systems as well.   I have done some very minor testing to make sure it at least works to ensure services are running and stopped.

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Jira (PUP-876) upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos

2014-03-14 Thread Michael Stahnke (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Michael Stahnke commented on an issue

  Re: upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos 

Adrien Thebo thanks for the info. I guess the current work is sufficient, otherwise we'll be in a huge rabbit hole. Closing.


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 Puppet /  PUP-876

  upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos 

 RedHat EL 6 and Centos 6 both use upstart for init. The upstart service type should be able to be used on those systems as well.   I have done some very minor testing to make sure it at least works to ensure services are running and stopped.

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Jira (PUP-876) upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos

2014-03-13 Thread Tony Vu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Tony Vu assigned an issue to Tony Vu

 Puppet /  PUP-876

  upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos 

Change By:

 Tony Vu




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Jira (PUP-876) upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos

2014-03-13 Thread Adrien Thebo (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Adrien Thebo commented on an issue

  Re: upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos 

Before I launch in to this issue, how important is the fallback behavior from redhat to upstart? I don't want us to spend a bunch of time on this if it's a small oddity that we took as a critical problem.
In other cases where a single system has multiple init providers, there's usually an inheritance relationship between the different init providers. This is how the upstart provider works on Ubuntu. When the upstart provider is running it determines if the given service is an upstart service or if it's a sysvinit script; if it's the latter then the upstart provider can just call `super` to get the parent behavior. This is how the upstart provider can fall back to the debian service provider.
On Redhat this is much messier because we are using the same upstart provider but we can't fall back in the same manner. To make the same trick work the upstart provider would have to inherit from the Redhat provider, which isn't the case today. In addition the upstart provider is the default on Ubuntu while the redhat provider is default on Redhat, and to provide a fallback mechanism like this the upstart provider would need to be the default provider so that it could invoke `super` to get at the parent redhat behavior. Lastly, default providers are set on a global basis so we can't detect what provider to use on a per-instance basis. Even if we could do that detection it would get super screwy if a package installed an init script or upstart file while running and we created the wrong type beforehand.
I see two approaches to this. The first is to have two upstart implementations, one for Ubuntu and one for Redhat 6, but that's a lot of code duplication. Alternately we could detect what system we're running and dynamically set the parent class of the upstart provider based on that, but that's the road to madness.
This is why I'm asking how important this limitation is; we can fix this but it will either be ugly or require a fair amount of work. If upstart isn't very prevalent then I think we should accept the limitations and tell users that if they're using upstart on Redhat 6 then the upstart services will have to explicitly declare the appropriate provider in the given service resources.
Michael Stahnke thoughts?


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Jira (PUP-876) upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos

2014-03-12 Thread Joshua Partlow (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Joshua Partlow commented on an issue

  Re: upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos 

RHEL7 systemd default support is 


The suitability scenario you suggest seems reasonable, but I don't believe the types and providers suitableprovider is currently written to take that into account. It seems to just operate off of what has been declared as a default for a given set of os constraints, (existence of commands, os facts), and then determine specificity based on a rather arcane evaluation of class ancestors. I haven't poked around in this area much so I may well be missing something.
Adrien Thebo might be able to explain better.


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 Puppet /  PUP-876

  upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos 

 RedHat EL 6 and Centos 6 both use upstart for init. The upstart service type should be able to be used on those systems as well.   I have done some very minor testing to make sure it at least works to ensure services are running and stopped.

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Jira (PUP-876) upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos

2014-03-12 Thread Joshua Partlow (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Joshua Partlow assigned an issue to Joshua Partlow

 Puppet /  PUP-876

  upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos 

Change By:

 Joshua Partlow




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Jira (PUP-876) upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos

2014-03-12 Thread Joshua Partlow (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Joshua Partlow assigned an issue to Unassigned

 Puppet /  PUP-876

  upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos 

Change By:

 Joshua Partlow




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Jira (PUP-876) upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos

2014-03-12 Thread Michelle Johansen (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Michelle Johansen updated an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-876

  upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos 

Change By:

 Michelle Johansen


 Week2014-2-19to2014-2-26,Week2014-2-26to2014-3-5,Week2014-3-05to2014-3-12 ,Week2014-3-12to2014-3-19


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Jira (PUP-876) upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos

2014-03-06 Thread Joshua Partlow (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Joshua Partlow assigned an issue to Joshua Partlow

 Puppet /  PUP-876

  upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos 

Change By:

 Joshua Partlow




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Jira (PUP-876) upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos

2014-03-06 Thread Joshua Partlow (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Joshua Partlow commented on an issue

  Re: upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos 

After talking with Adrien, we confirmed that you can start/stop an upstart service with manifest code that specifies the upstart provider.
So, given:

[root@gk0q9dhjekmei6y ~]# facter osfamily operatingsystemrelease
operatingsystemrelease = 6.3
osfamily = RedHat

[root@gk0q9dhjekmei6y ~]# puppet resource service vmware-tools --param=provider
service { 'vmware-tools':
  ensure   = 'stopped',
  enable   = 'true',
  provider = 'upstart',

Applying this:

[root@gk0q9dhjekmei6y ~]# cat vmware.pp 
service { 'vmware-tools':
  ensure = running,
  provider = upstart,

Uses upstart commands like so:

[root@gk0q9dhjekmei6y ~]# puppet apply vmware.pp --debug
Notice: Compiled catalog for gk0q9dhjekmei6y.delivery.puppetlabs.net in environment production in 0.11
Debug: Loaded state in 0.00 seconds  [7/1931]
Info: Applying configuration version '1394151016'
Debug: Executing '/sbin/status vmware-tools'
Debug: Executing '/sbin/start vmware-tools'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Service[vmware-tools]/ensure: ensure changed 'stopped' to 'running'
Debug: /Stage[main]/Main/Service[vmware-tools]: The container Class[Main] will propagate my refresh event
Info: /Stage[main]/Main/Service[vmware-tools]: Unscheduling refresh on Service[vmware-tools]
Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.87 seconds

And we end up with a running service:

[root@gk0q9dhjekmei6y ~]# puppet resource service vmware-tools --param=provider   
service { 'vmware-tools':
  ensure   = 'running',
  enable   = 'true',
  provider = 'upstart',

Specifying the provider is required because 'Redhat' is the default, sysvinit service, and there isn't currently a good way to distinguish between a sysvinit service that doesn't exist versus isn't running, so we don't have a fallback to upstart.

Jira (PUP-876) upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos

2014-03-06 Thread Joshua Partlow (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Joshua Partlow commented on an issue

  Re: upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos 

Michael Stahnke is there anything else you'd like to test for this issue (or someone else I should ping about it?)


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 Puppet /  PUP-876

  upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos 

 RedHat EL 6 and Centos 6 both use upstart for init. The upstart service type should be able to be used on those systems as well.   I have done some very minor testing to make sure it at least works to ensure services are running and stopped.

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Jira (PUP-876) upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos

2014-03-05 Thread Joshua Partlow (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Joshua Partlow assigned an issue to Joshua Partlow

 Puppet /  PUP-876

  upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos 

Change By:

 Joshua Partlow




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Jira (PUP-876) upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos

2014-03-03 Thread Adrien Thebo (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Adrien Thebo commented on an issue

  Re: upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos 

This produces acceptance test failures:

Errored Tests Cases:
  Test Case tests/resource/service/ticket_4123_should_list_all_running_redhat.rb reported: #Beaker::Host::CommandFailure: Host 'dlhc7to8249glsy' exited with 1 running:
Last 10 lines of output were:
	rdisc is stopped
	restorecond is stopped
	rhsmcertd is stopped
	rsyslogd (pid  1372) is running...
	sandbox is stopped
	saslauthd is stopped
	openssh-daemon (pid  1409) is running...
	Ralsh and system service count NOT in agreement
  Test Case tests/resource/service/ticket_4124_should_list_all_disabled.rb reported: #Beaker::Host::CommandFailure: Host 'dlhc7to8249glsy' exited with 1 running:
Last 10 lines of output were:
	Ralsh and system service count NOT in agreement

The issue is that there are a pair of acceptance tests (https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/blob/3.4.3/acceptance/tests/resource/service/ticket_4123_should_list_all_running_redhat.rb and https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/blob/3.4.3/acceptance/tests/resource/service/ticket_4124_should_list_all_disabled.rb) that compare the output of chkconfig and puppet resource service to make sure that all services reported by one are reported by the other. However by adding support for upstart services we can't make this guarantee on RHEL 6. I think the solution for this is to only run the tests on RHEL 5.


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 Puppet /  PUP-876

  upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos 

 RedHat EL 6 and Centos 6 

Jira (PUP-876) upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos

2014-03-03 Thread Adrien Thebo (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Adrien Thebo assigned an issue to Adrien Thebo

 Puppet /  PUP-876

  upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos 

Change By:

 Adrien Thebo




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Jira (PUP-876) upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos

2014-03-03 Thread Adrien Thebo (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Adrien Thebo commented on an issue

  Re: upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos 

Pull request submitted which disables the test on EL 6.


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 Puppet /  PUP-876

  upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos 

 RedHat EL 6 and Centos 6 both use upstart for init. The upstart service type should be able to be used on those systems as well.   I have done some very minor testing to make sure it at least works to ensure services are running and stopped.

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Jira (PUP-876) upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos

2014-02-27 Thread Joshua Cooper (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Joshua Cooper assigned an issue to Joshua Cooper

 Puppet /  PUP-876

  upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos 

Change By:

 Joshua Cooper




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Jira (PUP-876) upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos

2014-02-26 Thread Adrien Thebo (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Adrien Thebo assigned an issue to Adrien Thebo

 Puppet /  PUP-876

  upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos 

Change By:

 Adrien Thebo




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Jira (PUP-876) upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos

2014-02-22 Thread Kylo Ginsberg (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Kylo Ginsberg commented on an issue

  Re: upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos 


bump the confine to cover EL6 (but not EL5/EL7). I don't know if confine has the support to say this so it could be the confine logic needs to be enhanced.

some special casing for the tty service, per Andy's comment at https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/813#issuecomment-7411789


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 Puppet /  PUP-876

  upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos 

 RedHat EL 6 and Centos 6 both use upstart for init. The upstart service type should be able to be used on those systems as well.   I have done some very minor testing to make sure it at least works to ensure services are running and stopped.

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Jira (PUP-876) upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos

2014-02-18 Thread Andrew Parker (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Andrew Parker updated an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-876

  upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos 

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 Andrew Parker




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Jira (PUP-876) upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos

2014-02-18 Thread Michael Stahnke (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Michael Stahnke commented on an issue

  Re: upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos 

Also note, this shouldn't be in the confines for EL7...just 6.


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 Puppet /  PUP-876

  upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos 

 RedHat EL 6 and Centos 6 both use upstart for init. The upstart service type should be able to be used on those systems as well.   I have done some very minor testing to make sure it at least works to ensure services are running and stopped.

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Jira (PUP-876) upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos

2014-01-14 Thread Michelle Johansen (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Michelle Johansen commented on an issue

  Re: upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos 

Michael Stahnke Is this needed for 3.5.0 or is still on the nice to have list?


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 Puppet /  PUP-876

  upstart service operating system confine should include redhat and centos 

 RedHat EL 6 and Centos 6 both use upstart for init. The upstart service type should be able to be used on those systems as well.   I have done some very minor testing to make sure it at least works to ensure services are running and stopped.

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