Hi all,

I am struggling on how to do this :

$path = '/tmp/lib'

file { $path:
   ensure => directory,
   recurse => true,
   purge => true,

file { $path:
   ensure => directory,
   resurce => true,
   source => 'puppet:///modules/jboss/lib

When puppet compiles the manifest, I get the following error: 

* Duplicate declaration: File[/tmp/lib] is already declared in file 
/etc/puppet/modules/srhjboss/manifests/purge.pp at line 4; cannot redeclare 
at /etc/puppet/modules/srhjboss/manifests/purge.pp:10 on node frparsrnlinnto
It seems that i can't purge the directory before to copy the new one from 
the source.

Suggestions ??

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