tl;dr: Splitting up an PE all-in-one install AND moving to puppet open

So, a kinda odd/complicated query here:

I'm a long-time puppet user/admin/master/cool-word-of-the-moment. I
recently changed jobs. My old shop was 100% puppet open source and had been
for ~6 years or so, with myself being the eprson who built 95% of it. When
i left we had 1 CA, 4 "compilation nodes" in a datacenter-based round
robin, and a dedicated puppetdb system (and of course various dashboards
built up around stuff too).

My new shop is smaller in terms of systems at the moment, and they were
just getting their feet wet with puppet enterprise. Now the call has been
made to drop/not renew Puppet Enterprise support. The reasoning was that
they bought it because no one had puppet experience, but haven't USED it at
all, and now that I'm on board and totally comfortable/prefer community
support, that the cost doesn't make sense if we won't be using it.

Combined with this, the initial deploy here was a simple all-in-one master
I was to move away from for scale and redundancy reasons.

So, I've got a couple tasks/questions if anyone has any pointers:

1). Splitting out PuppetDB: I want to move PuppetDB (and its postgreDB) off
the existing master onto its own host. My plan right now is a fresh,
opensource puppetdb install via the puppetlabs-puppetdb module, and to
export/import the existing data. Is there any reason this (opensource
puppetdb) would't work well with PE? (Assuming I can update the terminus
plugin accordingly). is it possible to send catalogs/facts/reports to BOTH
instances for a while?

1.5). The PE Console is fairly new to me (I used to use puppetdashboard a
little, but recently have been using foreman and/or pupupetboard). I know
PE-dashboard/console uses the same postgres instance (but not database,
right?) that PuppetDB uses in the all-in-one install. Anyone have any
experience splitting these two up?

2). Likewise I'll eventually want to move the agents from PE to the
opensource agent. I expect this is the normal "change the master(s) first",
since the opensource packages will be "newer" that PE?

Anyways, any experiences anyones had both splitting these services up/out
and moving to Puppet opensource from PE, horror stories, successes, etc
would be great to hear! I'm sure i can get this done well, but don't want
to reinvent the wheel if I can stand on the shoulders of others!

Matthew Nicholson

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