
I'm quite new to puppet but feel like making some progress. :) 
Today I started using the puppetlabs-apache module. 

Two questions arose from that. I tried understanding by looking at the 
module's code, but too much of that still looks like advanced wizardry to 
I hope this list is the right place to post my questions.

1) How can I enable custom modules?
I try to enable proxy_ajp.
Creating '/etc/httpd/mod.d/proxy_ajp.load ' manually and puppet will remove 
the module, so I assume puppet knows about the module
notice: /A2mod[proxy_ajp]/ensure: current_value present, should be absent 

How to tell puppet to actually activate the module?
I've tried this in my node configuration:
class {'apache::mod::proxy_ajp': }
as the same semantic worked for the proxy_http module, but now puppet 
Error 400 on SERVER: Puppet::Parser::AST::Resource failed with error 
ArgumentError: Could not find declared class apache::mod::proxy_ajp

2) How to use a different proxy.conf template?
In this module:
puppetlabs-apache / manifests / mod / proxy.pp 

class apache::mod::proxy (
  $proxy_requests = "Off"
) {
  apache::mod { 'proxy': }
  # Template uses $proxy_requests
  file { "${apache::params::vdir}/proxy.conf":
    ensure  => present,
    content => template('apache/mod/proxy.conf.erb'),


there's a reference to the template proxy.conf.erb which is located in the 
modules folder. How can I override this in my node config (or anywhere 
else)? I want to use a template from a different location, because I 
believe the module should not be modified, just used.

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

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