James Turnbull wrote:
> For example the Puppet respository that would have been cloned like:
> $ git clone git://github.com/reductivelabs/puppet.git
> Should now be cloned like:
> $ git clone git://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet.git

I know this came up in IRC the other day, so for anyone with a current
clone that wants to ensure it is pulling from the properl location,
there are numerous ways to do so.

If you have git >= 1.7.0, you can use:

$ git remote set-url origin git://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet.git

Otherwise, you can use git config:

$ git config remote.origin.url git://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet.git

Or, you can just edit .git/config directly and set the url parameter
appropriately.  (If you go this route, you've likely been using git
since long before it had convenient commands to manage settings.
That, or you're just hard-core about the *nix way. :)

Hope this helps,

Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xBEAF0CE3 | URL: www.pobox.com/~tmz/pgp
Einstein argued that there must be simplified explanations of nature,
because God is not capricious or arbitrary. No such faith comforts the
software engineer.
    -- Fred Brooks

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