Hi puppeteers,

The FOSDEM Call for Proposals for the Configuration Management devroom
on February 4th, 2018 is open!

FOSDEM Submissions are due on November 12th, 2017. If you submitted a
talk to a previous FOSDEM, you should already have an account in
Pentabarf, so make sure that you log in with your existing account.
You should only need to create an account if you have not submitted a
talk to FOSDEM in recent years. FOSDEM has a bunch of devrooms, so
please make sure that you select the "Config Management"
devroom in the "Track" dropdown when you submit your talk. Submissions
filed under an incorrect devroom will not be noticed.

Submit here: https://penta.fosdem.org/submission/FOSDEM18

Topic Description:
Mini-talks from real world case studies, brainstorming and hacking
around configuration and systems management from complex virtual
environments and cloud computing to desktops and laptops. There is
huge interest in automation, monitoring, performance management,
configuration management, and DevOps.  We are looking for
presentations from people who are working in the field on these
* Configuration and Systems Management theory, principles and development
* Configuration and Systems Management tools - with an emphasis on
real world use cases
* Techniques and case studies
* Audit, Compliance and Security
* Various DevOps topics, including collaboration and training tips.

Please note that presenting at FOSDEM implies giving permission to be
recorded.  The recordings will be published under the same licence as all
FOSDEM content (CC-BY).

This same team of people is also organizing ConfigManagementCamp,
which is in nearby Gent on February 5th and 6th. The CFP is also open, and
we encourage you to submit your talks before the November 5th, 2017
deadline. Details: http://cfgmgmtcamp.eu/#contributions 


The ConfigManagementCamp and FOSDEM CfgMgmt Devroom organising team

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