
So you have an array containing one or multiple hashes which in turn 
contains an array of rules which are hashes by themselves.

In templates you use erb, so embedded ruby. Therefor you can use just about 
any construct from the Ruby language, including how you can do things with 
Arrays and Hashes.

So, we start:

<% @squid_acls.each do |acl| %>
  so now we have a loop for the outer part of the array

  # <%= acl['comment'] =%>
  here we just outputted what comment contained

  <% acl['rules']. each do |rule| %>
  now we're accessing the contents of the rules key. Since we know it's an 
array you can loop over it 

   acl <%= rule['aclname'] =%> <%= rule['acltype'] =%> <%= rule['arg'] =%>
  <% end %>
<% end %>

This probably won't work out of the box like this but it should give you an 
idea on how to get started.

Daniele Sluijters

On Tuesday, 16 April 2013 06:26:25 UTC+2, Matthew Ceroni wrote:
> I have the following 
> http://pastebin.com/dphfbV7z
> As outlined in the above I want to turn the data structure I have into 
> what is outlined in a template. Not sure how to go about accessing and 
> looping over the multiple levels in the data structure.
> Thanks

On Tuesday, 16 April 2013 06:26:25 UTC+2, Matthew Ceroni wrote:
> I have the following 
> http://pastebin.com/dphfbV7z
> As outlined in the above I want to turn the data structure I have into 
> what is outlined in a template. Not sure how to go about accessing and 
> looping over the multiple levels in the data structure.
> Thanks

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