I have a simple sample below that illustrates a problem I ran into
today.  What I am trying do is execute a command only if another
class, that which is dependent on it's class, triggers the command
with a notify.  I'm using the refreshonly => true to prevent it from
running unless something triggers it.  The require is needed because
other things need to be done in class a before class b.

When I run this code I get the following error message:

err: Could not apply complete catalog: Found dependency cycles in the
following relationships

Am I doing something wrong?

I think my only solution is to move the Exec[a] out of class a but I
would think that this should work...



class a {
   exec { 'a':
      command => 'echo "This is a test file and can be deleted
(Exec[a])" > /tmp/puppet-test2.txt',
      refreshonly => true,
   # .... some other commands

class b {
   file { '/tmp/puppet-test1.txt':
      content => 'This is a test file and can be deleted (File)',
      require => Exec['a'],
      notify  => Exec['a']

include a
include b

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