I think I figured it out.... two things actually....

1. The PDK auto-generated testing files all use rspec-puppet-facts, which 
uses facterdb internally, which does not know anything about Solaris 10. 
Even though that is a supported platform for Puppet....

Removing "require 'rspec-puppet-facts'" and "include RspecPuppetFacts" from 
the spec_helper.rb file, as well as changing the spec/classes/etc_system.rb 
file to list out facts for each test context, and not loop on data from the 
metadata.json file makes the testing work as expected.    I suspect this 
will all work as advertised for RedHat modules, which is the vast majority 
of what I need anyway, it just happened that I needed to make an update to 
a Solaris module when I got pdk installed! 

2. I had my spec/classes/  test file named .pp instead of .rb.    oops!


On Monday, February 19, 2018 at 9:58:13 AM UTC-5, Bill Sirinek wrote:
> I've converted a simple module to use PDK, but the testing is not working. 
> The module is specifically for Solaris. The module is a very simple one 
> that just edits /etc/system, called etc_system.
> In fact, the test is not even being seen. Here's the output I get, along 
> with the contents of some files. I have tried using as much of the default 
> as I can and it's still not working.
> I'm using pdk 1.3.2 on OSX Sierra 10.12.6
> Thanks
> Bill
> mylaptop:etc_system bsirinek$ *pdk test unit **--**list*
> No unit test files with examples were found.
> mylaptop:etc_system bsirinek$ *pdk test unit*
> [✔] Preparing to run the unit tests.
> [✔] Running unit tests.
> No examples found.
>   Evaluated 0 tests in 0.000681 seconds: 0 failures, 0 pending.
> [✔] Cleaning up after running unit tests.
> mylaptop:etc_system bsirinek$ *pdk test unit **--**debug*
> pdk (DEBUG): Checking for missing Gemfile dependencies.
> pdk (DEBUG): Using 'private/ruby/2.1.9/bin/bundle' from PDK package.
> pdk (DEBUG): Executing '/opt/puppetlabs/pdk/private/ruby/2.1.9/bin/bundle 
> check 
> --gemfile=/Users/bsirinek/git/puppet-enterprise/modules/etc_system/Gemfile'
> pdk (DEBUG): Command environment: GEM_HOME is 
> '/Users/bsirinek/.pdk/cache/ruby/2.1.0' and GEM_PATH is 
> '/opt/puppetlabs/pdk/share/cache/ruby/2.1.0'
> pdk (DEBUG): Execution of '/opt/puppetlabs/pdk/private/ruby/2.1.9/bin/bundle 
> check 
> --gemfile=/Users/bsirinek/git/puppet-enterprise/modules/etc_system/Gemfile' 
> complete (duration: 0.57311s; exit code: 0)
> pdk (DEBUG): Executing 
> '/Users/bsirinek/git/puppet-enterprise/modules/etc_system/bin/rake 
> spec_prep'
> pdk (DEBUG): Command environment: GEM_HOME is 
> '/Users/bsirinek/.pdk/cache/ruby/2.1.0' and GEM_PATH is 
> '/opt/puppetlabs/pdk/share/cache/ruby/2.1.0'
> pdk (DEBUG): Execution of 
> '/Users/bsirinek/git/puppet-enterprise/modules/etc_system/bin/rake 
> spec_prep' complete (duration: 2.209869s; exit code: 0)
> pdk (DEBUG): Executing 
> '/Users/bsirinek/git/puppet-enterprise/modules/etc_system/bin/rake 
> spec[]'
> pdk (DEBUG): Command environment: GEM_HOME is 
> '/Users/bsirinek/.pdk/cache/ruby/2.1.0' and GEM_PATH is 
> '/opt/puppetlabs/pdk/share/cache/ruby/2.1.0'
> pdk (DEBUG): Execution of 
> '/Users/bsirinek/git/puppet-enterprise/modules/etc_system/bin/rake 
> spec[]' complete (duration: 2.717679s; exit code: 0)
> No examples found.
>   Evaluated 0 tests in 0.000707 seconds: 0 failures, 0 pending.
> pdk (DEBUG): Executing 
> '/Users/bsirinek/git/puppet-enterprise/modules/etc_system/bin/rake 
> spec_clean'
> pdk (DEBUG): Command environment: GEM_HOME is 
> '/Users/bsirinek/.pdk/cache/ruby/2.1.0' and GEM_PATH is 
> '/opt/puppetlabs/pdk/share/cache/ruby/2.1.0'
> pdk (DEBUG): Execution of 
> '/Users/bsirinek/git/puppet-enterprise/modules/etc_system/bin/rake 
> spec_clean' complete (duration: 2.247794s; exit code: 0)
> mylaptop:etc_system bsirinek$
> spec/spec_helper.rb:
> require 'puppetlabs_spec_helper/module_spec_helper'
> require 'rspec-puppet-facts'
> include RspecPuppetFacts
> default_facts = {
>   puppetversion: Puppet.version,
>   facterversion: Facter.version,
> }
> default_facts_path = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 
> 'default_facts.yml'))
> default_module_facts_path = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(
> __FILE__), 'default_module_facts.yml'))
> if File.exist?(default_facts_path) && File.readable?(default_facts_path)
>   default_facts.merge!(YAML.safe_load(File.read(default_facts_path)))
> end
> if File.exist?(default_module_facts_path) && File.readable?(
> default_module_facts_path)
>   default_facts.merge!(YAML.safe_load(File.read(default_module_facts_path
> )))
> end
> RSpec.configure do |c|
>   c.default_facts = default_facts
> end
> spec/default_facts.yml:
> # Use default_module_facts.yml for module specific facts.
> #
> # Facts specified here will override the values provided by 
> rspec-puppet-facts.
> ---
> concat_basedir: "/tmp"
> ipaddress: ""
> is_pe: false
> macaddress: "AA:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA"
> spec/classes/etc_system_spec.pp:
> require 'spec_helper'
> describe 'etc_system' do
>   on_supported_os.each do |os, os_facts|
>     context "on #{os}" do
>       let(:facts) { os_facts }
>       it { is_expected.to compile }
>     end
>   end
> end
> metadata.json:
> {
>   "name": "bsirinek-etc_system",
>   "version": "0.1.0",
>   "author": "Bill Sirinek",
>   "summary": "Manage settings in the Solaris /etc/system file",
>   "license": "proprietary",
>   "source": "https://ourinternalgitsite/etc_system.git";,
>   "issues_url": "https://ourissuewebsite";,
>   "dependencies": [
>   ],
>   "operatingsystem_support": [
>     {
>       "operatingsystem": "Solaris",
>       "operatingsystemrelease": [
>         "10_u8"
>       ]
>     },
>   ],
>   "requirements": [
>     {
>       "name": "puppet",
>       "version_requirement": ">= 3.7.0 < 6.0.0"
>     }
>   ],
>   "pdk-version": "1.3.2",
>   "template-url": 
> "file:///opt/puppetlabs/pdk/share/cache/pdk-templates.git",
>   "template-ref": "1.3.2-0-g07678c8"
> }

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