I lost the cluster communication again.

I have been using Proxmox since version 1, and this is the first time It bothers me so much!

- All the 10 nodes have the same version

(pve-manager/5.2-9/4b30e8f9 (running kernel: 4.13.13-2-pve))

- All they have the same date / time (It is one of the causes It could lose the communication)

- The environment is ident (No new switch, no new server)

And why all these nodes lost the communication at the same time ? If they are 10 at least 5 have to be with problems to lost the quorum and then the connection. Is it true?

I think it is something related to this proxmox version.

What to do ?

El 15/10/18 a las 12:46, Denis Morejon escribió:
Is multicast communication the main cause of cluster proxmox file system problems ?

Why some times date and time have to be with cluster errors ?

Since my point of view cluster communication errors are the most critical errors since affect all VMs keeping It from start again

because of not quorrum.

Are there any tips (or steps) to fix it or to avoid it ?

El 15/10/18 a las 03:57, Thomas Lamprecht escribió:
On 10/12/18 6:57 PM, Denis Morejon wrote:
The 10 nodes lost the communication with each other. And they were working fine for a month. They all have version 5.1.

any environment changes? E.g., switch change or software update
(which then could block multicast)?

Can you also see if the omping test go still through:

All nodes have the same date/time and show a status like this:

root@proxmox11:~# pvecm status

Quorum information
Date:             Fri Oct 12 11:55:59 2018
Quorum provider:  corosync_votequorum
Nodes:            1
Node ID:          0x00000007
Ring ID:          7/60372
Quorate:          No

Votequorum information
Expected votes:   10
Highest expected: 10
Total votes:      1
Quorum:           6 Activity blocked

Membership information
     Nodeid      Votes Name
0x00000007          1 (local)

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