Freddie Witherden <fred...@witherden.org> writes:
> Thank you for this.  However, toying around with the following example:
> [snip]
> with OpenMPI 1.7.3 (running as mpirun -n 2 python file.py) I find that
> the version using cubuf.as_buffer fails with a segmentation fault due to
> invalid permissions whereas the variant using my make_buf hack works as
> expected.
> I believe the problem is on L1450 of cuda.hpp where:
>   PyBuffer_FromMemory((void *) (get_pointer() + size), size)));
> which should be:
>   PyBuffer_FromMemory((void *) get_pointer(), size)));
> (and analogously on L1498 -- which fixes the above issue) also it may be
> better to use PyBuffer_FromReadWriteMemory as this will permit CUDA
> allocations to be on the receiving end of MPI communications.

Both done. Py3 compatbility also restored. Thanks for mopping up after
me here--I coded this up in a boring committee meeting... :/


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