Jannes Nagel <jannes.j.na...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hi!
> I just installed pycuda on my system. I have Windows 8.1 and a GTX970 in 
> my Notebook. Therefore I am using Cuda 7 as the only compatible Cuda 
> Version with my system.
> I ran into 2 problems and I hope someone can help me.
> 1: If I enable CURAND I cannot build pycuda. I always get 5 unresolved 
> external function errors.
> Those externals are all related to CURAND and I think this might be 
> because the CURAND library is not included in the Cuda Win32 Lib folder.

My default suspicion for this would be a mismatch between the CUDA
driver and the CUDA runtime.

> 2: Building without CURAND works and installing also works fine.
> I get some warnings regarding deprecated NumPy API but that does not 
> seem to be the problem.
> When I try to run one of the example programs from the pycuda wiki (no 
> matter which) I get an error in:
> pycuda\tools.py line 42:
>      ImportError: No module named compyte.dtypes

I assume you built from git. If so, if you look in your pycuda source
directory, does


exist? If not, did you clone PyCUDA with its git submodules?

Hope this helps,

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