Dear Nicolas,

Nicolas LEMERCIER <> writes:
> I am currently trying to use peer2peer GPU memory access with pycuda and I 
> face with problems regarding the syntax.
> My code follow this template:
> dev1=cuda.Device(1)
> ctx1=dev1.make_context()
> dev0=cuda.Device(0)
> ctx0=dev0.make_context()
> ctx0.enable_peer_access(ctx1,flags=0)
> and here is the error message returned by  python.
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "C:\Users\solid\Documents\", line 34, in <module>
>     ctx0.enable_peer_access(ctx1,flags=0)
> LogicError: cuCtxEnablePeerAccess failed: invalid/unknown error code
> I guess the parameter sent to enable_peer_access is not correct but I don't 
> understand the way it works.

first, can you please make sure you send emails of this nature are sent
to the pycuda list.

As far as parameters to this function, there's nothing much to mess
up. As a result, have you checked that peer access is supported by these

Perhaps add

    assert dev1.can_access_peer(dev0)

to make sure that peer access *should* be possible.


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