I think that's a bug (you should be able to run it any way independent
of the project type).

As for the analysis/code-completion (and file content), you have to
choose a single thing for the whole project (either the project is
python or jython) and that's a limitation that is probably not going
to be removed (maybe there could be a 'mixed mode', so that
code-completion would show things for both and analysis could warn
that some thing would work at jython but not python and vice-versa,
but that's very tricky in the current structure and there are no plans
for implementing it).



On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 4:28 PM, Devin Venable <venable.de...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've just added a bit of jython code to an existing python project.  I
> always assumed that since you are prompted to choose between jython and
> python every time you RUN that you would be able to select any .py file and
> run it as either python or jython.
> But I discovered that the active interpreter is set as the root project
> level, and that you must choose between the configurations.
> Am I missing something?  Is there a way to specify that the content of a
> directory or even a particular file should be interpreted as jython, even if
> the PyDev project type is set to python?
> I'm curious about why we would always see both python and jython listed in
> the Run as... dialog if the choice is strictly boolean.
> Thanks!
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