On 5/22/19 3:36 AM, mal at python.org (M.-A. Lemburg) wrote:
On 21.05.2019 21:19, Matt Callaghan wrote:
Thanks Chris - and I completely agree with your point.

What is the community's preference to that consideration?

The simplest solution I see is to add a "top header / block" that says
the summary of:
"It is Python3 going forward, officially as of Jan2020. This page is
largely out of date, but kept for historical reference as it provides
value for maintaining legacy Python2 systems."


I've now made that change at https://wiki.python.org/moin/Python2orPython3 and will continue updating it and relevant parts of the wiki (including some amount of deleting, merging, etc.) throughout Changeset's work on the Python 2 sunsetting.

As a general matter of wiki-editing etiquette: I've read https://wiki.python.org/moin/WikiGuidelines#Etiquette and understand and appreciate the guidance. Since this is work I'm contracted with the PSF to perform, I'm going to try to move reasonably speedily to remove obsolete material; I figure it's available in the post's history if people need to retrieve it to reference or reuse elsewhere. But if a page is actively maintained, I will do what I can to contact page maintainers so they know what I'm up to and we can collaborate.

Sumana Harihareswara
Changeset Consulting
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