On 12.02.2014 20:28, Ewa Jodlowska wrote:
> Hi all,
> I need help creating new User Groups for admin permissions on the new site
> being launched Monday. That will take me some time to get familiar with who
> does what. In the meantime, please mark the categories you will need access
> to come Monday. Not everyone will remain with superuser status.
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aoe4DBFpHki1dHd1RjIzUEtQd3BEOE9ManQ4M2JRNHc&usp=sharing
> If you are not yet on the list, but will need access, please fill out the
> spreadsheet. If you know of someone that will need access but is not yet on
> the list, please add them.

Thanks, Ewa.

Could you give a short explanation for each category or point us
to the site documentation for this purpose ?

I suppose you want us to put 'x'es into the various columns, right ?

Also: What's the plan for working on the site code ? The preview.python.org
version doesn't seem to have the calendars enabled, so I guess we'll
need to put some more work into this.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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