This page is a little funky:

It's divided into multiple sections:

Popular Full-Stack
Other Full-Stack
Popular Non Full-Stack
Other Non Full-Stack

the first section is a table
the second section starts as a table, then has more entries as a list
the rest are lists

(btw in the first section one entry tries (apparently) to implement a list in one of the table cells, but that doesn't work in moin unless you load an add-on macro which we don't, apparently, have - see - and that needs special syntax anyway)

Is this inconsistent appearance intentional, or is just the result of organic growth over time? Who decides "popular" vs "other"? (hard to disagree with the three in Popular Full-Stack!). Is there any real value to keeping the discontinued ones?

I find the page too busy to be very useful, in common with a few others where too many entries is as unfortunate as too few, but I'm not finding myself motivated to spend tons of time cleaning it up; Web Frameworks aren't my space anyway. Would splitting it into two pages, like we do with Python Editors vs IDEs, be worthwhile? I ended up taking a look because someone (without the inclination to do edits themselves, sigh) emailed webmaster to suggest that Masonite needed a link on the website, and I suggested we could start with the Wiki...

-- mats
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