I haven't been able to find any way to do that on Read the Docs, but maybe 
I'm missing it somewhere. Removing the latex options from the makefile 
don't seem to have any effect either (but I was just taking a shot in the 
dark there). 

I'm going to play around with it more in my personal fork. 

On Friday, August 4, 2017 at 1:17:07 PM UTC+9, Steve Johnson wrote:
> From the error log, it looks like pdftex is running during the html build 
> and finds something it doesn't like. See if you can get it to just not try 
> to build a pdf?
> On Thu, Aug 3, 2017, at 09:03 PM, Benjamin Moran wrote:
> I've finished "porting" your guide, Steve. I also made a lot of little 
> tweaks throughout the programming guide for clarity. We could certainly do 
> a lot of improvement with regards to raw content, but I think it's in a 
> state where we can take a break and get the next pyglet version out. In the 
> future we can certainly improve it more! 
> One issue is that ReadTheDocs is consistantly failing to build the 
> documentation. In fact, it's been failing builds forever now. The strange 
> thing is that occasionally the documentation does get updated, despite the 
> failed builds. I am able to build the documentation locally, but I'm at a 
> loss for how to fix things at ReadTheDocs. If anyone with more knowledge 
> could have a look, that would be awesome! 
> http://readthedocs.org/projects/pyglet/builds/
> -Ben
> On Thursday, July 6, 2017 at 6:54:18 PM UTC+9, Benjamin Moran wrote:
> I've just about finished a quick pass over all of the programming guide, 
> and I'm at the point where I'm ready to start "porting" over your guide, 
> Steve.
> I've been really busy with real life things, but I'm going to try 
> finishing this up soon. 
> If anyone wants to have a look at the current state,  the link is:   
> http://pyglet.readthedocs.io/en/latest
> It seems to take a long time for the new changes to reflect, so give it a 
> few hours or so. 
> I think there is still a lot to be done with improving the content, so 
> this is by no means final. Since Steve got the ball rolling on the 
> technical parts of the documentation, I think we can try harder to get the 
> content up to a nicer quality as well. 
> On Thursday, June 29, 2017 at 3:19:44 AM UTC+9, Paul Craven wrote:
> That would be a good idea. I'll update my main description to point to 
> Pyglet as right now it is just in the development notes.
> On Friday, June 23, 2017 at 7:33:31 PM UTC-5, Benjamin Moran wrote:
> Hey Paul,
> Good to see you here. I've been thinking that we can add a section in the 
> documentation for "Projects using pyglet". If it's OK with you, Arcade 
> seems like a good choice for that.  Something like: 
> Arcade:  <Short description of the project. A few lines. >
> http://www.link-to-project-page.com
> Project B: <Short description of the project. A few lines.>
> http://www.some-other-link.com
> On Saturday, June 24, 2017 at 2:13:47 AM UTC+9, Paul Craven wrote:
> Here's an example of a with a lot of example code:
> http://arcade.academy/examples/index.html
> Arcade it built on Pyglet, but designed to be easier for new programmers.
> On Thursday, June 22, 2017 at 10:10:20 AM UTC-5, Benjamin Moran wrote:
> Thanks for your comments, Max. 
> I've asked around on different forums, and the feedback I've seen has been 
> similar to yours.
> I'm very grateful to Steve for stepping up to the plate here and getting 
> things moving. I've been busy this last week, but im going through the 
> programming guide a little each day and making small changes and fixes. 
> When I'm done with that, I will start reworking Steve's guide into a new 
> section.  I think I'm also going to drop the "upgrading from 1.1" section, 
> since that's really out of date at this point. There are maybe some good 
> points in there, however, so if it makes sense these can get added to the 
> other sections.
> I'll let you guys know when I've pushed those docs, and hopefull we can 
> get a few eyes on it. 
> On Thursday, June 22, 2017 at 10:43:59 PM UTC+9, Max Greason wrote:
> Hello! I'm a new user to Pyglet - I was looking for a 
> graphics-and-other-stuff library to get started on making applications with 
> more than a CLI, and when looking at what options were out there, Pyglet 
> seemed like an attractive option. (I kept seeing opinions of the form 
> "Pyglet would be a better API than Pygame, but I can't recommend it because 
> the community is dead, the documentation is a bit crap, and it's not 
> maintained." Since Pyglet seems to be maintained again, and I was willing 
> to try looking through source if the docs were insufficient, I thought I'd 
> take a crack.)
> So from the perspective of a new user, I can absolutely vouch that the 
> "Writing a Pyglet Application" section really, really, needs something like 
> an "Example application" section. Right now, it simply ends with "The 
> examples presented in this chapter should have given you enough information 
> to get started writing simple arcade and point-and-click-based games", 
> which - no. Given what information is actually provided by the examples, 
> not only is that deeply intimidating, it's borderline **insulting**. 
> "Here's "Hello, World." Here's a way to draw a static image. Here's a way 
> to play an .mp3 file. Here's a way to do something when someone presses a 
> key. If you can't figure out how to make Space Invaders from that, kindly 
> fuck off." It *sort of* looks like enough, but the moment you try to 
> actually do something with it, you start running into questions like "Where 
> do I put my game logic? Surely not all inside on_key_press?" and "Once I've 
> drawn an object, how do I make it move?" 
> Judging from the comments I saw elsewhere where people were asking about 
> Pyglet vs Pygame, this experience seems to be typical.
> (And there's no mention of sprites at all, which as far as I can tell are 
> how you're actually *supposed* to draw images for game stuff judging by the 
> rest of the docs)
> An example arcade-type game would be *extremely* valuable. The 2009 
> tutorial that Steve Johnson posted up there for a simple Asteroids game 
> would be basically perfect, if updated to 1.3. 
> On Sunday, June 11, 2017 at 9:40:38 PM UTC-5, Benjamin Moran wrote:
> I started pitching in a little by going through the programming guide and 
> making some small changes for clarity.
> After a first pass over, I'll start adapting your game example. Right now, 
> the "Writing a Pyglet Application" ends with "Where to next?". I'm thinking 
> that we need a new top level section (perhaps at the bottom), titled 
> something like "A more in-depth example application", or "Example 
> Application #1" (if we plan to add more). The "Where to next" can point to 
> that. 
> I'm also thinking that it's long past time to remove "Appendix: Migrating 
> to pyglet 1.1". There is a lot of useful information in there, however, so 
> we should also improve the relevant sections with this info if it makes 
> sense. 
> --
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