I've never had a use for this, and didn't really know what it does.

I see ticket#44 http://trac.pygresql.org:8000/pgtracker/ticket/44
It talks about returning text instead of postgres type name.

And I see in pg.py and tests/:
    _types = {'bool': 'bool',
        'bytea': 'bytea',
        'date': 'date interval time timetz timestamp timestamptz'
            ' abstime reltime',  # these are very old
        'float': 'float4 float8',
        'int': 'cid int2 int4 int8 oid xid',
        'hstore': 'hstore', 'json': 'json jsonb', 'uuid': 'uuid',
        'num': 'numeric', 'money': 'money',
        'text': 'bpchar char name text varchar'}

I realized that the pygres documentation talking about "regular types" is
actually referring to ::regtype, which I think (?) might actually stand for
"registered type" (reg class, regrole, etc).

I can send patch to clean up the documentation about that if desired.

I would probably use language like "postgres type name rather than pygres
simplified type name".

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