
Hopefully I'm missing something obvious.

Given a gtk.TreeIter in a gtk.TreeModel, from:


I can see how to get the gtk.TreeIter pointing to the next row.
But how to I get a gtk.TreeIter pointing to the previous row?

Just in case I'm taking the wrong approach here, what I want to do is move
one (or more) selected rows, up one row.

I was expecting the code for the callback for the "Move up one" button
to be something like:

   def textMoveUpOneButtonClicked(self, widget):
       textSelection = self.getTextAttributesView.get_selection()
       [model, paths] = textSelection.get_selected_rows()
       for path in paths:
           iter = model.get_iter(path)
           prevIter = model.iter_prev(iter)
           model.swap(iter, prevIter)

but there is no gtk.TreeMode.iter_prev() function.

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