I don't know what is recommended, but have done similar things before.

One way I've done something similar is to use a custom renderer in the 

Another way I've accomplished this is to set a request attribute early on - 
either in a tween or in the view class instantiation or even a request 
attribute, and having my return value reflect this.

To illustrate the second example, in this project each view is configured 
to handle 2 different API endpoints - one that is human HTML, and another 
that is programmatic API for JSON.  If the route is accessed for JSON, the 
view returns a slightly different payload.

1- This code adds a "Request.wants_json" attribute:


2- This view returns a different payload, depending upon the wants_json 


This was a quick, lazy and functional way to proceed.  If I had to do this 
again, I would probably use a single payload with a custom JSON renderer, 
and have a function in the custom JSON renderer to only render specific 
values from the payload (which would either be attached to the request, or 
listed in a namespace in the payload).

For your description though, I would probably just write a custom JSON 

For example, here is a custom jsonp and gif renderer:

def jsonp_renderer_factory(info):
    def _render(value, system):
        value = py2json(value)
        request = system.get("request")
        if request is None:
            return value
        # JSONP is GET only, unless you do some weird shit that doesn't 
work reliably
        callback = request.GET.get("callback", None)
        if callback is None:
            ct_json = "application/json"
            ct_json = "application/javascript"
            value = "%s(%s)" % (callback, value)
        response = request.response
        if response.content_type == response.default_content_type:
            response.content_type = ct_json
        return value

    return _render

def gif_renderer_factory(info):
    def _render(value, system):
        request = system.get("request")
        if request is not None:
            response = request.response
            ct = response.content_type
            if ct == response.default_content_type:
                response.content_type = "image/gif"
        return value

    return _render

    config.add_renderer("jsonp", jsonp_renderer_factory)
    config.add_renderer("gif", gif_renderer_factory)

On Wednesday, April 10, 2024 at 4:44:27 PM UTC-4 Pablo Díaz Ogni wrote:

> Hello guys! I'm building an API using pyramid + pyramid_openapi3 package 
> to use openapi3 features such as request validation, the web interface, and 
> have well documented the endpoints. I'm having trouble understanding the 
> different ways I can use views, view_derivers, tweens, decorators, etc.
> Let's say I have multiple views that return its own data as a 
> dictionary/list and I want to wrap the response with more info before 
> rendering to JSON:
> {request: <request_metadata>, response: <the actual data returned by the 
> view>}
> I first tried with tweens, but that's post renderization so I have to 
> deserialize and serialize the json. I also tried view_derivers and I was 
> facing the same issue. I also saw that you can match a view with a Context 
> such as an exception, but not sure if there is a way to use that Context in 
> other way such as "all the View objects that have this specific attribute"
> I also tried a decorator with wrapper(context, request), but i switched 
> from functions with @view_config to use View classes with get() method 
> instead, so I should change the approach of the decorator
> I'm new to pyramid and it has its own way of plugging views so I would 
> like to know what is the recommended way of doing this?

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