Dear list...

I've struggling with logging of SQL statements through SQLAlchemy for
months now. I start to assume that logging is somehow broken in the
paster shell.

My development.ini has the default [loggers] section as part of the Pylons template. I have just tried to add an SQLAlchemy logger
like this:

    keys = root,sqlalchemy

    level = DEBUG
    handlers = sqlalchemy
    qualname = sqlalchemy.engine
    propagate = 1

    class = StreamHandler
    args = (sys.stderr,)
    level = DEBUG
    formatter = generic

I am no logging God but this should do some logging according to And
the SQLAlchemy docs say that I should rather not use
"sqlalchemy.echo=True" because it would interfere with the logging
through the "sqlalchemy.engine" logger. So I left "echo" to False.

This logging works for all requests done from the web. However it does
not work through a "paster shell" session. The only way I could get
logging working there was setting

    g.sa_engine.logger.disabled = 0

which somehow seems to be set to 1 by default (credits to Steven Holmes
on IRC). And you have to set "echo" to True. This isn't very sane.

Interesting though that even is logging SQL output properly.
My looks like this:

    """Setup the foobar application"""
    import logging

    from paste.deploy import appconfig
    from pylons import config

    from foobar.config.environment import load_environment

    log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    def setup_config(command, filename, section, vars):
        """Place any commands to setup foobar here"""
        conf = appconfig('config:' + filename)
        load_environment(conf.global_conf, conf.local_conf)

        from foobar import model"Creating tables")
        model.metadata.create_all(bind=config['pylons.g'].sa_engine)"Successfully setup")

Drives me mad to be stuck here. After all SQLAlchemy is often doing
things I don't intend. Of course that's my own fault and
misconfiguration but the paster-shell is the easiest way to find out.
Currently I abuse the online debugger for that purpose. :(

What's wrong with paster shell?


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