Begin forwarded message:

> From: Andi Vajda <>
> Date: January 8, 2024 at 15:59:29 GMT+1
> To:
> Subject: Re: Where to report issues with lucene/pylucene
> Reply-To:
>> On Sun, 7 Jan 2024, Bob Kline wrote:
>> On Sun, Jan 7, 2024 at 7:10 AM Bob Kline <> wrote:
>> I figured out how to get past all the problems I ran into, and was finally
>> able to get the package built and installed. Afterwards I captured notes on
>> the process so if I (or a colleague) needs to do this again, we'll have a
>> head start. I'm sharing these notes (attached) in case any of the
>> information might suggest improvements to the instructions page
>> <>. Feel free to use or
>> ignore any of these notes as you think appropriate.
> Thank you for your notes. Replies inline:
>> Skip over the "For the Impatient Ones" section. Those steps won't work
>> because the Makefile must be edited first.
> Well, the steps said to edit and Makefile to match your environment 
> except that the markup on the site was bogus for those lines and these 
> instructions were not rendered :-(
> I fixed that now:
>> The build will not be able to use the Ubuntu distro's jcc, because it's
>> not built to support the --shared option.
> I wasn't aware that Ubuntu has a prebuilt package for JCC now. If it is not 
> built with --shared then you can't use shared mode for PyLucene. If all you 
> need/want is build PyLucene and no other wrappers later around other JARs for 
> use in the same VM, then you can skip shared mode and drop --shared from the 
> JCC invocations.
>> The makefile needs help finding the JDK libraries.
> This shouldn't be necessary as JCC, when is edited as required, will 
> populate that information.
>> sudo make test
> I would stronly recommend using a python virtual environment (venv) so that 
> you don't pollute the system python with your work. This doesn't require root 
> nor later careful cleanup of the system python installation should something 
> go wrong. Yes, 20 years ago, when PyLucene/JCC were started, venv wasn't as 
> much of a thing but nowadays it's very good practice.
>> All of the tests pass except one:
> I wonder what version of PyICU you have installed. I just verified that tests 
> do all pass if you do _not_ have PyICU installed.
> Andi..
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