Hi Antonio,

You can suppress this message with:

cmd.feedback("disable", "scene", "actions")


> On Nov 20, 2020, at 10:23 PM, Antonio Serrano <aserra...@ucam.edu> wrote:
> ############## CONTEXT ##############
> Running PyMol 2.4 on Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS.
> I'm launching the PyMol's GUI from a Python script executed from the shell 
> like this:
> python my_script.py
> A virtual environment is activated. This venv takes PyMol's Python 
> interpreter from ~/pymol/bin/. I import the pymol module inside the script 
> following these instructions 
> (https://pymolwiki.org/index.php/Launching_From_a_Script):
> import pymol
> pymol.finish_launching(['pymol'])
> ############## THE ISSUE ##############
> My program continuously writes PNG images within a loop with the following 
> command:
> cmd.png("./my_image", width=84, height=84, dpi=-1.0, ray=0, quiet=1)
> When turning the parameter quiet=1 it's supposed to work quietly. But it 
> keeps printing the following message in the stdout over and over again each 
> time it writes an image on disk inside the loop:
> ScenePNG: wrote 84x84 pixel image to file "./my_image.png".
> My program is also printing some debugging information, so this unnecessary 
> message is quite annoying and spoils my output.
> I also tried to disable it with the following command line option when 
> importing the pymol library in the script (seen in 
> https://pymolwiki.org/index.php/Command_Line_Options):
> import pymol
> pymol.finish_launching(['pymol', '-Q'])
> But it doesn't work either. If I was running the program without GUI, I could 
> try to redirect the stdout to “nothing” with some of these clever tricks 
> (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6735917/redirecting-stdout-to-nothing-in-python).
>  For example, using the following function:
> @contextmanager
> def stdout_redirected(to=os.devnull):
>     fd = sys.stdout.fileno()
>     def _redirect_stdout(to):
>         sys.stdout.close()
>         os.dup2(to.fileno(), fd)
>         sys.stdout = os.fdopen(fd, 'w')
>     with os.fdopen(os.dup(fd), 'w') as old_stdout:
>         with open(to, 'w') as file:
>             _redirect_stdout(to=file)
>         try:
>             yield
>         finally:
>             _redirect_stdout(to=old_stdout)
> And then do this:
> with stdout_redirected():
>                 cmd.png("./my_image", width=84, height=84, dpi=-1.0, ray=0, 
> quiet=1)
> This trick worked for me in the past. But since I need the GUI now, I get the 
> following error:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "mvdqn_train.py", line 525, in <module>
>     main()
>   File "mvdqn_train.py", line 386, in main
>     env = gym.make("docking-v0", kwargs=env_args)
>   File 
> "/home/aserrano/pymol/lib/python3.7/site-packages/gym/envs/registration.py", 
> line 145, in make
>     return registry.make(id, **kwargs)
>   File 
> "/home/aserrano/pymol/lib/python3.7/site-packages/gym/envs/registration.py", 
> line 90, in make
>     env = spec.make(**kwargs)
>   File 
> "/home/aserrano/pymol/lib/python3.7/site-packages/gym/envs/registration.py", 
> line 60, in make
>     env = cls(**_kwargs)
>   File 
> "/home/aserrano/projects/mvdqn/gym-docking-vis/gym_docking_vis/envs/docking_env.py",
>  line 128, in __init__
>     self.initial_state = generate_images(None, self.views, self.num_views, 
> self.input_height, self.input_width, self.n_channels)
>   File 
> "/home/aserrano/projects/mvdqn/gym-docking-vis/gym_docking_vis/envs/utils_env.py",
>  line 636, in generate_images
>     with stdout_redirected():
>   File "/home/aserrano/pymol/lib/python3.7/contextlib.py", line 112, in 
> __enter__
>     return next(self.gen)
>   File 
> "/home/aserrano/projects/mvdqn/gym-docking-vis/gym_docking_vis/envs/utils_env.py",
>  line 682, in stdout_redirected
>     fd = sys.stdout.fileno()
> AttributeError: module 'pcatch' has no attribute 'fileno'
> Any clue to solve this issue? Thx.
> Cheers,
> Antonio
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> No me imprimas si no es necesario.
> Don't print me unless it's necessary.
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