
        Impressive!  I think you're one of the few people to delve into
PyMOL's source like this.

        Obviously I'd be the best person to look at your code, but I'm
crunched right now getting ready for this upcoming trip.  Also, if the
code is GPL-contaminated, then it can't be useful in the main version,
but perhaps we can rewrite this cleanly later on.  I can probably help
you in January.  What you've written sounds right...

        One thing I'd suggest for debugging in the meantime is that you
use the isomesh or isosurface routines to explore what data is ending up
in the Map, before trying to use the color ramps.  There may also be
some code in the chempy brick stuff which could serve as an example for
populating the list.


Warren L. DeLano, Ph.D.
Principal Scientist
DeLano Scientific LLC
Voice (650)-346-1154 
Fax   (650)-593-4020

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