
   A present, you can't simply "import" the PyMOL program as a module.  You 
need to use PyMOL as your Python interpreter.

You can use "Run" from the File menu or the "run" command from within PyMOL.

PyMOL>cd c:\some_directory
PyMOL>run myscript.py

Since you are under windows, you can use the DOS/Win command shell:

"C:\Program Files\DeLano Scientific\PyMOL\pymolwin.exe" myscript.py

# command-line only scripts

"C:\Program Files\DeLano Scientific\PyMOL\pymolwin.exe" -qc myscript.py

- Warren

Warren L. DeLano, Ph.D. 
Informatics Manager 
Sunesis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 
341 Oyster Point Blvd. 
S. San Francisco, CA 94080 
(650)-266-3606  FAX:(650)-266-3501 

-----Original Message-----
From: Sorich, Michael Joseph - SORMJ001 

Subject: [PyMOL] problem importing pymol.cmd module

I have just started to use PyMol. I wish link some scripts I have written in 
python with PyMol using PyMol’s API. From what I understand, all I need to do 
is import the module pymol.cmd and call the functions contained within.
However, when I attempt to import this module, I get the following error:
>>> from pymol import cmd
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#0>", line 1, in ?
    from pymol import cmd
  File "C:\Program Files\DeLano Scientific\PyMOL/modules\pymol\__init__.py", 
line 137, in ?
    import _cmd
ImportError: No module named _cmd
Where have I gone wrong? Any help would be appreciated.

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