
Because of my close working relationship with Warren, my history of
supporting and teaching PyMOL, and to keep PyMOL moving forward,
DeLano Scientific has hired me to provide support and development for
PyMOL.  So, please feel free to contact me directly (through this
email) or if your question is rather broad, please post to the list so
others can see the answers.  I still use the PyMOLwiki, so answers to
your questions will most likely end up there, too.

We all know that Warren poured his heart and soul into PyMOL.  So, to
honor that, I'm staying by PyMOL's side to see it forward as long as I
can.  Warren was peerless, but I will do my best to keep the ball

-- Jason

Jason Vertrees, PhD

PyMOLWiki --

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