[PyMOL] 21th Tcl Conference - Registration & Hotel Reminder

2014-10-14 Thread Andreas Kupries
21'th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference (Tcl'2014)

This is a reminder that Registration for the Conference is open and
can be done at


Note that the holding period for hotel rooms has passed. To register
for a room, call 1-503-796-3851, speak to Mary Kirchner and mention
the Tcl Conference to receive the reduced rate.

See you in Portland,

Andreas Kupries
Tcl 2014 Program Chair
ActiveState Software Inc.
Vancouver, BC, Canada

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[PyMOL] 2nd Call For Papers, 21th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference 2014

2014-08-12 Thread Andreas Kupries
21'th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference (Tcl'2014)

[ It is 4 weeks to the deadline for Abstracts and proposals ... ]

November 10 - 14, 2014
Embassy Suites Downtown
Portland, Oregon, USA

Important Dates:

Abstracts and proposals due Sep  8, 2014
Notification to authors Sep 22, 2014
Author materials dueOct 20, 2014
Tutorials start Nov 10, 2014
Conference starts   Nov 12, 2014

Registration is open.

Email Contact:tclconfere...@googlegroups.com

Submission of Summaries

Tcl/Tk 2014 will be held in Portland, Oregon, USA from November
10 - 14, 2014. The program committee is asking for papers and
presentation proposals from anyone using or developing with Tcl/Tk
(and extensions). Past conferences have seen submissions covering a
wide variety of topics including:

* Scientific and engineering applications
* Industrial controls
* Distributed applications and Network Managment
* Object oriented extensions to Tcl/Tk
* New widgets for Tk
* Simulation and application steering with Tcl/Tk
* Tcl/Tk-centric operating environments
* Tcl/Tk on small and embedded devices
* Medical applications and visualization
* Use of different programming paradigms in Tcl/Tk and proposals for new
* New areas of exploration for the Tcl/Tk language

Submissions should consist of an abstract of about 100 words and a
summary of not more than two pages, and should be sent as plain text
to  no later than August 5,
2014. Authors of accepted abstracts will have until September 2, 2014
to submit their final paper for the inclusion in the conference
proceedings. The proceedings will be made available on digital media,
so extra materials such as presentation slides, code examples, code
for extensions etc. are encouraged.

Printed proceedings will be produced as an on-demand book at lulu.com

The authors will have 25 minutes to present their paper at the

The program committee will review and evaluate papers according to the
following criteria:

* Quantity and quality of novel content
* Relevance and interest to the Tcl/Tk community
* Suitability of content for presentation at the conference

Proposals may report on commercial or non-commercial systems, but
those with only blatant marketing content will not be accepted.

Application and experience papers need to strike a balance between
background on the application domain and the relevance of Tcl/Tk to
the application. Application and experience papers should clearly
explain how the application or experience illustrates a novel use of
Tcl/Tk, and what lessons the Tcl/Tk community can derive from the
application or experience to apply to their own development efforts.

Papers accompanied by non-disclosure agreements will be returned to
the author(s) unread. All submissions are held in the highest
confidentiality prior to publication in the Proceedings, both as a
matter of policy and in accord with the U. S. Copyright Act of 1976.

The primary author for each accepted paper will receive registration
to the Technical Sessions portion of the conference at a reduced rate.

Other Forms of Participation

The program committee also welcomes proposals for panel discussions of
up to 90 minutes. Proposals should include a list of confirmed
panelists, a title and format, and a panel description with position
statements from each panelist. Panels should have no more than four
speakers, including the panel moderator, and should allow time for
substantial interaction with attendees. Panels are not presentations
of related research papers.

Slots for Works-in-Progress (WIP) presentations and Birds-of-a-Feather
sessions (BOFs) are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
WIP slots can be reserved like any paper proposal. BOF slots will be
managed on-site. All attendees with an interesting work in progress
should consider reserving a WIP slot.

Registration Information

More information on the conference is available the conference Web
site (http://www.tcl.tk/community/tcl2014/) and will be published on
various Tcl/Tk-related information channels.

Registration is open.

To keep in touch with news regarding the conference and Tcl events in
general, subscribe to the tcl-announce list. See:
http://code.activestate.com/lists/tcl-announce to subscribe to the
tcl-announce mailing list.

Conference Committee

Clif Flynt  Noumena Corp   General Chair, Website 
Andreas Kupries ActiveState Software Inc.  Program Chair
Brian Griffin   Mentor GraphicsSite/Facilities Chair
Arjen MarkusDeltares
Cyndy Lilagan   Nat. Museum of Health & Medicine, Chicago
Donal Fellows   University of Manchester
Gerald Lester   KnG Consulting, LLC
Jeffrey Hobbs   ActiveState Software Inc.
Kevin Kenny GE Global Research Center
Larry Virden
Mike Doyle

[PyMOL] 1st Call For Papers, 21th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference 2014

2014-05-01 Thread Andreas Kupries
21'th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference (Tcl'2014)

November 10 - 14, 2014
Embassy Suites Downtown
Portland, Oregon, USA

Important Dates:

Abstracts and proposals due Sep  8, 2014
Notification to authors Sep 22, 2014
Author materials dueOct 20, 2014
Tutorials start Nov 10, 2014
Conference starts   Nov 12, 2014

Registration is open.

Email Contact:tclconfere...@googlegroups.com

Submission of Summaries

Tcl/Tk 2014 will be held in Portland, Oregon, USA from November
10 - 14, 2014. The program committee is asking for papers and
presentation proposals from anyone using or developing with Tcl/Tk
(and extensions). Past conferences have seen submissions covering a
wide variety of topics including:

* Scientific and engineering applications
* Industrial controls
* Distributed applications and Network Managment
* Object oriented extensions to Tcl/Tk
* New widgets for Tk
* Simulation and application steering with Tcl/Tk
* Tcl/Tk-centric operating environments
* Tcl/Tk on small and embedded devices
* Medical applications and visualization
* Use of different programming paradigms in Tcl/Tk and proposals for new
* New areas of exploration for the Tcl/Tk language

Submissions should consist of an abstract of about 100 words and a
summary of not more than two pages, and should be sent as plain text
to  no later than August 5,
2014. Authors of accepted abstracts will have until September 2, 2014
to submit their final paper for the inclusion in the conference
proceedings. The proceedings will be made available on digital media,
so extra materials such as presentation slides, code examples, code
for extensions etc. are encouraged.

Printed proceedings will be produced as an on-demand book at lulu.com

The authors will have 25 minutes to present their paper at the

The program committee will review and evaluate papers according to the
following criteria:

* Quantity and quality of novel content
* Relevance and interest to the Tcl/Tk community
* Suitability of content for presentation at the conference

Proposals may report on commercial or non-commercial systems, but
those with only blatant marketing content will not be accepted.

Application and experience papers need to strike a balance between
background on the application domain and the relevance of Tcl/Tk to
the application. Application and experience papers should clearly
explain how the application or experience illustrates a novel use of
Tcl/Tk, and what lessons the Tcl/Tk community can derive from the
application or experience to apply to their own development efforts.

Papers accompanied by non-disclosure agreements will be returned to
the author(s) unread. All submissions are held in the highest
confidentiality prior to publication in the Proceedings, both as a
matter of policy and in accord with the U. S. Copyright Act of 1976.

The primary author for each accepted paper will receive registration
to the Technical Sessions portion of the conference at a reduced rate.

Other Forms of Participation

The program committee also welcomes proposals for panel discussions of
up to 90 minutes. Proposals should include a list of confirmed
panelists, a title and format, and a panel description with position
statements from each panelist. Panels should have no more than four
speakers, including the panel moderator, and should allow time for
substantial interaction with attendees. Panels are not presentations
of related research papers.

Slots for Works-in-Progress (WIP) presentations and Birds-of-a-Feather
sessions (BOFs) are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
WIP slots can be reserved like any paper proposal. BOF slots will be
managed on-site. All attendees with an interesting work in progress
should consider reserving a WIP slot.

Registration Information

More information on the conference is available the conference Web
site (http://www.tcl.tk/community/tcl2014/) and will be published on
various Tcl/Tk-related information channels.

Registration is open.

To keep in touch with news regarding the conference and Tcl events in
general, subscribe to the tcl-announce list. See:
http://code.activestate.com/lists/tcl-announce to subscribe to the
tcl-announce mailing list.

Conference Committee

Clif Flynt  Noumena Corp   General Chair, Website 
Andreas Kupries ActiveState Software Inc.  Program Chair
Brian Griffin   Mentor GraphicsSite/Facilities Chair
Arjen MarkusDeltares
Cyndy Lilagan   Nat. Museum of Health & Medicine, Chicago
Donal Fellows   University of Manchester
Gerald Lester   KnG Consulting, LLC
Jeffrey Hobbs   ActiveState Software Inc.
Kevin Kenny GE Global Research Center
Larry Virden
Mike Doyle  National Museum of Health & Medicine, Chicago
Ron Fox   

[PyMOL] John Ousterhout Featured Speaker at Tcl New & Proven User Conference in New Orleans (Tcl'2013)

2013-08-18 Thread Andreas Kupries
Founder of Tool Command Language to talk about Tcl Past, Present &

Ann Arbor, MI -- August 16, 2013 -- The Tcl/Tk User Association, which
is celebrating over 20 years of innovation using the Tool Command
Language (Tcl), confirmed today that John Ousterhout will be a
Featured Speaker at the conference in New Orleans, LA from Sept 23-27,

 Ousterhout is the original developer of the Tcl and Tk programming
language, a combination of the Tool Command Language and the Tk
graphical user interface tookit (Tk).  His presentation will focus on
the evolution of Tcl/Tk from its original language format created at
the University of California Berkeley to the most robust and
easy-to-learn dynamic programming language that seamlessly powers
today's applications. He is also the author of Tcl and the Tk ToolKit
(2nd Edition).

"John started a revolution born out of frustration," says Clif Flynt,
President, Tcl Community Association and author of Tcl/Tk: A
Developer's Guide. "Before Tcl, programmers devised their own
languages that were intended to be embedded into applications. By
creating Tcl/Tk, John created a language for rapid prototyping that
works immediately."

The Tcl New and Proven user conference will feature several Tcl
experts including Jeff Hobbs, Chief Technical Officer at ActiveState,
Gerald Lester, creator of Tcl Web Services and a keynote speech by
Karl Lehenbauer of FlightAware.com.  Programmers attending the
conference will learn the best practices for using Tcl's new
object-oriented commands and widgets as well as seeing new
applications and techniques in the fields ranging from business
applications to health, aerospace and beyond.

"The Tcl New & Proven User Conference will be focusing on innovation
throughout the years," says Flynt. "We are very pleased to have two of
the people who helped create the Tcl we know today at our 20th

Interested in attending the Tcl conference? Go to
http://www.tcl.tk/community/tcl2013/ to register. Learn more about
Tcl/Tk by visiting the Tcl Developer Xchange http://www.tcl.tk/ where
you can download Tcl 8.6 and a free trial of TDK 5 (Tcl Dev Kit).


About Tcl/Tk  (http://www.tcl.tk/)

Celebrating over 20 years of providing rapid prototyping, Tool Command
Language (Tcl) is an open source, robust, powerful and easy-to-learn
dynamic programming language ideal for today's web and desktop
applications, networking, administration, and testing. Tk is a
graphical user interface toolkit that enables the development of
native-looking GUIs on multiple platforms such as Windows, Mac OS X
and Linux. The combination of Tcl and the Tk GUI toolkit is referred
to as Tcl/Tk..
The vibrant Tcl user community comes together on the Tcl Developer
Xchange website hosted by ActiveState (http://www.tcl.tk/), which
provides a variety of resources for programmers working with Tcl/Tk to
increase their productivity and share ideas. Worldwide Tcl
conferences, Tcl/Tk downloads and access to the Tcler's Wiki are all
available online at the Tcl Developer Xchange.  The latest books,
tutorials and demos are also accessible from this site along with the
Tcl core development team that steers the ongoing evolution of the

Amy Hesser
Hesser Communications Group

Get 100% visibility into Java/.NET code with AppDynamics Lite!
It's a free troubleshooting tool designed for production.
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PyMOL-users mailing list (PyMOL-users@lists.sourceforge.net)
Info Page: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/pymol-users
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/pymol-users@lists.sourceforge.net

[PyMOL] Hotel Room Rate Reminder - 20th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference (Tcl'2013)

2013-08-13 Thread Andreas Kupries
20'th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference (Tcl'2013)

September 23 - 27, 2013
Bourbon Orleans Hotel
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Hello all.

This is a general reminder that the offer of reduced rates for rooms
at the conference hotel expires on August 19, i.e. in a week.

Book Now! (if you haven't already).

Of course registration for the Conference is still open at


To book a room at the conference hotel at reduced rates please follow
the instructions on that page.

Our schedule can be found at


Conference Committee

Clif Flynt  Noumena CorpGeneral Chair, Website 
Andreas Kupries ActiveState Software Inc.   Program Chair
Gerald Lester   KnG Consulting, LLC Site/Facilities Chair
Arjen MarkusDeltares
Brian Griffin   Mentor Graphics
Cyndy Lilagan   Nat. Museum of Health & Medicine, Chicago
Donal Fellows   University of Manchester
Jeffrey Hobbs   ActiveState Software Inc.
Kevin Kenny GE Global Research Center
Larry Virden
Mike Doyle  National Museum of Health & Medicine, Chicago
Ron Fox NSCL/FRIB Michigan State University
Steve Landers   Digital Smarties

Contact Information tclconfere...@googlegroups.com

Tcl'2013 would like to thank those who are sponsoring the conference:

ActiveState Software Inc.
Buonacorsi Foundation
Mentor Graphics
Noumena Corp.
SR Technology
Tcl Community Association

Get 100% visibility into Java/.NET code with AppDynamics Lite!
It's a free troubleshooting tool designed for production.
Get down to code-level detail for bottlenecks, with <2% overhead. 
Download for free and get started troubleshooting in minutes. 
PyMOL-users mailing list (PyMOL-users@lists.sourceforge.net)
Info Page: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/pymol-users
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/pymol-users@lists.sourceforge.net

[PyMOL] Registration Open for 19th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference (Tcl'2012)

2013-08-06 Thread Andreas Kupries
20'th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference (Tcl'2013)

September 23 - 27, 2013
Bourbon Orleans Hotel
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

I am pleased to announce that registration for the Conference is now
open at


To book a room at the conference hotel at reduced rates please follow
the instructions on that page. Note that the offer of reduced rates
expires on August 19 (In 2 weeks). Book NOW.

Our schedule can be found at


Conference Committee

Clif Flynt  Noumena CorpGeneral 
Chair, Website Admin
Andreas Kupries ActiveState Software Inc.   Program 
Cyndy Lilagan   Nat. Museum of Health & Medicine, Chicago   
Site/Facilities Chair
Arjen MarkusDeltares
Brian Griffin   Mentor Graphics
Donal Fellows   University of Manchester
Gerald Lester   KnG Consulting, LLC
Jeffrey Hobbs   ActiveState Software Inc.
Kevin Kenny GE Global Research Center
Larry Virden
Mike Doyle  National Museum of Health & Medicine, Chicago
Ron Fox NSCL/FRIB Michigan State University
Steve Landers   Digital Smarties

Contact Information tclconfere...@googlegroups.com

Tcl'2012 would like to thank those who are sponsoring the conference:

ActiveState Software Inc.
Buonacorsi Foundation
Mentor Graphics
Noumena Corp.
SR Technology
Tcl Community Association

Get 100% visibility into Java/.NET code with AppDynamics Lite!
It's a free troubleshooting tool designed for production.
Get down to code-level detail for bottlenecks, with <2% overhead. 
Download for free and get started troubleshooting in minutes. 
PyMOL-users mailing list (PyMOL-users@lists.sourceforge.net)
Info Page: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/pymol-users
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/pymol-users@lists.sourceforge.net

[PyMOL] 3rd Call For Papers, 20th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference 2013

2013-06-05 Thread Andreas Kupries
[[ Notes:
   Abstracts and proposals are now due July 6, 2013
   [+ 2 weeks]

20'th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference (Tcl'2013)

September 23 - 27, 2013
Bourbon Orleans Hotel
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Important Dates:

Abstracts and proposals due   July   6, 2013 [+ 2 weeks]
Notification to authors   July  22, 2013 [- 2 weeks]
Author materials due  September  2, 2013
Tutorials Start   September 23, 2013
Conference starts September 25, 2013

Email Contact:tclconfere...@googlegroups.com

Submission of Summaries

Tcl/Tk 2013 will be held in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA from September
23 - 27, 2013. The program committee is asking for papers and
presentation proposals from anyone using or developing with Tcl/Tk
(and extensions). Past conferences have seen submissions covering a
wide variety of topics including:

* Scientific and engineering applications
* Industrial controls
* Distributed applications and Network Managment
* Object oriented extensions to Tcl/Tk
* New widgets for Tk
* Simulation and application steering with Tcl/Tk
* Tcl/Tk-centric operating environments
* Tcl/Tk on small and embedded devices
* Medical applications and visualization
* Use of different programming paradigms in Tcl/Tk and proposals for new
* New areas of exploration for the Tcl/Tk language

Submissions should consist of an abstract of about 100 words and a
summary of not more than two pages, and should be sent as plain text
to  no later than August 5,
2013. Authors of accepted abstracts will have until September 2, 2013
to submit their final paper for the inclusion in the conference
proceedings. The proceedings will be made available on digital media,
so extra materials such as presentation slides, code examples, code
for extensions etc. are encouraged.

Printed proceedings will be produced as an on-demand book at lulu.com

The authors will have 25 minutes to present their paper at the

The program committee will review and evaluate papers according to the
following criteria:

* Quantity and quality of novel content
* Relevance and interest to the Tcl/Tk community
* Suitability of content for presentation at the conference

Proposals may report on commercial or non-commercial systems, but
those with only blatant marketing content will not be accepted.

Application and experience papers need to strike a balance between
background on the application domain and the relevance of Tcl/Tk to
the application. Application and experience papers should clearly
explain how the application or experience illustrates a novel use of
Tcl/Tk, and what lessons the Tcl/Tk community can derive from the
application or experience to apply to their own development efforts.

Papers accompanied by non-disclosure agreements will be returned to
the author(s) unread. All submissions are held in the highest
confidentiality prior to publication in the Proceedings, both as a
matter of policy and in accord with the U. S. Copyright Act of 1976.

The primary author for each accepted paper will receive registration
to the Technical Sessions portion of the conference at a reduced rate.

Other Forms of Participation

The program committee also welcomes proposals for panel discussions of
up to 90 minutes. Proposals should include a list of confirmed
panelists, a title and format, and a panel description with position
statements from each panelist. Panels should have no more than four
speakers, including the panel moderator, and should allow time for
substantial interaction with attendees. Panels are not presentations
of related research papers.

Slots for Works-in-Progress (WIP) presentations and Birds-of-a-Feather
sessions (BOFs) are available on a first-come, first-served basis
starting in August 5, 2013. Specific instructions for reserving WIP
and BOF time slots will be provided in the registration information
available in June 3, 2013. Some WIP and BOF time slots will be held open
for on-site reservation. All attendees with an interesting work in
progress should consider reserving a WIP slot.

Registration Information

More information on the conference is available the conference Web
site (http://www.tcl.tk/community/tcl2013/) and will be published on
various Tcl/Tk-related information channels.

To keep in touch with news regarding the conference and Tcl events in
general, subscribe to the tcl-announce list. See:
http://code.activestate.com/lists/tcl-announce to subscribe to the
tcl-announce mailing list.

Conference Committee

Clif Flynt  Noumena CorpGeneral Chair, Website 
Andreas Kupries ActiveState Software Inc.   Program Chair
Gerald Lester   KnG Consulting, LLC Site/Facilities Chair
Arjen MarkusDeltares
Brian Griffin   Mentor Graphics
Cyndy Lilagan   Nat. Museum of Health & Medicine, Chicago

[PyMOL] 2nd Call For Papers, 20th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference 2013

2013-04-09 Thread Andreas Kupries
[[ Notes:

   Karl Lehenbauer of FlightAware is confirmed as our Keynote speaker.


20'th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference (Tcl'2013)

September 23 - 27, 2013
Bourbon Orleans Hotel
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Important Dates:

Abstracts and proposals due   June  22, 2013
Notification to authors   August 5, 2013
Author materials due  September  2, 2013
Tutorials Start   September 23, 2013
Conference starts September 25, 2013

Email Contact:tclconfere...@googlegroups.com

Submission of Summaries

Tcl/Tk 2013 will be held in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA from September
23 - 27, 2013. The program committee is asking for papers and
presentation proposals from anyone using or developing with Tcl/Tk
(and extensions). Past conferences have seen submissions covering a
wide variety of topics including:

* Scientific and engineering applications
* Industrial controls
* Distributed applications and Network Managment
* Object oriented extensions to Tcl/Tk
* New widgets for Tk
* Simulation and application steering with Tcl/Tk
* Tcl/Tk-centric operating environments
* Tcl/Tk on small and embedded devices
* Medical applications and visualization
* Use of different programming paradigms in Tcl/Tk and proposals for new
* New areas of exploration for the Tcl/Tk language

Submissions should consist of an abstract of about 100 words and a
summary of not more than two pages, and should be sent as plain text
to  no later than August 5,
2013. Authors of accepted abstracts will have until September 2, 2013
to submit their final paper for the inclusion in the conference
proceedings. The proceedings will be made available on digital media,
so extra materials such as presentation slides, code examples, code
for extensions etc. are encouraged.

Printed proceedings will be produced as an on-demand book at lulu.com

The authors will have 25 minutes to present their paper at the

The program committee will review and evaluate papers according to the
following criteria:

* Quantity and quality of novel content
* Relevance and interest to the Tcl/Tk community
* Suitability of content for presentation at the conference

Proposals may report on commercial or non-commercial systems, but
those with only blatant marketing content will not be accepted.

Application and experience papers need to strike a balance between
background on the application domain and the relevance of Tcl/Tk to
the application. Application and experience papers should clearly
explain how the application or experience illustrates a novel use of
Tcl/Tk, and what lessons the Tcl/Tk community can derive from the
application or experience to apply to their own development efforts.

Papers accompanied by non-disclosure agreements will be returned to
the author(s) unread. All submissions are held in the highest
confidentiality prior to publication in the Proceedings, both as a
matter of policy and in accord with the U. S. Copyright Act of 1976.

The primary author for each accepted paper will receive registration
to the Technical Sessions portion of the conference at a reduced rate.

Other Forms of Participation

The program committee also welcomes proposals for panel discussions of
up to 90 minutes. Proposals should include a list of confirmed
panelists, a title and format, and a panel description with position
statements from each panelist. Panels should have no more than four
speakers, including the panel moderator, and should allow time for
substantial interaction with attendees. Panels are not presentations
of related research papers.

Slots for Works-in-Progress (WIP) presentations and Birds-of-a-Feather
sessions (BOFs) are available on a first-come, first-served basis
starting in August 5, 2013. Specific instructions for reserving WIP
and BOF time slots will be provided in the registration information
available in June 3, 2013. Some WIP and BOF time slots will be held open
for on-site reservation. All attendees with an interesting work in
progress should consider reserving a WIP slot.

Registration Information

More information on the conference is available the conference Web
site (http://www.tcl.tk/community/tcl2013/) and will be published on
various Tcl/Tk-related information channels.

To keep in touch with news regarding the conference and Tcl events in
general, subscribe to the tcl-announce list. See:
http://code.activestate.com/lists/tcl-announce to subscribe to the
tcl-announce mailing list.

Conference Committee

Clif Flynt  Noumena CorpGeneral Chair, Website 
Andreas Kupries ActiveState Software Inc.   Program Chair
Gerald Lester   KnG Consulting, LLC Site/Facilities Chair
Arjen MarkusDeltares
Brian Griffin   Mentor Graphics
Cyndy Lilagan   Nat. Museum of Health & Medicine,

[PyMOL] 1st Call For Papers, 19th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference 2012

2013-02-04 Thread Andreas Kupries
20'th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference (Tcl'2013)

September 23 - 27, 2013
Bourbon Orleans Hotel
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Important Dates:

Abstracts and proposals due   June  22, 2013
Notification to authors   August 5, 2013
Author materials due  September  2, 2013
Tutorials Start   September 23, 2013
Conference starts September 25, 2013

Email Contact:tclconfere...@googlegroups.com

Submission of Summaries

Tcl/Tk 2013 will be held in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA from September
23 - 27, 2013. The program committee is asking for papers and
presentation proposals from anyone using or developing with Tcl/Tk
(and extensions). Past conferences have seen submissions covering a
wide variety of topics including:

* Scientific and engineering applications
* Industrial controls
* Distributed applications and Network Managment
* Object oriented extensions to Tcl/Tk
* New widgets for Tk
* Simulation and application steering with Tcl/Tk
* Tcl/Tk-centric operating environments
* Tcl/Tk on small and embedded devices
* Medical applications and visualization
* Use of different programming paradigms in Tcl/Tk and proposals for new
* New areas of exploration for the Tcl/Tk language

Submissions should consist of an abstract of about 100 words and a
summary of not more than two pages, and should be sent as plain text
to  no later than August 5,
2013. Authors of accepted abstracts will have until September 2, 2013
to submit their final paper for the inclusion in the conference
proceedings. The proceedings will be made available on digital media,
so extra materials such as presentation slides, code examples, code
for extensions etc. are encouraged.

Printed proceedings will be produced as an on-demand book at lulu.com

The authors will have 25 minutes to present their paper at the

The program committee will review and evaluate papers according to the
following criteria:

* Quantity and quality of novel content
* Relevance and interest to the Tcl/Tk community
* Suitability of content for presentation at the conference

Proposals may report on commercial or non-commercial systems, but
those with only blatant marketing content will not be accepted.

Application and experience papers need to strike a balance between
background on the application domain and the relevance of Tcl/Tk to
the application. Application and experience papers should clearly
explain how the application or experience illustrates a novel use of
Tcl/Tk, and what lessons the Tcl/Tk community can derive from the
application or experience to apply to their own development efforts.

Papers accompanied by non-disclosure agreements will be returned to
the author(s) unread. All submissions are held in the highest
confidentiality prior to publication in the Proceedings, both as a
matter of policy and in accord with the U. S. Copyright Act of 1976.

The primary author for each accepted paper will receive registration
to the Technical Sessions portion of the conference at a reduced rate.

Other Forms of Participation

The program committee also welcomes proposals for panel discussions of
up to 90 minutes. Proposals should include a list of confirmed
panelists, a title and format, and a panel description with position
statements from each panelist. Panels should have no more than four
speakers, including the panel moderator, and should allow time for
substantial interaction with attendees. Panels are not presentations
of related research papers.

Slots for Works-in-Progress (WIP) presentations and Birds-of-a-Feather
sessions (BOFs) are available on a first-come, first-served basis
starting in August 5, 2013. Specific instructions for reserving WIP
and BOF time slots will be provided in the registration information
available in June 3, 2013. Some WIP and BOF time slots will be held open
for on-site reservation. All attendees with an interesting work in
progress should consider reserving a WIP slot.

Registration Information

More information on the conference is available the conference Web
site (http://www.tcl.tk/community/tcl2013/) and will be published on
various Tcl/Tk-related information channels.

To keep in touch with news regarding the conference and Tcl events in
general, subscribe to the tcl-announce list. See:
http://code.activestate.com/lists/tcl-announce to subscribe to the
tcl-announce mailing list.

Conference Committee

Clif Flynt  Noumena CorpGeneral Chair, Website 
Andreas Kupries ActiveState Software Inc.   Program Chair
Gerald Lester   KnG Consulting, LLC Site/Facilities Chair
Arjen MarkusDeltares
Brian Griffin   Mentor Graphics
Cyndy Lilagan   Nat. Museum of Health & Medicine, Chicago
Donal Fellows   University of Manchester
Jeffrey Hobbs   ActiveState Software Inc.
Kevin Kenny GE Global Researc

[PyMOL] Hotel Room Rate Reminder - 19th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference (Tcl'2012)

2012-10-15 Thread Andreas Kupries
19th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference (Tcl'2012)

November 12 - 16, 2012
National Museum of Health and Medicine Chicago
175 W. Washington
Chicago, IL 60602

Holiday Inn Chicago Mart Plaza
350 West Mart Center Drive
Chicago, Illinois, USA



Hello all.

This is a reminder that the offer of reduced rates for rooms at the
conference hotel expires on October 20, i.e. at the end of this week.

Book Now! (if you haven't already).

And talk to us should you run into trouble with the Hotel claiming to
be sold out already before the deadline.

Of course registration for the Conference is still open at


To book a room at the conference hotel at reduced rates please follow
the instructions on that page.

Our schedule can be found at


Conference Committee

Clif Flynt  Noumena CorpGeneral 
Chair, Website Admin
Andreas Kupries ActiveState Software Inc.   Program 
Cyndy Lilagan   Nat. Museum of Health & Medicine, Chicago   
Site/Facilities Chair
Arjen MarkusDeltares
Brian Griffin   Mentor Graphics
Donal Fellows   University of Manchester
Gerald Lester   KnG Consulting, LLC
Jeffrey Hobbs   ActiveState Software Inc.
Kevin Kenny GE Global Research Center
Larry Virden
Mike Doyle  National Museum of Health & Medicine, Chicago
Ron Fox NSCL/FRIB Michigan State University
Steve Landers   Digital Smarties

Contact Information tclconfere...@googlegroups.com

Tcl'2012 would like to thank those who are sponsoring the conference:

ActiveState Software Inc.
Buonacorsi Foundation
Mentor Graphics
Noumena Corp.
SR Technology
Tcl Community Association

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PyMOL-users mailing list (PyMOL-users@lists.sourceforge.net)
Info Page: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/pymol-users
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/pymol-users@lists.sourceforge.net

[PyMOL] Registration Open for 19th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference (Tcl'2012)

2012-09-10 Thread Andreas Kupries
19th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference (Tcl'2012)

November 12 - 16, 2012
National Museum of Health and Medicine Chicago
175 W. Washington
Chicago, IL 60602

Holiday Inn Chicago Mart Plaza
350 West Mart Center Drive
Chicago, Illinois, USA



I am pleased to announce that registration for the Conference is now
open at


To book a room at the conference hotel at reduced rates please follow
the instructions on that page. Note that the offer of reduced rates
expires on October 20. Book early.

Our schedule can be found at


Conference Committee

Clif Flynt  Noumena CorpGeneral 
Chair, Website Admin
Andreas Kupries ActiveState Software Inc.   Program 
Cyndy Lilagan   Nat. Museum of Health & Medicine, Chicago   
Site/Facilities Chair
Arjen MarkusDeltares
Brian Griffin   Mentor Graphics
Donal Fellows   University of Manchester
Gerald Lester   KnG Consulting, LLC
Jeffrey Hobbs   ActiveState Software Inc.
Kevin Kenny GE Global Research Center
Larry Virden
Mike Doyle  National Museum of Health & Medicine, Chicago
Ron Fox NSCL/FRIB Michigan State University
Steve Landers   Digital Smarties

Contact Information tclconfere...@googlegroups.com

Tcl'2012 would like to thank those who are sponsoring the conference:

ActiveState Software Inc.
Buonacorsi Foundation
Mentor Graphics
Noumena Corp.
SR Technology
Tcl Community Association

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
threats. http://www.accelacomm.com/jaw/sfrnl04242012/114/50122263/
PyMOL-users mailing list (PyMOL-users@lists.sourceforge.net)
Info Page: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/pymol-users
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/pymol-users@lists.sourceforge.net

[PyMOL] 3rd Call For Papers, 19th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference 2012

2012-08-07 Thread Andreas Kupries
 the tcl-announce list. See:
http://code.activestate.com/lists/tcl-announce to subscribe to the
tcl-announce mailing list.

Conference Committee

Clif Flynt  Noumena CorpGeneral 
Chair, Website Admin
Andreas Kupries ActiveState Software Inc.   Program 
Cyndy Lilagan   Nat. Museum of Health & Medicine, Chicago   
Site/Facilities Chair
Arjen MarkusDeltares
Brian Griffin   Mentor Graphics
Donal Fellows   University of Manchester
Gerald Lester   KnG Consulting, LLC
Jeffrey Hobbs   ActiveState Software Inc.
Kevin Kenny GE Global Research Center
Larry Virden
Mike Doyle  National Museum of Health & Medicine, Chicago
Ron Fox NSCL/FRIB Michigan State University
Steve Landers   Digital Smarties

Contact Information tclconfere...@googlegroups.com

Tcl'2012 would like to thank those who are sponsoring the conference:

ActiveState Software Inc.
Buonacorsi Foundation
Mentor Graphics
Noumena Corp.
SR Technology
Tcl Community Association

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
threats. http://www.accelacomm.com/jaw/sfrnl04242012/114/50122263/
PyMOL-users mailing list (PyMOL-users@lists.sourceforge.net)
Info Page: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/pymol-users
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/pymol-users@lists.sourceforge.net

[PyMOL] 2nd Call For Papers, 19th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference 2012

2012-05-30 Thread Andreas Kupries
[[ Notes:

   Colin Walker of F5 is confirmed as our Keynote speaker.


19th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference (Tcl'2012)

November 12 - 16, 2012
Holiday Inn Chicago Mart Plaza
350 West Mart Center Drive
Chicago, Illinois, USA

Important Dates:

Abstracts and proposals due   August27, 2012
Notification to authors   September 10, 2012
WIP and BOF reservations open August 6, 2012
Author materials due  October   29, 2012
Tutorials Start   November  12, 2012
Conference starts November  14, 2012

Email Contact:tclconfere...@googlegroups.com

Submission of Summaries

Tcl/Tk 2012 will be held in Chicago, Illinois, USA from November 12 -
16, 2012. The program committee is asking for papers and presentation
proposals from anyone using or developing with Tcl/Tk (and
extensions). Past conferences have seen submissions covering a wide
variety of topics including:

* Scientific and engineering applications
* Industrial controls
* Distributed applications and Network Managment
* Object oriented extensions to Tcl/Tk
* New widgets for Tk
* Simulation and application steering with Tcl/Tk
* Tcl/Tk-centric operating environments
* Tcl/Tk on small and embedded devices
* Medical applications and visualization
* Use of different programming paradigms in Tcl/Tk and proposals for new
* New areas of exploration for the Tcl/Tk language

Submissions should consist of an abstract of about 100 words and a
summary of not more than two pages, and should be sent as plain text
to  no later than August 27,
2012. Authors of accepted abstracts will have until October 29, 2012
to submit their final paper for the inclusion in the conference
proceedings. The proceedings will be made available on digital media,
so extra materials such as presentation slides, code examples, code
for extensions etc. are encouraged.

Printed proceedings will be produced as an on-demand book at lulu.com

The authors will have 25 minutes to present their paper at the

The program committee will review and evaluate papers according to the
following criteria:

* Quantity and quality of novel content
* Relevance and interest to the Tcl/Tk community
* Suitability of content for presentation at the conference

Proposals may report on commercial or non-commercial systems, but
those with only blatant marketing content will not be accepted.

Application and experience papers need to strike a balance between
background on the application domain and the relevance of Tcl/Tk to
the application. Application and experience papers should clearly
explain how the application or experience illustrates a novel use of
Tcl/Tk, and what lessons the Tcl/Tk community can derive from the
application or experience to apply to their own development efforts.

Papers accompanied by non-disclosure agreements will be returned to
the author(s) unread. All submissions are held in the highest
confidentiality prior to publication in the Proceedings, both as a
matter of policy and in accord with the U. S. Copyright Act of 1976.

The primary author for each accepted paper will receive registration
to the Technical Sessions portion of the conference at a reduced rate.

Other Forms of Participation

The program committee also welcomes proposals for panel discussions of
up to 90 minutes. Proposals should include a list of confirmed
panelists, a title and format, and a panel description with position
statements from each panelist. Panels should have no more than four
speakers, including the panel moderator, and should allow time for
substantial interaction with attendees. Panels are not presentations
of related research papers.

Slots for Works-in-Progress (WIP) presentations and Birds-of-a-Feather
sessions (BOFs) are available on a first-come, first-served basis
starting in August 6, 2012. Specific instructions for reserving WIP
and BOF time slots will be provided in the registration information
available in June 2012. Some WIP and BOF time slots will be held open
for on-site reservation. All attendees with an interesting work in
progress should consider reserving a WIP slot.

Registration Information

More information on the conference is available the conference Web
site (http://www.tcl.tk/community/tcl2012/) and will be published on
various Tcl/Tk-related information channels.

To keep in touch with news regarding the conference and Tcl events in
general, subscribe to the tcl-announce list. See:
http://code.activestate.com/lists/tcl-announce to subscribe to the
tcl-announce mailing list.

Conference Committee

Clif Flynt  Noumena CorpGeneral 
Chair, Website Admin
Andreas Kupries ActiveState Software Inc.   Program 
Cyndy Lilagan   Nat. Museum of Health & Medicine, Chicago   
Site/Facilities Chair
Arjen MarkusDeltares
Brian Griffin   Mentor Graph

[PyMOL] 1st Call For Papers, 19th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference 2012

2012-04-02 Thread Andreas Kupries
19th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference (Tcl'2012)

November 12 - 16, 2012
Holiday Inn Chicago Mart Plaza
350 West Mart Center Drive
Chicago, Illinois, USA

Important Dates:

Abstracts and proposals due   August27, 2012
Notification to authors   September 10, 2012
WIP and BOF reservations open August 6, 2012
Author materials due  October   29, 2012
Tutorials Start   November  12, 2012
Conference starts November  14, 2012

Email Contact:tclconfere...@googlegroups.com

Submission of Summaries

Tcl/Tk 2012 will be held in Chicago, Illinois, USA from November 12 -
16, 2012. The program committee is asking for papers and presentation
proposals from anyone using or developing with Tcl/Tk (and
extensions). Past conferences have seen submissions covering a wide
variety of topics including:

* Scientific and engineering applications
* Industrial controls
* Distributed applications and Network Managment
* Object oriented extensions to Tcl/Tk
* New widgets for Tk
* Simulation and application steering with Tcl/Tk
* Tcl/Tk-centric operating environments
* Tcl/Tk on small and embedded devices
* Medical applications and visualization
* Use of different programming paradigms in Tcl/Tk and proposals for new
* New areas of exploration for the Tcl/Tk language

Submissions should consist of an abstract of about 100 words and a
summary of not more than two pages, and should be sent as plain text
to  no later than August 27,
2012. Authors of accepted abstracts will have until October 29, 2012
to submit their final paper for the inclusion in the conference
proceedings. The proceedings will be made available on digital media,
so extra materials such as presentation slides, code examples, code
for extensions etc. are encouraged.

Printed proceedings will be produced as an on-demand book at lulu.com

The authors will have 25 minutes to present their paper at the

The program committee will review and evaluate papers according to the
following criteria:

* Quantity and quality of novel content
* Relevance and interest to the Tcl/Tk community
* Suitability of content for presentation at the conference

Proposals may report on commercial or non-commercial systems, but
those with only blatant marketing content will not be accepted.

Application and experience papers need to strike a balance between
background on the application domain and the relevance of Tcl/Tk to
the application. Application and experience papers should clearly
explain how the application or experience illustrates a novel use of
Tcl/Tk, and what lessons the Tcl/Tk community can derive from the
application or experience to apply to their own development efforts.

Papers accompanied by non-disclosure agreements will be returned to
the author(s) unread. All submissions are held in the highest
confidentiality prior to publication in the Proceedings, both as a
matter of policy and in accord with the U. S. Copyright Act of 1976.

The primary author for each accepted paper will receive registration
to the Technical Sessions portion of the conference at a reduced rate.

Other Forms of Participation

The program committee also welcomes proposals for panel discussions of
up to 90 minutes. Proposals should include a list of confirmed
panelists, a title and format, and a panel description with position
statements from each panelist. Panels should have no more than four
speakers, including the panel moderator, and should allow time for
substantial interaction with attendees. Panels are not presentations
of related research papers.

Slots for Works-in-Progress (WIP) presentations and Birds-of-a-Feather
sessions (BOFs) are available on a first-come, first-served basis
starting in August 6, 2012. Specific instructions for reserving WIP
and BOF time slots will be provided in the registration information
available in June 2012. Some WIP and BOF time slots will be held open
for on-site reservation. All attendees with an interesting work in
progress should consider reserving a WIP slot.

Registration Information

More information on the conference is available the conference Web
site (http://www.tcl.tk/community/tcl2012/) and will be published on
various Tcl/Tk-related information channels.

To keep in touch with news regarding the conference and Tcl events in
general, subscribe to the tcl-announce list. See:
http://code.activestate.com/lists/tcl-announce to subscribe to the
tcl-announce mailing list.

Conference Committee

Clif Flynt  Noumena CorpGeneral 
Chair, Website Admin
Andreas Kupries ActiveState Software Inc.   Program 
Cyndy Lilagan   Nat. Museum of Health & Medicine, Chicago   
Site/Facilities Chair
Brian Griffin   Mentor Graphics
Ron Fox NSCL/FRIB Michigan State University
Arjen MarkusDeltares
Mike Doyle  Nation

[PyMOL] 3rd Call For Papers, 18th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference 2011

2011-08-05 Thread Andreas Kupries
 will be published on
various Tcl/Tk-related information channels.

Reservations for hotel suites can be made by calling
(703) 686-1100. Be certain to mention that you are with the Tcl/Tk
Conference to get the Tcl/Tk Conference room rate.

To keep in touch with news regarding the conference and Tcl events in
general, subscribe to the tcl-announce list. See:
http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Mail/ to subscribe to the
tcl-announce mailing list.

Conference Committee

Clif Flynt  Noumena CorpGeneral Chair, Website 
Andreas Kupries ActiveState Software Inc.   Program Chair
Cyndy Lilagan   Iomas Research, LLC
Brian Griffin   Mentor Graphics
Ron Fox NSCL/FRIB Michigan State University
Arjen MarkusDeltares
Mike Doyle  Iomas Research, LLC
Gerald Lester   KnG Consulting, LLC
Donal Fellows   University of Manchester
Jeffrey Hobbs   ActiveState Software Inc.
Steve Landers   Digital Smarties
Kevin Kenny GE Global Research Center
Larry VirdenTcl FAQ Maintainer
Steve Redler IV SR Technology

Contact Information tclconfere...@googlegroups.com

Tcl'2011 would like to thank those who are sponsoring the conference:

ActiveState Software Inc.
Buonacorsi Foundation
Mentor Graphics
Noumena Corp.
SR Technology
Tcl Community Association

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PyMOL-users mailing list (PyMOL-users@lists.sourceforge.net)
Info Page: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/pymol-users
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/pymol-users@lists.sourceforge.net

[PyMOL] 2nd Call For Papers, 18th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference 2011

2011-06-17 Thread Andreas Kupries
p in touch with news regarding the conference and Tcl events in
general, subscribe to the tcl-announce list. See:
http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Mail/ to subscribe to the
tcl-announce mailing list.

Conference Committee

Clif Flynt  Noumena CorpGeneral Chair, Website 
Andreas Kupries ActiveState Software Inc.   Program Chair
Cyndy Lilagan   Iomas Research, LLC
Brian Griffin   Mentor Graphics
Ron Fox NSCL/FRIB Michigan State University
Arjen MarkusDeltares
Mike Doyle  Iomas Research, LLC
Gerald Lester   KnG Consulting, LLC
Donal Fellows   University of Manchester
Jeffrey Hobbs   ActiveState Software Inc.
Steve Landers   Digital Smarties
Kevin Kenny GE Global Research Center
Larry VirdenTcl FAQ Maintainer
Steve Redler IV SR Technology

Contact Information tclconfere...@googlegroups.com

Tcl'2011 would like to thank those who are sponsoring the conference:

ActiveState Software Inc.
Buonacorsi Foundation
Mentor Graphics
Noumena Corp.
SR Technology
Tcl Community Association

EditLive Enterprise is the world's most technically advanced content
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PyMOL-users mailing list (PyMOL-users@lists.sourceforge.net)
Info Page: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/pymol-users
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/pymol-users@lists.sourceforge.net

[PyMOL] 1st Call For Papers, 18th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference 2011

2011-04-11 Thread Andreas Kupries
18th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference (Tcl'2011)

October 24 - 28, 2011
Comfort Suites Manassas

Manassas, Virgina, USA

Important Dates:

Abstracts and proposals due   August26, 2011
Notification to authors   September 12, 2011
WIP and BOF reservations open August 1, 2011
Author materials due  October9, 2011
Tutorials Start   October   24, 2011
Conference starts October   26, 2011

Email Contact:tclconfere...@googlegroups.com

Submission of Summaries

Tcl/Tk 2011 will be held in Manassas, Virgina, USA from
October 24 - 28, 2011. The program committee is asking for papers and
presentation proposals from anyone using or developing with Tcl/Tk
(and extensions). Past conferences have seen submissions covering a
wide variety of topics including:

* Scientific and engineering applications
* Industrial controls
* Distributed applications and Network Managment
* Object oriented extensions to Tcl/Tk
* New widgets for Tk
* Simulation and application steering with Tcl/Tk
* Tcl/Tk-centric operating environments
* Tcl/Tk on small and embedded devices
* Medical applications and visualization
* Use of different programming paradigms in Tcl/Tk and proposals for new
* New areas of exploration for the Tcl/Tk language

This year is the fourth year that the Tcl community is participating
in the Google Summer of Code.  The conference program committee would
like to encourage submissions that report on the Tcl projects selected
for Google SoC 2011.

Submissions should consist of an abstract of about 100 words and a
summary of not more than two pages, and should be sent as plain text
to  no later than August 30,
2011. Authors of accepted abstracts will have until October 14, 2011
to submit their final paper for the inclusion in the conference
proceedings. The proceedings will be made available on digital media,
so extra materials such as presentation slides, code examples, code
for extensions etc. are encouraged.

Printed proceedings will be produced as an on-demand book at lulu.com

The authors will have 25 minutes to present their paper at the

The program committee will review and evaluate papers according to the
following criteria:

* Quantity and quality of novel content
* Relevance and interest to the Tcl/Tk community
* Suitability of content for presentation at the conference

Proposals may report on commercial or non-commercial systems, but
those with only blatant marketing content will not be accepted.

Application and experience papers need to strike a balance between
background on the application domain and the relevance of Tcl/Tk to
the application. Application and experience papers should clearly
explain how the application or experience illustrates a novel use of
Tcl/Tk, and what lessons the Tcl/Tk community can derive from the
application or experience to apply to their own development efforts.

Papers accompanied by non-disclosure agreements will be returned to
the author(s) unread. All submissions are held in the highest
confidentiality prior to publication in the Proceedings, both as a
matter of policy and in accord with the U. S. Copyright Act of 1976.

The primary author for each accepted paper will receive registration
to the Technical Sessions portion of the conference at a reduced rate.

Other Forms of Participation

The program committee also welcomes proposals for panel discussions of
up to 90 minutes. Proposals should include a list of confirmed
panelists, a title and format, and a panel description with position
statements from each panelist. Panels should have no more than four
speakers, including the panel moderator, and should allow time for
substantial interaction with attendees. Panels are not presentations
of related research papers.

Slots for Works-in-Progress (WIP) presentations and Birds-of-a-Feather
sessions (BOFs) are available on a first-come, first-served basis
starting in August 1, 2011. Specific instructions for reserving WIP
and BOF time slots will be provided in the registration information
available in June 2011. Some WIP and BOF time slots will be held open
for on-site reservation. All attendees with an interesting work in
progress should consider reserving a WIP slot.

Registration Information

More information on the conference is available the conference Web
site (http://www.tcl.tk/community/tcl2011/) and will be published on
various Tcl/Tk-related information channels.

To keep in touch with news regarding the conference and Tcl events in
general, subscribe to the tcl-announce list. See:
http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Mail/ to subscribe to the
tcl-announce mailing list.

Conference Committee

Clif Flynt  Noumena CorpGeneral Chair, Website 
Andreas Kupries ActiveState Software Inc.   Program Chair
Cyndy Lilagan   Iomas Research, LLC
Brian Griffin   Mentor Graphics
Ron Fox

[PyMOL] Register For The 17th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference 2010

2010-09-09 Thread Andreas Kupries
17th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference (Tcl'2010)

October 11 - 15, 2010
Hilton Suites/Conference Center

Chicago/Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois, USA

Registration for the Conference is open at


To book a room at the conference hotel at reduced rates follow the
link on that page. Note that this offer expires on September 26. Book

Our schedule can be found at


We have special social activites

October 15, 2010 - Friday afternoon -- Tour of Fermilab

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory,   http://www.fnal.gov/

Tour signup is at the conference, Wednesday, Oct 13.

A tour lasts about two hours and begins in Wilson Hall. Visitors view
the Laboratory from the 15th floor windows and visit various displays
located there. The tour moves to the Linear Accelerator building where
visitors see the Cockcroft-Walton, the components in the linear
accelerator gallery and the Main Control Room.  There is a docent for
every 20 people. Registration required since tours must be arranged in

October 15, 2010 - Friday evening 

Dinner-theater at the award winning Drury Lane theater located next to
our hotel.

Special package price for dinner and theater at $44.00 per
person. Regularly $64 per person.

Please make reservation and payment at time of registration, or
by Wednesday Oct 13 latest (at the conference).

"Seven Brides for Seven Brothers"  http://www.drurylaneoakbrook.com/

Bill Jenkins is one of the newest and most exciting new directors on
the Chicago scene. As Chairman of the Department of Theatre and Dance
at Ball State University, he heads one of the nation's largest theatre
programs. After admiring his work with other Chicago area theatres, we
are very pleased for this opportunity to showcase his talent at Drury
Lane. Once Bill shared some of the fresh ideas and insights he had for
“Seven Brides for Seven Brothers”, we knew we would have a great
show for the holidays.

Conference Committee

Clif Flynt  Noumena CorpGeneral Chair, Website 
Andreas Kupries ActiveState Software Inc.   Program Chair
Cyndy Lilagan   Iomas Research, LLC Facilities Coordination
Brian Griffin   Mentor Graphics
Ron Fox NSCL/FRIB Michigan State University
Arjen MarkusDeltares
Mike Doyle  Iomas Research, LLC
Gerald Lester   KnG Consulting, LLC
Donal Fellows   University of Manchester
Jeffrey Hobbs   ActiveState Software Inc.
Steve Landers   Digital Smarties
Kevin Kenny GE Global Research Center
Larry VirdenTcl FAQ Maintainer
Steve Redler IV SR Technology

Contact Information tclconfere...@googlegroups.com

Tcl'2010 would like to thank those who are sponsoring the conference:

ActiveState Software Inc.
Buonacorsi Foundation
Mentor Graphics
Noumena Corp.
SR Technology
Tcl Community Association

This SF.net Dev2Dev email is sponsored by:

Show off your parallel programming skills.
Enter the Intel(R) Threading Challenge 2010.
PyMOL-users mailing list (PyMOL-users@lists.sourceforge.net)
Info Page: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/pymol-users
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/pymol-users@lists.sourceforge.net

[PyMOL] 3rd Call For Papers, 17th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference 2010

2010-07-20 Thread Andreas Kupries
ounce mailing list.

Special Social Activites

October 15, 2010 - Friday afternoon -- Tour of Fermilab

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory,   http://www.fnal.gov/

A tour lasts about two hours and begins in Wilson Hall. Visitors view
the Laboratory from the 15th floor windows and visit various displays
located there. The tour moves to the Linear Accelerator building where
visitors see the Cockcroft-Walton, the components in the linear
accelerator gallery and the Main Control Room.  There is a docent for
every 20 people. Registration required since tours must be arranged in

October 15, 2010 - Friday evening 

Dinner-theater at the award winning Drury Lane theater located next to
our hotel.  .

Special package price for dinner and theater at $44.00 per
person. Regularly $64 per person.

"Seven Brides for Seven Brothers"  http://www.drurylaneoakbrook.com/

Bill Jenkins is one of the newest and most exciting new directors on
the Chicago scene. As Chairman of the Department of Theatre and Dance
at Ball State University, he heads one of the nation's largest theatre
programs. After admiring his work with other Chicago area theatres, we
are very pleased for this opportunity to showcase his talent at Drury
Lane. Once Bill shared some of the fresh ideas and insights he had for
“Seven Brides for Seven Brothers”, we knew we would have a great
show for the holidays.

Conference Committee

Clif Flynt  Noumena CorpGeneral Chair, Website 
Andreas Kupries ActiveState Software Inc.   Program Chair
Cyndy Lilagan   Iomas Research, LLC Facilities Coordination
Brian Griffin   Mentor Graphics
Ron Fox NSCL/FRIB Michigan State University
Arjen MarkusDeltares
Mike Doyle  Iomas Research, LLC
Gerald Lester   KnG Consulting, LLC
Donal Fellows   University of Manchester
Jeffrey Hobbs   ActiveState Software Inc.
Steve Landers   Digital Smarties
Kevin Kenny GE Global Research Center
Larry VirdenTcl FAQ Maintainer
Steve Redler IV SR Technology

Contact Information tclconfere...@googlegroups.com

Tcl'2010 would like to thank those who are sponsoring the conference:

ActiveState Software Inc.
Buonacorsi Foundation
Mentor Graphics
Noumena Corp.
SR Technology
Tcl Community Association

This SF.net email is sponsored by Sprint
What will you do first with EVO, the first 4G phone?
Visit sprint.com/first -- http://p.sf.net/sfu/sprint-com-first___
PyMOL-users mailing list (PyMOL-users@lists.sourceforge.net)
Info Page: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/pymol-users
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/pymol-users@lists.sourceforge.net

[PyMOL] 2 Call For Papers, 17th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference 2010

2010-06-28 Thread Andreas Kupries
neral, subscribe to the tcl-announce list. See:
http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Mail/ to subscribe to the
tcl-announce mailing list.

Special Social Activites

October 15, 2010 - Friday afternoon -- Tour of Fermilab

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory,   http://www.fnal.gov/

A tour lasts about two hours and begins in Wilson Hall. Visitors view
the Laboratory from the 15th floor windows and visit various displays
located there. The tour moves to the Linear Accelerator building where
visitors see the Cockcroft-Walton, the components in the linear
accelerator gallery and the Main Control Room.  There is a docent for
every 20 people. Registration required since tours must be arranged in

October 15, 2010 - Friday evening 

Dinner-theater at the award winning Drury Lane theater located next to
our hotel.  .

Special package price for dinner and theater at $44.00 per
person. Regularly $64 per person.

"Seven Brides for Seven Brothers"  http://www.drurylaneoakbrook.com/

Bill Jenkins is one of the newest and most exciting new directors on
the Chicago scene. As Chairman of the Department of Theatre and Dance
at Ball State University, he heads one of the nation's largest theatre
programs. After admiring his work with other Chicago area theatres, we
are very pleased for this opportunity to showcase his talent at Drury
Lane. Once Bill shared some of the fresh ideas and insights he had for
“Seven Brides for Seven Brothers”, we knew we would have a great
show for the holidays.

Conference Committee

Clif Flynt  Noumena CorpGeneral Chair, Website 
Andreas Kupries ActiveState Software Inc.   Program Chair
Cyndy Lilagan   Iomas Research, LLC Facilities Coordination
Brian Griffin   Mentor Graphics
Ron Fox NSCL/FRIB Michigan State University
Arjen MarkusDeltares
Mike Doyle  Iomas Research, LLC
Gerald Lester   KnG Consulting, LLC
Donal Fellows   University of Manchester
Jeffrey Hobbs   ActiveState Software Inc.
Steve Landers   Digital Smarties
Kevin Kenny GE Global Research Center
Larry VirdenTcl FAQ Maintainer
Steve Redler IV SR Technology

Contact Information tclconfere...@googlegroups.com

Tcl'2010 would like to thank those who are sponsoring the conference:

ActiveState Software Inc.
Buonacorsi Foundation
Mentor Graphics
Noumena Corp.
SR Technology
Tcl Community Association

This SF.net email is sponsored by Sprint
What will you do first with EVO, the first 4G phone?
Visit sprint.com/first -- http://p.sf.net/sfu/sprint-com-first___
PyMOL-users mailing list (PyMOL-users@lists.sourceforge.net)
Info Page: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/pymol-users
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/pymol-users@lists.sourceforge.net

[PyMOL] 1st Call For Papers, 17th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference 2010

2010-03-22 Thread Andreas Kupries
17th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference (Tcl'2010)

October 11 - 15, 2010
Hilton Suites/Conference Center

Chicago/Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois, USA

Important Dates:

Abstracts and proposals due   August   1, 2010
Notification to authors   August  15, 2010
WIP and BOF reservations open August   1, 2010
Author materials due  October  1, 2010
Tutorials Start   October 11, 2010
Conference starts October 13, 2010

Email Contact:tclconfere...@googlegroups.com

Submission of Summaries

Tcl/Tk 2010 will be held in Chicago/Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois USA
from October 11 - 15, 2010. The program committee is asking for papers
and presentation proposals from anyone using or developing with Tcl/Tk
(and extensions). Past conferences have seen submissions covering a
wide variety of topics including:

* Scientific and engineering applications
* Industrial controls
* Distributed applications and Network Managment
* Object oriented extensions to Tcl/Tk
* New widgets for Tk
* Simulation and application steering with Tcl/Tk
* Tcl/Tk-centric operating environments
* Tcl/Tk on small and embedded devices
* Medical applications and visualization
* Use of different programming paradigms in Tcl/Tk and proposals for new
* New areas of exploration for the Tcl/Tk language

This year is the third year that the Tcl community is participating in
the Google Summer of Code.  The conference program committee would
like to encourage submissions that report on the Tcl projects selected
for Google SoC 2010.

Submissions should consist of an abstract of about 100 words and a
summary of not more than two pages, and should be sent as plain text
to  no later than August 15,
2010. Authors of accepted abstracts will have until October 1, 2010 to
submit their final paper for the inclusion in the conference
proceedings. The proceedings will be made available on digital media,
so extra materials such as presentation slides, code examples, code
for extensions etc. are encouraged.

Printed proceedings will be produced as an on-demand book at lulu.com

The authors will have 25 minutes to present their paper at the

The program committee will review and evaluate papers according to the
following criteria:

* Quantity and quality of novel content
* Relevance and interest to the Tcl/Tk community
* Suitability of content for presentation at the conference

Proposals may report on commercial or non-commercial systems, but
those with only blatant marketing content will not be accepted.

Application and experience papers need to strike a balance between
background on the application domain and the relevance of Tcl/Tk to
the application. Application and experience papers should clearly
explain how the application or experience illustrates a novel use of
Tcl/Tk, and what lessons the Tcl/Tk community can derive from the
application or experience to apply to their own development efforts.

Papers accompanied by non-disclosure agreements will be returned to
the author(s) unread. All submissions are held in the highest
confidentiality prior to publication in the Proceedings, both as a
matter of policy and in accord with the U. S. Copyright Act of 1976.

The primary author for each accepted paper will receive registration
to the Technical Sessions portion of the conference at a reduced rate.

Other Forms of Participation

The program committee also welcomes proposals for panel discussions of
up to 90 minutes. Proposals should include a list of confirmed
panelists, a title and format, and a panel description with position
statements from each panelist. Panels should have no more than four
speakers, including the panel moderator, and should allow time for
substantial interaction with attendees. Panels are not presentations
of related research papers.

Slots for Works-in-Progress (WIP) presentations and Birds-of-a-Feather
sessions (BOFs) are available on a first-come, first-served basis
starting in August 1, 2010. Specific instructions for reserving WIP
and BOF time slots will be provided in the registration information
available in June 2010. Some WIP and BOF time slots will be held open
for on-site reservation. All attendees with an interesting work in
progress should consider reserving a WIP slot.

Registration Information

More information on the conference is available the conference Web
site (http://www.tcl.tk/community/tcl2010/) and will be published on
various Tcl/Tk-related information channels.

To keep in touch with news regarding the conference and Tcl events in
general, subscribe to the tcl-announce list. See:
http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Mail/ to subscribe to the
tcl-announce mailing list.

Conference Committee

Clif Flynt  Noumena CorpGeneral Chair, Website 
Andreas Kupries ActiveState Software Inc.   Program Chair
Cyndy Lilagan   Iomas Research, LLC Facilities Coordination