
I updated CE Align to fix a slight annoyance.  Before, I would translate both 
molecules to the center and align them.  Now, I just move one molecule on top 
of the other.  This allows one to do a poor-man's multiple alignment.  For 
  cealign 1A15, 1DON
  cealign 1A15, 1EOT
  cealign 1A15, 1ESR
  cealign 1A15, 1HA6
will align 1DON, 1EOT, 1ESR, and 1HA6 on top of 1A15, assuming of course 
you've already loaded all the proteins.  Note, that my syntax is:
  cealign MASTER, TARGET
where the MASTER protein never moves -- this is backwards from PyMOL's align 
command.  The new source code is on the wiki.

As for help, I think it would benefit the community if we could get someone to 
make a Windows package for us.  So, if you can make one, please grab the 
source code from the wiki and give it a shot!  

Also, a big thanks to Luca Jovine for the help with the Macs!  He reports that 
it does indeed work.  Details are also on the Wiki.


-- Jason


Jason Vertrees (
Doctoral Student
Biophysical, Structural & Computational Biology Program
University of Texas Medical Branch 
Galveston, Texas

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