
I've been unhappy with the way the user interface for selection works in
PyMOL and am planning a change.  Going forward:

1) There will the concept of an "active" selection.  

2) The enabled (visible) selection will be the active selection.

3) Only one selection can be enabled/active at a time (only one set of pink
dots at once).

4) Various actions will, by default, be applied to the active selection.

5) lb and rb will disappear from the user interface paradigm altogether.

Why change things?

1) It will now be possible to edit the active selection using the mouse, as
in other packages.

2) Changes in the sequence viewer (almost ready) will be directly reflected
in the active selection and vice versa.

3) This approach seems more powerful/intuitive than the existing one.

The good news is that the change can be made without breaking existing
scripts (I hope!).  Basically all of the "lb" mouse actions transferred onto
the "active selection".  If there isn't an active selection, PyMOL will
create one.  You can try out this new paradigm with the latest Win & Mac
beta release (96beta5):



Warren L. DeLano, Ph.D.
Principal Scientist
DeLano Scientific LLC
Voice (650)-346-1154 
Fax   (650)-593-4020

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